
russian armor

New Soviet Commander: Tank Hunter Tactics

25 Feb 2015, 19:09 PM
avatar of DakkaIsMagic

Posts: 403

Not as bad as a commander as people say it is, Cons with passive AT (even with as light damage as it is, its still AT) are great when the enemy overextends his armor, tho I do tend to never touch the volloy because you get more out of throwing the normal thor grenades.

Airstrike is great at gibing/wounding blobs of inf(volks) even tho that is not the intended purpose.

28 Feb 2015, 11:52 AM
avatar of BIS-Commando

Posts: 137

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Aug 2014, 15:33 PMAbdul
This is the second time I see this commander, first time as a drop and the second time now in the load out of one of my random 3v3 mates. I asked the guy what he thought about it, but he didn't say much. I think this commander can wreck any okw player that goes early ht/puma/p2. I am not sure I like that. Plus with so many commanders it just seems you dont have enough slots for all of those commanders anymore.

I have the commander. I used but is not so good because you dont have nothing against infantry. The cons are weak, you get blasted by sturmpio or grens with LMG's. So, it's a bad commander in the present state of the game (blobbing). If Relic will change the gameplay to something that inquires more strategy it will prove to be a good commander (but far from beeing an OP commander).
28 Feb 2015, 22:12 PM
avatar of nee

Posts: 1216

It's fresh but not great. IMO the light AT mines should have been something else, like perhaps making it a minefield instead. Salvage is OK but requires a massive munitions upgrade just for the opportunity, and your engineers will be busy repairing or building before you risk them running around finding wrecks. IMO it should be free passive rather than an expensive upgrade, it's barely comparable to OKW's salvage. The bombing run I also find to be more like fragmentation bombing run, IMO it could have been the anti-tank overwatch from Ardennnes Assault.

It's pretty nifty as a early-midgame contender against vehicles, but you're really missing T34/85s or IS-2s once the enemy starts bringing panzer4s and up. This is a very munitions-heavy commander that the direct benefits are just for your T0 units, conscripts and engineers, which forces you to blob them. To me it kind of goes against Soviet faction design where it relies on units to supplement your regular troops. I'd happily trade one of any of the abilities for something like a new vehicle, like M10 (yes, there were Lend Lease Wolverines), or SU-76i (works like a StuG) or SU-122 (equivalent to Brummbar) or even a halftrack mounting AT gun. Instead we get a commander that demands you first spam your T0 units to even begin taking advantage of the abilities.
As is, it's really just Conscripts AT Tactics. Hell I'd happily trade the PTRS upgrade for Partisans/Irregulars with Panzerschrecks, at least the weapons pack a punch and you can use your cosncripts to use AT grenades/ meatshield.
28 Feb 2015, 22:26 PM
avatar of PanzerErotica

Posts: 135

Cool thing is they are all unique abilities compared to other commanders. Then again, this kind of setup would really have benefited from mark vehicle or some kind of tank destroyer call-in.
1 Mar 2015, 03:30 AM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Feb 2015, 22:12 PMnee
Salvage is OK but requires a massive munitions upgrade just for the opportunity, and your engineers will be busy repairing or building before you risk them running around finding wrecks. IMO it should be free passive rather than an expensive upgrade, it's barely comparable to OKW's salvage.

For the note:
OKW is 5 fuel (15? muni with scavenge).
SU Salvage gives you fuel and MP relative to the cost/health of the tank/wreckage i think. On that Lennys game i remember he got like +50f and +200mp from the Tiger wreckage.

If it's free passive it should give way less resources.

PD: if someone has it, check to salvage onmap wrecks and how much resources does it gave.
1 Mar 2015, 03:48 AM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

It's best used in team games honestly, but it's late game power is basically non-existant.
2 Mar 2015, 01:42 AM
avatar of nee

Posts: 1216

For the note:
OKW is 5 fuel (15? muni with scavenge).
SU Salvage gives you fuel and MP relative to the cost/health of the tank/wreckage i think. On that Lennys game i remember he got like +50f and +200mp from the Tiger wreckage.

If it's free passive it should give way less resources.

PD: if someone has it, check to salvage onmap wrecks and how much resources does it gave.
I swore I once saw munitions being recovered as well, but that was some time ago when it first came out.
50 fuel and 200mp sounds a lot from a Tiger wreckage and it is, but what are the odds you will not only find a wreck like a Tiger's and have the time to strip it to the bones, which demands you first have 90 munitions to spend on one engineer for that sole task, a task that requires you clear the area of enemies, itself a task that risks destruction of wrecks? Very circumstantial for a 90muntions upgrade fro a non-combat unit with engineer/ repair responsibilities. At least for Salvage being immediately usable, it's balanced by only giving fuel, and on three OKW units (sturms, volks and the doctrinal jaegars). Just saying that the cost could be lower or passive, given how it's not really used often and the unit is quite susceptible to dying in every combat situation let alone one where they are not fighting back.
2 Mar 2015, 02:38 AM
avatar of beemer8

Posts: 104

I believe light/half-tracks Give munitions and MP, There was a Video somewhere that proved this (back on page 3 Last post)
2 Mar 2015, 13:43 PM
avatar of The amazing Chandler

Posts: 1355

It is an OK commander. I saw a game from Lenny against Stephen i think and he used it very good.
It has his pros and cons if you ask me.
2 Mar 2015, 18:53 PM
avatar of WingZero

Posts: 1484

PTRS in general need a buff to be relevant in late game.
2 Mar 2015, 19:34 PM
avatar of Imagelessbean

Posts: 1585 | Subs: 1

Commander is ok against light vehicles, but as soon as German player sees you went this they skip light vehicles and just go heavy infantry, at which point your screwed because you don't have shocks.

Also in late game...gl.
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