Peter von Bradenbad jumped the Rhine in mein Kübelwagen and now mein balance is all off! Mein schwerer Wehrmacht-Schlepper pushed the Allies into the road and we lost control!
Mein Balance Proposal
The Kübelwagen is over performing at cost, and also has an identity issue. These changes should reinforce the Kübelwagens roll as a mobile suppression platform, without being the Konigs Kübelwagen Self-Defense Robot (Special Edition). It should feel more like a traditional machine gun, while still having better mobility and the ability to soft retreat if a player is being attentive.1. A small reduction in rotation speed
Will require players to be more mindful or where it is placed. It will also allow for more nuanced gameplay to distinguish between a well micro'd Kübelwagen, and a poorly micro'd Kübelwagen(Example: Players must react faster when responding to threats or risk being flanked).
2. Add a tear down time
It should be short, but there must be a tear down time in order to provide options on how to take this thing down. It is very difficult to kill a well micro'd Kübelwagen because of its ability to reverse away from flanking squads. A perfectly executed three direction flank on a Kübelwagen can be shut down because its rear armor is easy to protect, and the RNG roll on the front armor is too large of a cushion.2A. Alternative: Add a toggle for suppression mode
Allow Kübelwagen to toggle into suppression mode in a setup position. This provides similar functionality as the tear down penalty, and allows squads to threaten a kubel when flanking.3. Add a frontal armor buff when setup
The goal is to make the Kübelwagen stronger when stationary to compensate for reduced mobility and turn radius. Currently the Kübelwagen can take a lot of frontal damage from other MGs and suppressed blobs. More should be done to discourage blobbing, and encourage flanking. Adding a slight buff to the frontal armor of a Kübelwagen when setup will help discourage frontal assaults, like an MG is supposed to. It will also encourage flanking, as the reduced turn speed and tear down time allow flanking squads a solid opportunity to threaten the Kübelwagen.Mein Balance Cat Is Patient!