I am Chris and some of you might know me by my screen name Stahlhagel or even better, some might know my maps like Angermuende, Löwenberger Land and Eberswalde. I am a passionated mapper and COH player. I really love and enjoy COH and hope that my involvement in the COH community will help spread the love for this game.
Over the last months I have been playing with lots of experienced players and we have compliled a list of bugs/issues we think need to be addressed by Relic. I am hoping for a constructive discussion here on COH2.ORG and am looking forward hearing your thoughts about the list. For those of you who have a more direct line of communication to Relic, please make them aware of this topic. Otherwise I hope Noun is roaming this forum and reads this post.

1. Retreat:
Units stop retreating, standing idle or move only slowly during retreat.
Initiating the retreat is lagging. There is a delay between pressing the retreat button and the units executing it.
Please, adjust so units retreat as soon as retreat is initiated. Units should not stop, walk slowly during retreat.

2. Cover System:
Units in cover are indicated GREEN. But the actual unit location and the green indicators do not match. Units seem to randomly allign in cover.
Units should allign with the green indicators. Units should not move during a fire fight and stay put.

3. Abilities:
Some abilities e.g. Target Weakpoint or Granates use the required resources (e.g. Ammunition), but the units never execute the "purchased" ability.
Change game mechanism so that resources are just only spent, when ability was executed.
4. Granates:
In some instances the units take ages to executed the "Granate throwing animation/rifle granate shooting".
Units should execute instantly or with minimal delay.
5. Units in non playable area:
Units arriving to the battlefield get stuck in the non playable area of the map and never arrive on the field.
Adjust so units do not get stuck.
6. Lobby/Load-Out:
If you are configurating/adjusting your load-out just before a game starts, Commander/Fraction setup is messed up. In some instances your Commanders are not matching your fraction or no Commanders are available during the game.
Please, adjust so that the last changes made before a game starts are recognized/saved.

7. Graphical Glitches:
Some tanks and Infantry units seem to merge when the cross paths. There is seems to be no limit on how close units can be to each other. Units that are clustered/merged this close together can be easier killed.
We would like to see a required minimal distance each unit needs to keep from another unit, so it can not merge/disappear. Once units have reached this required minimal distance, they would "bounce" each other off.
8. Building (with units inside) Bug:
If a member of a SELECTED unit in a building dies, one has to re-select (click it).
It should work so that a selected unit stays selected, regardless of a decreasing unit size.
9. State of Pathfinding:
Please, re-visit or further optimize the pathfinding of the unites. There still many situations where units get stuck or crash into each other.
Units should recognize possible obstructions early on and adjust the path accordingly. They should not first run into an obstruction and then figure out a path out of the mess. As the computer can see all paths/obstructions it should figure those into the path calculation before it hits an obstruction.
We also think that units should auto-vault accross fences and walls if they are on their path.
10. Soviet Pak Camouflage:
Once the pak is in camo, gun crews are moving in slow motion.
This should change.
11. Aiming:
In situations where targeted units disappear in the fog of war or inside of a smoke cloud, the attacking unit e.g. Puma rotates the gun/barrel back to the default position, instead of just aming into the last direction (and not shooting).
We think that the attacking unit should still aim towards the last position of the attacked enemy unit and NOT randomly pick another target. This will add to the tactical feel of the game and gives the player a better control of their units.

12. Bunker Bug:
While WM Bunker is being constructed/finished you can re-enforce your units.
This should not be possible.
13. Soviet Unit Merge:
After you merged a MG with Recruits, both merging units are selected/activated.
This should be changed so that only one unit is selected
14. Selection button for Groups:
COH1 offered a button that allowed multiple selected units to be selectes as a group again.
Please, re-introduce the button to COH2.

15. General Call-in Implementation:
Call-ins should be be linked to a Tech Level. E.g. you should only be able to call in Tiger or a pair of T34/85s if you have build the corresponding Tech Building. Also, call-ins should not be instant, but rather be buildable in the corresponding Tech Building. Since they are build, the cool down time for call-ins can be eliminated.
This change would make the game more tactical and "teching up" will make more sense than it is currently the case.
16. MG Bug:
The MG does not aim in the direction it was ordered to aim.
Please, fix.

17. Fog of War:
Even with FoW you can determine which buildings your enemy is building based on the shapes and shilouettes that are visible.
Please, adjust so this is not possible.
18. Mines:
In general we feel mines are too expensive and their cost/benefit ratio is not optimized for the WM player. We asked to review mines accross all fractions and adjust prices to 30 ammunition. Alternatively, you could adjust the prices of mines for the soviet fraction to 60 ammunition. The WM/OKW player has a much higher ammunition costs of the course of the game. This would arm the WM player to fight off early light tanks.
Also, please remove the warning signs for the German S-Minen fields.
19. MG Behavior:
MGs should instantly pin several units simulanteously in ist firing arch. The purpose of a MG is to lock down the flanks or small areas. In too many cases, the MG can not pin down the attacking units in time. This allows the attacking units to get into throwing distance for granades/Molotov cocktails and the MG has to retreat. The units has become useless.
Changing the behavior would allow to counter blobbing easier.
Also, pinned units should NOT be able to crawl towoards the MG.
20. MG42 Sound File.
It seems the sound file for the MG is incorrect. The MG 42 has a cadence of 1200-1500 shot/min and you can not hear single shots. Just a buzzing sound.
21. Rifleman:
When this US unit is "blobbed" they are very hard to counter/if at all.
Please, adjust/lower HP and damage output.
22. Capture System:
When a unit, that is tasked to capture a sector, is attacked, it often leaves the capture sector. The capture order should overide any self defense behavior which would make the unit leave the capture sector/zone.
23. Cover System:
Further optimise unit behavior. A unit that is placed in cover should not start walking around and re-positioning itself (and leaving the assigned cover). The player should be able to pinpoint the cover position/location of ITS units.
24. Set bounderies for the RNG Gods:
For tanks and AT guns the RNG events for penetration should be dependent on prior results of the current attack. If e.g. a Sherman has missed to hit or failed penetrate the first 3 shoots (at the same target), chances should increase for the consecutive shoots. From what I understand, the current chance of hitting a target is totally independent from the prior shot.
25. Infrantry Bug:
In some instances one member of a units walks in one directions and the rest of the units does not (and get's stuck). Infantry units should move as a unit.
After all, this is not Kindergarten.
26. "Micro Freezes:"
Every now and then, the game freezes for like 10 seconds and then fast forwards the last 10 seconds. This is extremely annoying and can have major influcence on the outcome of a game, as you have no control of your units or can not react to any moves of your opponent.
27. Lobby - Search for Games/Game Start:
Screen gets stuck with notification "Please Wait"and game does not start. After some players have dropped game eventually starts.
28. Chat Bug:
In some instances, the whole chat history is visible throughout the length of the game. Chat entries should disappear after a while.
29. Half Track Flamer Upgrade:
In the current mid-game, this unit/add-on is not useful anymore and hardly used on the battlefield.
We suggest to migrated the upgrade to Tech 2, so the unit gets useful again. The Upgradecosts 120Ammo!
30. OKW Flak Half Track:
In it's current state, the units is to expensive, has very low armor and is not very agile. Only few users are currently building the half track.
We suggest to allow the halftrack to fire while moving or add more HP. Change pricing to 250MP/25 Fuel.
31. Scrolling:
Sometimes screen scrolling gets stuck and you can not scroll towards the lower right corner.
Please, investigage and fix.
32. Scavenger Doctrine:
The Call in for the Ostwind at 8CP comes to late.
Please, consider reducing it to 6CP
33. Re-crewing of dropped support weapons:
When selecting a dropped weapon (e.g. MG ) the game interface indicates the numbers of soldiers needed in order to re-crew. The game indicates that 2 soldiers are needed, but the unit from which you re-crew the support weapon looses 3 soldiers.
Please, fix.
34. Salvage Ability:
If you one unit tries to salvage an abandoned unit and another unit tries to re-crew the same unit (e.g. tank), the game crashes with a bug splash screen.
Please, fix.