IMO maxims are even easier to deal with this patch because the kubel can actually do some work against them with longer range and higher DPS and pzgrens actually have a place in the meta now and can reliably wipe them if flanked.
I don't have okw, so i can't comment about kubel..
I agree about pzgrens, but they come too late to combat multiple maxims and if your unlucky enough to get pinned the first couple of times then your window of opportunity is gone.
Maps like Semosky / Kholodny are worse than others because of the houses, choke points and cut off positions.
Anyway thought i would give it another go today. First game, Semosky, opponent makes, 1 con, five maxims, 120 morter. I killed 2 of the maxims, but like every F*****g game on this map, you loose too much map and spend too much mp trying to kill the maxims and as such cannot come back....
My opponent was not particuly good, you don't need to be with maxims. Most times i can never kill the maxim crew because they pack up quickly and retreat. If the sov player elects to go Shocks as well then, your more or less screwed. You will only win if you dig in and your opponent overextends..
Problem is, aside from being lame and frustrating to play against, Ost has to spend far more resources than sov to get back into the game. Munitions tend to be more of a issue than fuel because not only have you lost most of the map but most sovs will also spam mines and demo which just rubs salt into the wound....
Like i said earlier, this patch has done nothing to try and correct this issue..
But if i am wrong, advice would be appreciated.