
russian armor

+1000club for Mg42/ Is it balanced?

Mg42 is....
Option Distribution Votes
Total votes: 83
11 Nov 2014, 21:59 PM
avatar of Unshavenbackman

Posts: 680

Most of us regularly get over 1000% effiency on units. I never got it on any Mg42.

Or in other words: shouldnt they be better? At the moment I rather have a squad thats killing than just stopping things - I rather go one more gren than a mg. Which is kind of booring as I would like to think that the Mg42 is wehrs best squad. It could be that its just my playstyle that doesnt fit the Mg42. So please post if you got it over 1000%.

Wehr is at the moment voted the weakest (or least strong) faction in 1v1. http://www.coh2.org/topic/26662/strongest-1v1-faction-this-patch-october-2014.

Ill add a question, let me know what you think.
11 Nov 2014, 22:11 PM
avatar of dasheepeh

Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1

"Didnt get 1000% efficiency, dont like the unit type, unit must be underpowered, relic pls fix."
11 Nov 2014, 22:22 PM
avatar of Hon3ynuts

Posts: 818

I think this is more related to the easily availible counters for mgs than their performance.

Both shock troops and Rifles have smoke/nades and Cons have orah and moltovs so their typical targets are more than prepared to deal with them.

Additionally Mgs are more area denial tools than anything since enemies can always just walk a different way, they take extra damage and they must always retreat earlier than other squads and get wiped more easily. These all reduce efficiency just because its an mg.

Edit: To actually comment on the unit, I think it is good to get later on in the game. I've found that against heavy shock and con armys getting 3 grens then 3 mg42s then light vehicles is the best way to fight shocks. You just need a bunch to make them truly effective, not 1 mg for 7 enemy squads but several so you can control a large area. Also Ap rounds are quite cheap and good. Balanced IMO
11 Nov 2014, 22:28 PM
avatar of Unshavenbackman

Posts: 680

"Didnt get 1000% efficiency, dont like the unit type, unit must be underpowered, relic pls fix."

"When playing Ostheer, it can be tricky in the early game"
11 Nov 2014, 22:32 PM
avatar of Hitman5

Posts: 467

Additionally Mgs are more area denial tools than anything since enemies can always just walk a different way, they take extra damage and they must always retreat earlier than other squads and get wiped more easily. These all reduce efficiency just because its an mg.

11 Nov 2014, 22:49 PM
avatar of sneakking

Posts: 655

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251 though.
11 Nov 2014, 23:12 PM
avatar of Retaliation
Donator 11

Posts: 97

The fancy "efficiency" percentages at the end of a match are awful ways of evaluating how effective a unit is. I mean I never get more than 10% efficiency with vehicle crews, ambulances, and medics so they must be awful right? I doubt it even takes into consideration how much suppression a unit has done (an MG's entire reason to exist).

That poll also tells us nothing about which faction is strongest.
11 Nov 2014, 23:15 PM
avatar of Sierra

Posts: 432

The fancy "efficiency" percentages at the end of a match are awful ways of evaluating how effective a unit is. I mean I never get more than 10% efficiency with vehicle crews, ambulances, and medics so they must be awful right? I doubt it even takes into consideration how much suppression a unit has done (an MG's entire reason to exist).

Actually that's just it, it seems efficiency is almost directly evaluated based on casualties and damage inflicted.
11 Nov 2014, 23:24 PM
avatar of Omega_Warrior

Posts: 2561

Long story short suppression isn't calculated in efficiency. Veterancy too for that matter, but the unit itself is fine.
11 Nov 2014, 23:24 PM
avatar of ATCF
Donator 33

Posts: 587

jump backJump back to quoted post11 Nov 2014, 23:15 PMSierra

Actually that's just it, it seems efficiency is almost directly evaluated based on casualties and damage inflicted.

Yeah, i dont think engineer repairing 200 tanks give any % to the efficiency of it :*(
11 Nov 2014, 23:28 PM
avatar of RunToTheSun

Posts: 158

I think mg42 sucks in the hands of ostheer.
Sooner or later it will be in soviet hands and then its fine
11 Nov 2014, 23:43 PM
avatar of Unshavenbackman

Posts: 680

I think mg42 sucks in the hands of ostheer.
Sooner or later it will be in soviet hands and then its fine

At last... someone with experience answers in this thread. ;)
11 Nov 2014, 23:52 PM
avatar of akula

Posts: 589

because mgs supress and pin, they don't kill as much as other units , therefore in-game efficiency stat is lower.
12 Nov 2014, 00:00 AM
avatar of Sedghammer

Posts: 179

MG teams should do more damage in general, but there needs to be a more efficient and cheap means of scouting early game for this to happen. There's a reason a lot of people find this game frustrating that come from other RTS's and wargames - battles continually feel too drawn out and scouting options are few. Sorry I may have been off topic, but those are my thoughts.
12 Nov 2014, 00:01 AM
avatar of LemonJuice

Posts: 1144 | Subs: 7

if u want 1000% efficiency use incind rounds on light vehicles to inflate it.
12 Nov 2014, 00:23 AM
avatar of Kitahara

Posts: 96

Only thing is that reposition time in buildings...
12 Nov 2014, 01:24 AM
avatar of Ace of Swords

Posts: 219

It wouldn't say neither that it's too strong nor too weak, but it isn't balanced either, the damage output, and suppression, considering the big ark of fire is fine, but it needs a very small increase in surviability, it really dies to everything.
12 Nov 2014, 06:55 AM
avatar of Highfiveeeee

Posts: 1740

IMO the MG42 is by far the most balanced heavy MG of the game.
Maxim is just too annoying and the US MG is a bit too weak.
MG34 is a bit too strong as far as I remember.
12 Nov 2014, 12:34 PM
avatar of dasheepeh

Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1

"When playing Ostheer, it can be tricky in the early game"

Exactly. Whats your point?
12 Nov 2014, 12:46 PM
avatar of Airborne

Posts: 281

Most of us regularly get over 1000% effiency on units. I never got it on any Mg42.

Or in other words: shouldnt they be better? At the moment I rather have a squad thats killing than just stopping things - I rather go one more gren than a mg. Which is kind of booring as I would like to think that the Mg42 is wehrs best squad. It could be that its just my playstyle that doesnt fit the Mg42. So please post if you got it over 1000%.

Wehr is at the moment voted the weakest (or least strong) faction in 1v1. http://www.coh2.org/topic/26662/strongest-1v1-faction-this-patch-october-2014.

Ill add a question, let me know what you think.

your proof that wher is the weakes faction makes no sence, the poll was the best not the worst. ButI according to stats they are one of the weakest.
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