
russian armor

The spam, it's getting unbearable

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30 Nov 2014, 21:33 PM
avatar of Nathanm465

Posts: 204

Permanently Banned
I love it how people say i should move to the cut off with my engineers whilst I was harassing with my engineer squad, trying to capture that point. The problem is even If I went with my squads to another side of the map, he would have had those call in mgs within a minute or so. Would have resulted in a pinned down position since the German mgs can bunker down an entire section of a map xd.

Face it he spammed just like every other OKW player does. Saying that he blobs tactically is nonsense, pure and utter nonsense. OKW faction ruins the game right now, just like the ISU 152 once did in good hands and that was one unit, this is an entire faction that is rotten from within
30 Nov 2014, 21:44 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

So look, stay there with your certitude about that game, you wanted a shoulder to cry on and someone agreeing on your complaint, I'm sorry to not propose you mine.

30 Nov 2014, 22:03 PM
avatar of RMMLz

Posts: 1802 | Subs: 1

You forget I had to build t1, plus I had like 300 ish manpower when I attacked, but had to micro so couldn't build anything. But come on.. A lot of guys here trying to claim that blobbing is tactical or bla die bla, face the freaking fact that it is the only thing that faction is doing since it came on the field in western fronts expansion

No one is denying that, well at least I don't. Even many pro players blob. But the thing is we have to suggest some counters until the issue is fixed. What else can we do?
30 Nov 2014, 22:13 PM
avatar of Aerohank

Posts: 2693 | Subs: 1

Yes OKW can get quite a few units early on. Their early game is especially powerful when they get MG34s.
A truck-push + sturmpio early attack, followed with 3-4x Volks, med truck, and 2x MG34s is a nasty combo against Soviets. A reason for this is the very low teching cost for OKW compared to soviets, giving the OKW an advantage in squad numbers.

If you want to even the odds, you can use demo charges to wipe a few of his squads.
30 Nov 2014, 22:13 PM
avatar of Sierra

Posts: 432

face the freaking fact that it is the only thing that faction is doing since it came on the field in western fronts expansion

Word for word this could be applied directly to the American army as well.
30 Nov 2014, 22:46 PM
avatar of TNrg

Posts: 640

The problem stems from the fact that while you are building your T1 he will be building his volksgrenadiers. So you are always 1-2 units behind if you build a tier straight away - that's why I think it's not optimal.

You might wanna either build 1 cons + Tier 1 / T2 (should be able to afford tier structure + cons at the same time) and then get whatever tier units out that you want. But even then, you're still behind.

The best bet is to either get a sufficient amount of cons before the tier structure or get the tier structure first and then kind of holding back a little bit avoiding bad engagements until you have enough force to make a good flank. Hope it helps!
30 Nov 2014, 23:01 PM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

You forget I had to build t1, plus I had like 300 ish manpower when I attacked, but had to micro so couldn't build anything.

I did factor in T1.
30 Nov 2014, 23:38 PM
avatar of MetallicBlack

Posts: 25

Note; I have watched the replay.
I understand spam as bulding the same unit repeately like, 6 or more times. I wouldn't call 3 of the same units spam - you build 3 penals yorself so you, by your terms, are "spamming".
At 3:20 you collect your penals and move them in a large group, note that none of these squads are in cover while you move towards the volk squad. Please correct me if I am wrong, but moving units are more likely to miss shots than if they were stood still. So you would have done better to sit behind some cover or maybe in the house?.
When you lose your first squad they are still in a blob, this will make it more difficult for you to see which squad is at low health and harder to select that squad to retreat, therefore making it more likely to die on retreat.
At about 5:17 your retreating engis see at least 1 volk squad (possibly the MG as well) - since your penals were at your base not doing anything, you should have been able to spot this. Next when you drive the scout car around the back (I like the flanking move) you see anouther sqaud of volks behind the wall. This should warn you that there is enough small arms to damage the scout cars (with out the shrek). After doing some good damage to the MG, you should have backed the scout car out towards your other penals, where you know there is no other squad. This might not have killed the MG but he would have then retreated it, and the reatreat path would have been past your scout car/penal so allowing you to kill it then, possibly even cap the MG. Also note that you haven't seen any munitions spent from your oppenent, so should be expecting a shrek as a lot of OKW players upgrade them.

If you call spamming grouping units up, you again "spam" at 3:20. Yes your oppenent also has all his units in that area but they are spead out. I also think the oppenent focus fires the squad that was already at half Hp. To stop this consider keeping lower health squads further back behind other squads, this way if he wants to get at it the enemy will have to fight though the full HP squad.

Also if you encouter volk spam/blob again try throwing a satchel charge? (I know you probably didnt have enough muni), this will either force a retreat (giving you time to cap some of the map), make them move out of cover towards you - where sov units have better chances, move out of cover away from you stopping the engagement (as stated above this will mean they are less likely to hit while they move allowing, you to get a lot of damage to them) or hopefully BOOM! Blob gone :-)

Hope this help.
P.S sorry it is so long.
1 Dec 2014, 00:15 AM
avatar of Nathanm465

Posts: 204

Permanently Banned
Note; I have watched the replay.
I understand spam as bulding the same unit repeately like, 6 or more times. I wouldn't call 3 of the same units spam - you build 3 penals yorself so you, by your terms, are "spamming".
At 3:20 you collect your penals and move them in a large group, note that none of these squads are in cover while you move towards the volk squad. Please correct me if I am wrong, but moving units are more likely to miss shots than if they were stood still. So you would have done better to sit behind some cover or maybe in the house?.
When you lose your first squad they are still in a blob, this will make it more difficult for you to see which squad is at low health and harder to select that squad to retreat, therefore making it more likely to die on retreat.
At about 5:17 your retreating engis see at least 1 volk squad (possibly the MG as well) - since your penals were at your base not doing anything, you should have been able to spot this. Next when you drive the scout car around the back (I like the flanking move) you see anouther sqaud of volks behind the wall. This should warn you that there is enough small arms to damage the scout cars (with out the shrek). After doing some good damage to the MG, you should have backed the scout car out towards your other penals, where you know there is no other squad. This might not have killed the MG but he would have then retreated it, and the reatreat path would have been past your scout car/penal so allowing you to kill it then, possibly even cap the MG. Also note that you haven't seen any munitions spent from your oppenent, so should be expecting a shrek as a lot of OKW players upgrade them.

If you call spamming grouping units up, you again "spam" at 3:20. Yes your oppenent also has all his units in that area but they are spead out. I also think the oppenent focus fires the squad that was already at half Hp. To stop this consider keeping lower health squads further back behind other squads, this way if he wants to get at it the enemy will have to fight though the full HP squad.

Also if you encouter volk spam/blob again try throwing a satchel charge? (I know you probably didnt have enough muni), this will either force a retreat (giving you time to cap some of the map), make them move out of cover towards you - where sov units have better chances, move out of cover away from you stopping the engagement (as stated above this will mean they are less likely to hit while they move allowing, you to get a lot of damage to them) or hopefully BOOM! Blob gone :-)

Hope this help.
P.S sorry it is so long.

Thank you for your analysis and you are right my play was indeed not that solid and I could have made better tactical decisions. But the outcome would have been the same but lengthened with probably obers and a luchs and then a panther. Did not have enough muni for the satchel nope..

But the point I am making is that this faction, the OKW that is, is just pure and utter unbalanced garbage. Spamfest of unbalanced units that make spamming shrecks and other call in units just horrible.They can pump out units so fast it's just insane.

When facing the OKW, you can win, but only if the player makes some mistakes, otherwise it is just easymode gg for them
1 Dec 2014, 00:17 AM
avatar of Nathanm465

Posts: 204

Permanently Banned
jump backJump back to quoted post30 Nov 2014, 22:46 PMTNrg
The problem stems from the fact that while you are building your T1 he will be building his volksgrenadiers. So you are always 1-2 units behind if you build a tier straight away - that's why I think it's not optimal.

You might wanna either build 1 cons + Tier 1 / T2 (should be able to afford tier structure + cons at the same time) and then get whatever tier units out that you want. But even then, you're still behind.

The best bet is to either get a sufficient amount of cons before the tier structure or get the tier structure first and then kind of holding back a little bit avoiding bad engagements until you have enough force to make a good flank. Hope it helps!

Thankyou! But there again we come back to my point, why do we need to have just one or 2 strategies that work against an entire faction. Always playing cons vs OKW or maxim (which after the nerfs is just horrible against blobbing).
1 Dec 2014, 00:19 AM
avatar of Nathanm465

Posts: 204

Permanently Banned
jump backJump back to quoted post30 Nov 2014, 22:13 PMSierra

Word for word this could be applied directly to the American army as well.

Never played the Americans much, don't like that faction either. Can be good but most of the time they just make rifleman and wait for a jackson. But the American faction was build to counter the OKW, thus spamming is needed since the OKW does nothing else but exactly that.

The Soviets have but 2 viable options against the filth that is OKW. 1 conscript spamm with some snipers or maxim spamm with conscripts. That's it. The rest won't work if you are facing an OKW player with any kind of brain that functions properly
1 Dec 2014, 01:29 AM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

Conscript spam, sniper spam, M3 openings, maxim spam and up to some point combined arms.

If you go Penals, you better be Redwing. You lost from the get go by using them.
1 Dec 2014, 02:16 AM
avatar of Aladdin

Posts: 959

Again I met an OKW player in 1v1 and again he had some kind of spam. This time I started with t1 and getting 2 penal battalions next to my standard combat engineer squad. When I had my second squad up and on the field, he had one sturmpioneer squad and 2 volksgrenadier squads and we had some skirmishes.

Well I followed with another penal battalion squad and attacked and what do you know, one sturmpioneer squads and 3 volksgrenadiers squads. Got beaten back, and my combat engineers had captured 3/4 of the map at this stage. Got an halftrack and a flame penal squad. Drove back up whilst supporting my other penal squad and well.. 2 mgs, 4 volksgrenadier squads, an sturmpioneer squad and one of the volksgrenadiers had shrecks. Boom bye bye truck and gg.

This all happened before the 5 minute mark, like what the actual f*ck... How on earth is this faction even supposed to work in this game? It's just spam this and that and gg.. They can outspam you within the first 5 minutes without effort.. How is this supposed to be fun?

The reason I almost stopped playing 1vs1 as soviets is because of this nonsense. If you don't get spammed in the initial stages, beware the hordes of shreck blobs that come your way.

The only counter to this is an maxim spamm, but playing solely maxim spamm vs OKW is pretty boring and can have you fail as well, depending on the map you are playing

This faction needs some serious tweaks, it's absurd

Learn how to play! u seriously expected to take out his entire army with a scout car and flamethrower? and are wondering how he took out ur scout car with a shreck?!! he needed 90 munition to get that shreck and it takes a few mins to get that, but u were lucky, cause a better OKW play would possibly take out ur scout car earlier than that.
1 Dec 2014, 02:18 AM
avatar of Aladdin

Posts: 959

Thank you for your analysis and you are right my play was indeed not that solid and I could have made better tactical decisions. But the outcome would have been the same but lengthened with probably obers and a luchs and then a panther. Did not have enough muni for the satchel nope..

But the point I am making is that this faction, the OKW that is, is just pure and utter unbalanced garbage. Spamfest of unbalanced units that make spamming shrecks and other call in units just horrible.They can pump out units so fast it's just insane.

When facing the OKW, you can win, but only if the player makes some mistakes, otherwise it is just easymode gg for them

play some games with OKW if u think they can pump out units so fast!!!
1 Dec 2014, 03:10 AM
avatar of MarcoRossolini

Posts: 1042

I don't have a problem with spam.

But blobbing is the fungus that is ruining the game...
1 Dec 2014, 03:14 AM
avatar of Omega_Warrior

Posts: 2561

The problem isn't spamming or blobbing. It's the units being spammed or blobbed and their stats that make them so effective while doing so.
1 Dec 2014, 05:10 AM
avatar of MarcoRossolini

Posts: 1042

I wonder...

Should there be a global debuff that massively increases suppression received when infantry units are extremely close together? So that even infantry fire alone can suppress when the blob is large enough?
1 Dec 2014, 05:51 AM
avatar of WhySooSerious

Posts: 1248

I wish flanking was much more rewarding. Like if you shoot at a model's ass then it would do extra damage.
1 Dec 2014, 08:16 AM
avatar of Highfiveeeee

Posts: 1740

I wish flanking was much more rewarding. Like if you shoot at a model's ass then it would do extra damage.

"Rear armor hit"
1 Dec 2014, 09:26 AM
avatar of Rupert

Posts: 186

OKW needs 7 minutes to get out his first shrek in average.

I'm sorry to say but...terrible build and poor play.
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