New steam version of coh is showing 2.700 patch.
1. I wonder, does it changes anything or nothing at all except port coh to steam. May be maphack will not work on 2.700 or ?
2.602 replays are not working in steam version of coh 2.700 so atleast this is major change. Confirm it or is it only me?
2. 2vs2 AT feature is not working. Would like to know if noun/Lynx will read this. Will they fix it soon or it will not be available till coh2 release or its permanently disabled for good...
3. Only 1vs1 and 2vs2 ladder it is showing with assault and panzerkrieg about which nobody gives shit.
1 guy has lvl 8 usa as 1-0. This type of magic i didn't even see by stat hackers in old coh. may be some bug or this steam version of coh is easy to stat hack??
one more guys is like 26-0 lvl 6 usa SOEQA14
They are quality testers so no worry about stathackers yet*
4. Removed Relic’s post-match arbitration system. Does it mean if anybody is gonna lose, he can just pull plug and lose will not count...? (until While we can’t yet give a timeline for when these features will be reintroduced to Company of Heroes, our initial priority will be match arbitration, to ensure a trusted environment for our competitive players.)
5. As mentioned we are also looking into preserving the Company of Heroes leaderboards and as many stats as information as we can prior to the shutdown so that we can host them on a website to commemorate the battles that you’ve fought during the game’s life on Quazal.
Means, stats will not be transferred at steam version of coh. It will just uploaded on a website.
Current ranking in steam version of coh will not be reset in near future, i suppose?
So its pointless to rank-up in old coh in 1vs1/2vs2.
All of the above. Currently i want relic to fix 2vs2 AT feature as soon as possible...otherwise i have to move my ass in boring 1vs1

What do you think?