This isn't actually true. COH 2 sold 500,000+ copies (Relic doesn't give out specifics unfortunately) yet the multiplayer only has about 5000 players on at any one time. This is a pretty big leap of faith, but i'm gonna assume the actual population of unique, consistent multiplayer is maybe 5x bigger than the population at peak times, so, around, 25k people? Bear in mind that quite a lot of these players got a free copy from the Alienware thing.
Long story short, it's in Relic's best interests to focus on the Singleplayer. However, I fully trust Relic in bringing the features they've promised to us eventually.
COH 2 is Relic's golden nest egg. They ain't gonna give up on it any time soon 
Why do only 29% of the people played the first campaign mission??
Why do only 11% of people finished the campaign??
That stuff shows me that many people wasted their money on a game that they don't want to play, since you either have to play campaign/multi/compstomp and every thing will enchance your rank in the game or that relic gave away lots of free copies...
What you also want to consider is that when you are an active coh2 player you follow the game and you want your friends to join you in that expirience for that reason I would suggest that the multiplayer community is the community who is willing and will pay for a dlc.
Relics best intressed should be to get the game balanced. No I'm not crying but its kind of sucks when you want to get into a game as axsis when you have 10%/90% ratio or like sometimes 0%/100% like I did before. This also tells you that the game is only enjoyable from one perspective...
The thing with the hotkeys was a example what i personally want is:
fix the custom game servers
get a pershing out there
make tanks more squishy (vcoh)
custom keybindings
mod support (lets see)
new commanders for us/okw
but that is another thing