Updates for June 13th, 2013
- 33% of the shell’s damage is applied on non-penetrating rounds against enemy armor.
- Added a 1 in 3 chance of crew shocked critical on deflections
- 25% of the shell’s damage is applied on non-penetrating rounds against enemy armor. (No longer applies)
- 1 in 6 chance of 5 second crew shocked critical on target deflections
- Added a 1 in 5 chance for a 5 second crew shocked critical on target deflections
- 50% of the shell’s damage is applied on non-penetrating rounds against enemy armor.
- Added a 1 in 3 chance of 5s crew shocked critical on target deflections
October 29th Update
Vehicle Stun Critical
Duration from 3 to 5 seconds; this affects a number of abilities which cause units to become stunned for a set period of times. The Stuart uses a separate critical for its stun and is not affected by this change.
Are your videos from the latest patch? Because in the first video they look like 3 seconds. And even if vehicles are stunned, the tank does not stop dead in its tracks - it decelerates, you know, basic physics.
Second, your panther video shows that the main gun firing right after it gets stunned, because I believe the fire order goes in before the stun happened. If you look at 1:23, as its stunned the MG stops firing right away. I believe the stun at the moment does not stop the tank as if it were a matrix-style timestop stun on a tank.