be sure to stop your PC from going into SLEEP MODE or your DISPLAY turning off or the loop will be interrupted from my experience.(You can turn off the Monitor from the power button. Just not as a Power saving option) Correct this if I'm wrong.
Now all I have to do is pray to RNGesus . Farmed for 2 nights so far. 2 USF commanders (mech and the 1 with the m8 greyhound) Itsa nice!!
yes, sleep mode stops the script, but i dont know wether display off is a problem.
and nice drops so for, good result for two nights!
So after trying to get drops the normal way and giving up I'm going to try Pepperidge farms. The only problem is that the victory condition, I couldn't find the /gamemode folder (only thing under mods was /tuning/ardenessassault.sga) so I made it but the game won't recognize it. All my workshop gamemodes work but I have no idea where it saves them.
Also hey first post.
hmmm, weird. are you 100% sure it is the correct folder? you could try and download a gamemode from steam, for example the age of heroes mod by janne252. then you can see, where this mod creates a folder!
oh and welcome to and congrats on your first post ^^