
russian armor

Win-Lose-Ratio 29.9.-25.10.2014 (1v1 and 4v4)

29 Oct 2014, 14:54 PM
avatar of NinjaWJ

Posts: 2070


This is the work of brilliant companyofheroes.com forum member "Legends". He has made graphs of win/loss ratios since July. The rest of his magnificent work can be found on that website.

Notes: the Kubel buff reverts and OKW economy nerfs happened on 9-24-14, so these stats cover the period after those changes. Additionally, these stats cover the top 200 players of every faction. Arranged team information is not counted.


1. Soviets best faction in 1v1 (by a slim margin)
2. Ostheer worst faction in 1v1 (by a slim margin
3. Allies win ~55 percent in 4v4s
4. Axis win about ~88 percent in 4v4s

I will link everyone his previous stats (prior to the one posted above). The bottom link has a lot more information than the one above. They include things such as games played, games played as each faction, games played in each game mode. The most recent one was just a small update. I strongly encourage everyone to look at Legends' work!

29 Oct 2014, 15:00 PM
avatar of tuvok
Benefactor 115

Posts: 786

wonderful and mastodontic effort!
too bad it's completely useless cause the game is about to change completely in a few hours Kappa
29 Oct 2014, 15:04 PM
avatar of NinjaWJ

Posts: 2070

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Oct 2014, 15:00 PMtuvok
wonderful and mastodontic effort!
too bad it's completely useless cause the game is about to change completely in a few hours Kappa

Yes it might. This is not a really good day to post this :D. This is all for reference and informational purposes.
29 Oct 2014, 15:08 PM
avatar of broodwarjc

Posts: 824

Well 1v1 is looking fairly balanced although Soviets still are the best faction in that mode, but with new ISU mechanic in the upcoming patch....

The 4v4 ratio should change some too, I still expect Axis to be better in that mode, but with Jagdtiger change it should help Allies.
29 Oct 2014, 15:11 PM
avatar of Unshavenbackman

Posts: 680

Well 1v1 is looking fairly balanced although Soviets still are the best faction in that mode, but with new ISU mechanic in the upcoming patch....

...it will change dramatically. All for the good of the game.
29 Oct 2014, 15:44 PM
avatar of Airborne

Posts: 281

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Oct 2014, 14:54 PMNinjaWJ


1. Soviets best faction in 1v1 (by a slim margin)
2. Ostheer worst faction in 1v1 (by a slim margin
3. Allies win ~55 percent in 4v4s
4. Axis win about ~88 percent in 4v4s

Why are soviets the best acourding to this stats they have a lower win/play rathe than whermacht and OKW
And why are Otsheer the wortst but the have the second highest win/play rath?
29 Oct 2014, 15:49 PM
avatar of spam.r33k

Posts: 503

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Oct 2014, 14:54 PMNinjaWJ

This is the work of brilliant companyofheroes.com forum member "Legends". He has made graphs of win/loss ratios since July. The rest of his magnificent work can be found on that website.

Notes: the Kubel buff reverts and OKW economy nerfs happened on 9-24-14, so these stats cover the period after those changes. Additionally, these stats cover the top 200 players of every faction. Arranged team information is not counted.

i mentioned this before, but that basically means its random team games only... which undermines a lot of its ability to reflect the influence balance has on bigger team(!!!) games (even if one of the top 200 players did in fact play random 2v2,3v3,4v4 it doesnt necissarily mean that his opponents were a randomly assembled too. could have been a stacked team) you often see streamers play wth stacked teams against randomly assembled teams and stomp them hard... none of these games influence the stats at all :O but yeah look at those graphs and pretend to have found the holy grail
29 Oct 2014, 15:50 PM
avatar of broodwarjc

Posts: 824

Why are soviets the best acourding to this stats they have a lower win/play rathe than whermacht and OKW
And why are Otsheer the wortst but the have the second highest win/play rath?

What are you looking at? o_O
29 Oct 2014, 15:54 PM
avatar of ludd3emm

Posts: 292

I must say NinjaWJ that you are incredibly lazy not to upload the pictures here and not even giving us the link to the original thread on the official forum.

This is what it should look like: http://www.coh2.org/topic/24745/win-lose-ratio-from-15.9.--25.9.2014-much-more/

Other than that, this shows us yet again how ridiculous OKW is in team games and Ostheers numbers are probably improved by having OKW team mates.
29 Oct 2014, 16:20 PM
avatar of Casparitus

Posts: 154 | Subs: 2

Yeah with all the buffs for Ostheer it'll be a completely new game in 1v1.
29 Oct 2014, 16:45 PM
avatar of AchtAchter

Posts: 1604 | Subs: 3

I say it again. Allies suffer under the low player population. That's main reason for the loss/win rates.
When I play higher team games, the axis ranks are homogeneous while the allies have ranks that are highly mixed.
Of course you roflstomp teams that consists mainly of players that are x000 ranks lower than you. While you and your team mates have a similiar rank.

If however you face fixed allies teams, things become different and balanced.
29 Oct 2014, 16:46 PM
avatar of Omega_Warrior

Posts: 2561

I'm guessing the reason wehr isn't so good in 1v1 is because it is hard to make good use of T4 in that game mode.
29 Oct 2014, 17:08 PM
avatar of QueenRatchet123

Posts: 2280 | Subs: 2

Permanently Banned
OKW and Wher wrecking all in team games?

no surprise, tell me something i didnt know
29 Oct 2014, 17:42 PM
avatar of ludd3emm

Posts: 292

I say it again. Allies suffer under the low player population. That's main reason for the loss/win rates.
When I play higher team games, the axis ranks are homogeneous while the allies have ranks that are highly mixed.
Of course you roflstomp teams that consists mainly of players that are x000 ranks lower than you. While you and your team mates have a similiar rank.

If however you face fixed allies teams, things become different and balanced.

Says the guy who is rank 12 with OKW in 3v3 random and mostly play as Axis. :foreveralone:

It would be interesting to know the numbers for the top 200 AT but this is what I managed to get from the top 25 teams.

Top 25 Axis 4v4 AT: http://www.coh2.org/ladders/index/0/7/0

Average win ratio: .963

Average games played: 41.12

Top 25 Allies 4v4 AT: http://www.coh2.org/ladders/index/1/7/0

Average win ratio: .892

Average games played: 48.12

What this basically suggests is that Allies are much more difficult to play than Axis, especially if you are in a random team. Relic admitted that in their patch notes and it all comes down to that Axis have less amount but more powerful units while the Allies are supposed to have more units overall. Of course it is easier to control a few but powerful units rather than microing more but less powerful units.
29 Oct 2014, 18:00 PM
avatar of QueenRatchet123

Posts: 2280 | Subs: 2

Permanently Banned
axis fanboys steer away from this thread..

although, ive been falling in love with wehr lately
29 Oct 2014, 18:06 PM
avatar of NinjaWJ

Posts: 2070

I must say NinjaWJ that you are incredibly lazy not to upload the pictures here and not even giving us the link to the original thread on the official forum.

This is what it should look like: http://www.coh2.org/topic/24745/win-lose-ratio-from-15.9.--25.9.2014-much-more/

Other than that, this shows us yet again how ridiculous OKW is in team games and Ostheers numbers are probably improved by having OKW team mates.

I don't know how to put images on the website sorry. I only put the charts here because I thought that was the bread and butter of the post. my bad
29 Oct 2014, 18:09 PM
avatar of AchtAchter

Posts: 1604 | Subs: 3

Says the guy who is rank 12 with OKW in 3v3 random and mostly play as Axis. :foreveralone:

When I started playing coh2 I played first ostheer, then switched to soviets, in the alpha i mostly played us forces and now I play okw, it's the most fun faction for me and since I cant play that often I don't really care for having a "balanced playercard".

What annoys me, when I go 3vs3, 4vs4 you get 4-6 matches in a row where you do nothing but stomp new players which have ranks with 4 digits or are even unranked, while me and my random mates mostly being top 200 players. Thus I blame the matchmaking.

Top 25 Axis 4v4 AT: http://www.coh2.org/ladders/index/0/7/0

Average win ratio: .963

Average games played: 41.12

Top 25 Allies 4v4 AT: http://www.coh2.org/ladders/index/1/7/0

Average win ratio: .892

Average games played: 48.12

Just proves my assumption. If you have a balanced allied team you kick ass just like you do with axis, since 0.7 are negligible. It's the same margin soviets have in 1on1, which I consider to be balanced.
29 Oct 2014, 18:44 PM
avatar of NinjaWJ

Posts: 2070

i mentioned this before, but that basically means its random team games only... which undermines a lot of its ability to reflect the influence balance has on bigger team(!!!) games (even if one of the top 200 players did in fact play random 2v2,3v3,4v4 it doesnt necissarily mean that his opponents were a randomly assembled too. could have been a stacked team) you often see streamers play wth stacked teams against randomly assembled teams and stomp them hard... none of these games influence the stats at all :O but yeah look at those graphs and pretend to have found the holy grail

I think random is a lot better data than AT. There are a lot more variables when AT are involved such as communication, player skill, trust, etc. When it is only random players, only player skill is important and the faction
29 Oct 2014, 18:46 PM
avatar of NinjaWJ

Posts: 2070

What annoys me, when I go 3vs3, 4vs4 you get 4-6 matches in a row where you do nothing but stomp new players which have ranks with 4 digits or are even unranked, while me and my random mates mostly being top 200 players. Thus I blame the matchmaking.


Probably because everyone stopped playing 4v4 or switched to Axis and all you got are the newbies
29 Oct 2014, 19:11 PM
avatar of Steiner500

Posts: 183

When I started playing coh2 I played first ostheer, then switched to soviets, in the alpha i mostly played us forces and now I play okw, it's the most fun faction for me and since I cant play that often I don't really care for having a "balanced playercard".

What annoys me, when I go 3vs3, 4vs4 you get 4-6 matches in a row where you do nothing but stomp new players which have ranks with 4 digits or are even unranked, while me and my random mates mostly being top 200 players. Thus I blame the matchmaking.

Just proves my assumption. If you have a balanced allied team you kick ass just like you do with axis, since 0.7 are negligible. It's the same margin soviets have in 1on1, which I consider to be balanced.

Easy things are always funny.
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