From all the screenshots, didnt spot a single new unit, new vehicle, except the new campaign mode, looks like you can play the battle in a more 'Iron-cross' style, i like this idea to be implemented in a multi-player.
Why not create a clan like WOT does? for instance, the clan can only be created when there are at least 4 players join in and each player can join in one clan.
Now, two clan or even more can play historical battle to simulate the history but actually interact with it.let's say battle of bulge, one US clan vs one German clan, one side will lose if they lose all of their men or HQ is occupied.the map will change accordingly depends on the territory.
Just like above pictures indicates,each player will have three companies to command,same as your opponent, different company can move to different territory at different speed, take US for instance, Armor company is less mobile, Rifle company is much mobile, Airbone company can drop at certain territory. if you waste you man quite easily, you have cost resource point, however, the resource point depends on how many territories you owned.
so, 6 players will interact on the map, but the battle, could be
1 VS 1, 1 VS 2, 1 VS 3. 2 VS 2, 2 VS 3, 3 VS 3, depends on the movement of your companies, remember, if you friend are in engagement alone, you can still reinforce it,
lets just say 10 mins during battle equals one company on the map move to another territory, so if you friendly troop might be outnumbered by enemy, if he can still hold the line for a certain amount of time and wait for the reinforcement, there might still a chance to win the battle.
but of course, if clan feels tired, it can call off the historical battle and maybe reschedule with your opponent clan to resume it another day, yes, the game can save current progress and resume playing it until one side win.