
russian armor

Is OKW the strongest faction currently?

22 Sep 2014, 04:15 AM
avatar of NinjaWJ

Posts: 2070

What do you guys think? Are the OKW the best all-around faction at the moment?

They have a great late game presence with KT and Jagdtiger, plus Obersoldaten. I think they had a weak early game a couple patches ago, but the recent patches changed that. With the Kubel buffs and Volks buffs, OKW seem to be a great faction from early to the late game.
22 Sep 2014, 04:28 AM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

I don't know in 1vs1, but I'd say is the best faction for teamgames.
They are from average to good in all stages of the game, and their tech structure has good units in all tiers, so even choosing the less fitting tier to fight their enemies a OKW players still can hold their ground.

In my opinion, Kubel and Jadgtiger (as all superheavy tanks) should be nerfed, as they give a huge advantatge in the early and late game.
22 Sep 2014, 04:37 AM
avatar of DerBaer

Posts: 219

I actually think the KT is fine. It's a big investment, unlike the other super heavies, and it has to get up close. When focussed, it goes down very fast.

Surely, any OKW player has the possibilty to get one, but that means teching up all three tiers and spending his fuel wisely, meaning he will have to stall as much as possible, which is quite the risk!
22 Sep 2014, 04:47 AM
avatar of QueenRatchet123

Posts: 2280 | Subs: 2

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Yes best faction,. even in 1v1's Kubel gives them strong early game, elite troops and heavies give them good late game
22 Sep 2014, 05:46 AM
avatar of Leepriest

Posts: 179

The Kubel needs a nerf. That shall put OKW where it needs to be in 1vs1, 2vs2.
22 Sep 2014, 05:50 AM
avatar of Sarantini
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I always seem to float a lot of manpower in the early-midgame, even after getting an ISG. Should I just keep accumulating it until I can pump out 2 obers?
It is probably the strongest faction yeah but I really miss a medium tank than can kill infantry as OKW in my play.
22 Sep 2014, 06:05 AM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Sep 2014, 04:37 AMDerBaer
I actually think the KT is fine. It's a big investment, unlike the other super heavies, and it has to get up close. When focussed, it goes down very fast.

Surely, any OKW player has the possibilty to get one, but that means teching up all three tiers and spending his fuel wisely, meaning he will have to stall as much as possible, which is quite the risk!

Eh, the KT's rear armour is way too much. It's a rolling tombstone if you're a Soviet Player who didn't go for M4C or T-34/85 spam. Even if you get a T-34/76 behind it at point blank, it has a 50% chance to deflect.

And with Flak Trucks, Volksgrenadier Vet / Schreck, and Obersoldaten, OKW are the undefeated experts at stalling for time.
22 Sep 2014, 06:24 AM
avatar of DerBaer

Posts: 219

Eh, the KT's rear armour is way too much. It's a rolling tombstone if you're a Soviet Player who didn't go for M4C or T-34/85 spam. Even if you get a T-34/76 behind it at point blank, it has a 50% chance to deflect.

And with Flak Trucks, Volksgrenadier Vet / Schreck, and Obersoldaten, OKW are the undefeated experts at stalling for time.

Think about it's price and conditions to get it out, though...
22 Sep 2014, 06:28 AM
avatar of Midconflict

Posts: 204

The OKW have the best INF and Tanks in the game hands down. There Inf will win the war on their own. All and okw need is time, there manpower when used right is all you need till the heavys hit the field then GG.
22 Sep 2014, 06:36 AM
avatar of Jinseual

Posts: 598

OKW is probably the strongest due to having very high dps infantry and powerful tanks, but the OKW does have it's weaknesses. OKW is currently strong in early game but that may not last long since kubel is probably getting nerfed.

The OKW is vulnerable to artillery. Unlike the Ostheer that has abilities like Stuka and railway artillery the OKW does not have any precise off map abilities that can destroy targets behind enemy lines. This means the OKW trucks can be repeatedly pounded by the allies, forcing the OKW player to break through heavy enemy defences to get their artillery.

The OKW heavy tanks are really expensive so if the OKW player wants to skip all the way to heavy tanks he would be risking himself to allied medium tank spam.
22 Sep 2014, 07:11 AM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

OKW has the best infantry and tanks throughout the game. But if you think this is an advanage, think again.
Start game it's the only point where OKW is advantaged, because of kubel.
From Middle game the fuel problem begins to be serious untill late-game and end-gam.
Virtualy, in early game you don't need vehicles, you're doing fine with good infantry and kubel.
In middle game you will begin to lose the race related to tank building and you will have to compensate with infantry and team weapons as raketen. Now those from you who played vCOH know that infantry in COH2 it's not vCOH infantry, no matter the faction. When the map begins to be filled with tanks, infantry will be torn to pieces. Volksgenadiersw with a single schreck plus raketen cannot compensate enough the lack of AT as pzgrens and PAK 40 can compensate for Ostheer. A Puma must be added. But with every vehicle you build, you delay your teching and building of others (more powerfull) vehicles. Puma it's ok, but it's not for late game. Cannot realy fight with IS2, SU-85, T34/85 and so on. So you struggle untill late game to build one or two vehicles and (remember!!) keep them alive! I can lose a T34, I will build other in 2 minutes. I lose a Puma I will build other in 5 maybe 10 minutes.
More than this choises you make are particulary more important for THIS faction because flexibility it's not its strongpoint! Which makes it quite predictable on the battlefield.
Since beginning I have to make a choice: build T2 or T3? What should I do? If you make the rong choice that will cost you dearly. No T2 start (by T2 we understand the leigh + searchlight + jgdpanzer building) will keep you safe from a tank storm. On the other hand, if you chose T3, you will have some great options good for all but your infantry will suffer because you cannot heal it. T4 it,s usefull no doubt, but you have to put it somewhat in an advanced position (this is its purpose) and therefore exposed to all kind of artillery weapons and AT weapons. I don't want to mention here how efficient is soviet howitzer or katiusha against any OKW build. Or how B4 can kill your havies or buidings from such a safe distance whithout the possibility to retaliate.

Your heavies will be expensive, verry expensive. Panther is still possible but if you manage too build 2 you are a champion. However, by the time you do that, your opponent will most probably have 4 T34/76 plus one IS2 or plus 2 T34/85.

If you want to build a KT you will wait forever while not building vehicles at all or building just one which is VERRY RISKY from reasons stated above.

So yes, OKW it's a verry nice faction to play and it's quite hard not to like it due to it's elite units, but make no mistake related to difficulty. If you are a soviet or american only player and didn't try OKW yet, you will have a shock when you will try it for the first time. I remember what a (soviet only) guy said on this forum not verry long ago. Something like: OMG begun to play today with OKW and I found myself in middle game with to few infantry and with almost no vehicles, wtf?!

As a conclusion, the specific of this faction it's "high reward - high risk" and it was like this from the beginning. That is why it's so addictive and special, and not because it's "easy to play" as some people said here. Au contraire, I realy think that only truly skilfull players can be good with this faction. The rest of players if you want to reach the top, play soviets :P :P.

On a more serious note, a faction comparable to OKW as difficulty (though totally different) it's currently USF, but it wasn't allways like that.
22 Sep 2014, 07:14 AM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Sep 2014, 06:24 AMDerBaer
Think about it's price and conditions to get it out, though...

That's true, but on the other hand I don't think it's fair that the game may become nigh-unwindable for one player just because the other player was able to camp out on 1/3 of the map until he got a super-unit that was nearly invulnerable to everything in that player's arsenal. USF may have Jacksons and 57's, but Soviet does not, if a Soviet player doesn't go for doctrine tanks, he ends up with SU-85's or T-34/76's against a vehicle that can very easily shrug off hits from both. That's not taking into account the fact that the Volksblob and Obersoldaten will be moving in with the rolling fortress.
22 Sep 2014, 07:41 AM
avatar of Midconflict

Posts: 204

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Sep 2014, 07:11 AMJohnnyB
OKW has the best infantry and tanks throughout the game. But if you think this is an advanage, think again.
Start game it's the only point where OKW is advantaged, because of kubel.
From Middle game the fuel problem begins to be serious untill late-game and end-gam.
Virtualy, in early game you don't need vehicles, you're doing fine with good infantry and kubel.
In middle game you will begin to lose the race related to tank building and you will have to compensate with infantry and team weapons as raketen. Now those from you who played vCOH know that infantry in COH2 it's not vCOH infantry, no matter the faction. When the map begins to be filled with tanks, infantry will be torn to pieces. Volksgenadiersw with a single schreck plus raketen cannot compensate enough the lack of AT as pzgrens and PAK 40 can compensate for Ostheer. A Puma must be added. But with every vehicle you build, you delay your teching and building of others (more powerfull) vehicles. Puma it's ok, but it's not for late game. Cannot realy fight with IS2, SU-85, T34/85 and so on. So you struggle untill late game to build one or two vehicles and (remember!!) keep them alive! I can lose a T34, I will build other in 2 minutes. I lose a Puma I will build other in 5 maybe 10 minutes.
More than this choises you make are particulary more important for THIS faction because flexibility it's not its strongpoint! Which makes it quite predictable on the battlefield.
Since beginning I have to make a choice: build T2 or T3? What should I do? If you make the rong choice that will cost you dearly. No T2 start (by T2 we understand the leigh + searchlight + jgdpanzer building) will keep you safe from a tank storm. On the other hand, if you chose T3, you will have some great options good for all but your infantry will suffer because you cannot heal it. T4 it,s usefull no doubt, but you have to put it somewhat in an advanced position (this is its purpose) and therefore exposed to all kind of artillery weapons and AT weapons. I don't want to mention here how efficient is soviet howitzer or katiusha against any OKW build. Or how B4 can kill your havies or buidings from such a safe distance whithout the possibility to retaliate.

Your heavies will be expensive, verry expensive. Panther is still possible but if you manage too build 2 you are a champion. However, by the time you do that, your opponent will most probably have 4 T34/76 plus one IS2 or plus 2 T34/85.

If you want to build a KT you will wait forever while not building vehicles at all or building just one which is VERRY RISKY from reasons stated above.

So yes, OKW it's a verry nice faction to play and it's quite hard not to like it due to it's elite units, but make no mistake related to difficulty. If you are a soviet or american only player and didn't try OKW yet, you will have a shock when you will try it for the first time. I remember what a (soviet only) guy said on this forum not verry long ago. Something like: OMG begun to play today with OKW and I found myself in middle game with to few infantry and with almost no vehicles, wtf?!

As a conclusion, the specific of this faction it's "high reward - high risk" and it was like this from the beginning. That is why it's so addictive and special, and not because it's "easy to play" as some people said here. Au contraire, I realy think that only truly skilfull players can be good with this faction. The rest of players if you want to reach the top, play soviets :P :P.

On a more serious note, a faction comparable to OKW as difficulty (though totally different) it's currently USF, but it wasn't allways like that.

Will all this may be true that if you loses your units you will fail as OKW the problem still stand that if you have two high lvl players of equal lvl the one who played with the better units will win hands down. This is the problem the risk factor has been lower to the point that the OKW can steam role at every stage of the game. This means the OKW player has to mess up, in order for the allies to win. I mean when I look at the balance i don't see any hard counters that the allies can use against OKW. Made you can tell me, and just to be clear not trying to be an ass here. I mean the allied inf can only really deal cost effectively with Volk, and only so long as they aren't vet 5. Which most of the time are changed out with elite inf by the 8 minute mark. The isu is not a real counter either because A. you need to hold enough fuel to get it (hard to do), and B. by this time you could be fighting KT and JTigers. In the end I think that the High reward- high risk has changed to Just high reward granted after a learning curve has set in.
22 Sep 2014, 08:00 AM
avatar of Crysack

Posts: 70

Is the fuel differential between the USF and the OKW really that significant during the mid-game? I mean, sure, the OKW has the reduced income, but the USF's fuel overheads for tech are kind of absurd - especially given the fact that they start with 15 fuel compared to the OKW's 40. I mean, in a regular match (skipping the captain), the USF will spend in excess of 250 fuel before they even get their first tank.
22 Sep 2014, 08:10 AM
avatar of ElSlayer

Posts: 1605 | Subs: 1

What game mode are we talking about? 1v1?
22 Sep 2014, 08:15 AM
avatar of Gluhoman

Posts: 380

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Sep 2014, 07:11 AMJohnnyB
OKW has the best infantry and tanks throughout the game. But if you think this is an advanage, think again.
Start game it's the only point where OKW is advantaged, because of kubel.
From Middle game the fuel problem begins to be serious untill late-game and end-gam.
Virtualy, in early game you don't need vehicles, you're doing fine with good infantry and kubel.
In middle game you will begin to lose the race related to tank building and you will have to compensate with infantry and team weapons as raketen. Now those from you who played vCOH know that infantry in COH2 it's not vCOH infantry, no matter the faction. When the map begins to be filled with tanks, infantry will be torn to pieces. Volksgenadiersw with a single schreck plus raketen cannot compensate enough the lack of AT as pzgrens and PAK 40 can compensate for Ostheer. A Puma must be added. But with every vehicle you build, you delay your teching and building of others (more powerfull) vehicles. Puma it's ok, but it's not for late game. Cannot realy fight with IS2, SU-85, T34/85 and so on. So you struggle untill late game to build one or two vehicles and (remember!!) keep them alive! I can lose a T34, I will build other in 2 minutes. I lose a Puma I will build other in 5 maybe 10 minutes.
More than this choises you make are particulary more important for THIS faction because flexibility it's not its strongpoint! Which makes it quite predictable on the battlefield.
Since beginning I have to make a choice: build T2 or T3? What should I do? If you make the rong choice that will cost you dearly. No T2 start (by T2 we understand the leigh + searchlight + jgdpanzer building) will keep you safe from a tank storm. On the other hand, if you chose T3, you will have some great options good for all but your infantry will suffer because you cannot heal it. T4 it,s usefull no doubt, but you have to put it somewhat in an advanced position (this is its purpose) and therefore exposed to all kind of artillery weapons and AT weapons. I don't want to mention here how efficient is soviet howitzer or katiusha against any OKW build. Or how B4 can kill your havies or buidings from such a safe distance whithout the possibility to retaliate.

Your heavies will be expensive, verry expensive. Panther is still possible but if you manage too build 2 you are a champion. However, by the time you do that, your opponent will most probably have 4 T34/76 plus one IS2 or plus 2 T34/85.

If you want to build a KT you will wait forever while not building vehicles at all or building just one which is VERRY RISKY from reasons stated above.

So yes, OKW it's a verry nice faction to play and it's quite hard not to like it due to it's elite units, but make no mistake related to difficulty. If you are a soviet or american only player and didn't try OKW yet, you will have a shock when you will try it for the first time. I remember what a (soviet only) guy said on this forum not verry long ago. Something like: OMG begun to play today with OKW and I found myself in middle game with to few infantry and with almost no vehicles, wtf?!

As a conclusion, the specific of this faction it's "high reward - high risk" and it was like this from the beginning. That is why it's so addictive and special, and not because it's "easy to play" as some people said here. Au contraire, I realy think that only truly skilfull players can be good with this faction. The rest of players if you want to reach the top, play soviets :P :P.

On a more serious note, a faction comparable to OKW as difficulty (though totally different) it's currently USF, but it wasn't allways like that.
So u think soviets for noobs, huh?
22 Sep 2014, 08:43 AM
avatar of sabra

Posts: 35

i wouldnt say OKW is strongest faction. Especially not in 1v1 they are not.
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