
russian armor

State of the balance according to Imperial Dane

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20 Jul 2014, 14:39 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
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Patrion 314

Posts: 10665 | Subs: 9

It has the holy trifecta of Armour, Mobility and Firepower.

It is also easy to produce

Let down by bad ergonomics, lack of radio and indifferent crew training

Not especially reliable, but equally reliable no matter what the weather is

Not my tank of choice if I want to go Michael Wittman on somebody, but more than adaquate to equip an army

I thought you were writing about 'the Shermie' (per Ami) until I read back :P

If you want to do an essay telling me that is worse than, for example:

Fiat 3000

Matilda I


Please do, I could do with a laugh

No laughing matter for those crews, I agree. Nor for 'the Shermie' either.

Off topic: One of the mysteries for me is why the North West European campaign armies never developed a battle tank to match the Tiger or Panther. I fear this may be down to Montgomery, who saw tank battles as Mobility, with not much thought for amour or firepower. It was if the battle of Khursk never existed - maybe for the Allied General Staff, it never did?
20 Jul 2014, 14:47 PM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

Russia built 50,000 t-34s in comparison to around 9,000 pz 4s and 6,000 panthers-how is that 2 to 1 ratio.
Soviets were not running out of tanks in 1944,but men.
After stalingrad russia could have won the war on its own taking 2 more years than 45' and total manpower exhaustion.

Germans lost over a million men in 1941 and the sov counteroffensive-1/3rd of the invading force and nearly the whole casualities being germans as they came primarily on army group centre.
In 1942 and stalingrad they lost another million plus bulk of the eastern front allied forces.Game over right there manpowerwise.After that teherw as no way they could ever resume a general offensive..just stay on the defensive and hope to inflict kharkov like ripostes.
20 Jul 2014, 14:59 PM
avatar of CieZ

Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4

TBh, Ciez was the biggest detractor to beta. Never seen a guy with so much brown-nosing, "yes-saying" and such a passive -aggressive and disrespectful attitude towards other contributors.

A real snake in the grass.

Tbh, have you ever been part of the private balance beta? I really don't remember your name, and neither does Milka so I'm pretty sure you completely fabricated that statement.

A real snake in the grass.

If you had been part of the beta in any meaningful way you'd realize that I was one of the most critical people that played the beta, and I was extremely critical for a long time, seeing as I was playing wfa since April.

Pls stop the obvious, pathetic trolling now. Thx.
20 Jul 2014, 15:11 PM
avatar of Jaigen

Posts: 1130

Russia built 50,000 t-34s in comparison to around 9,000 pz 4s and 6,000 panthers-how is that 2 to 1 ratio.
Soviets were not running out of tanks in 1944,but men.
After stalingrad russia could have won the war on its own taking 2 more years than 45' and total manpower exhaustion.

Thats me being generous. because if we only took tanks in comparison we would have a staggering 1: 5 kill ratio. I include all AFV in in my calculations and some of those AFV are stugs marders and the su series.

But i can no longer be bothered to explaining stuff to you go read this website


and this book confirms the website above/


Also you mp assessment is hilariously inaccurate. What you mean with stallinggrad you mean case blue. and total operation costed Germany 1. million soldiers the soviet suffered 1.4 million soldiers. But i was far from checkmate. by 1943 the whermach had an even stronger presence ,in terms of manpower ,in Russia then in 1942.
20 Jul 2014, 15:18 PM
avatar of coh2player

Posts: 1571

Most losses of Soviet tanks were via abandonment from 1941-1943.

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Jul 2014, 15:11 PMJaigen

Thats me being generous. because if we only took tanks in comparison we would have a staggering 1: 5 kill ratio. I include all AFV in in my calculations and some of those AFV are stugs marders and the su series.

Short answer: weight restrictions, operational readiness, logistics, maintenance, and reliability. These were the archilles heel of tanks in ww2.

Panzer divisions on the strategic offense typically started falling apart in 2 months with most AFVs in repair. The Sherman, unlike the Pz III/IV/V could endure with operational rates @ 90% plus even months after the landings:

Off topic: One of the mysteries for me is why the North West European campaign armies never developed a battle tank to match the Tiger or Panther. I fear this may be down to Montgomery, who saw tank battles as Mobility, with not much thought for amour or firepower. It was if the battle of Khursk never existed - maybe for the Allied General Staff, it never did?
20 Jul 2014, 15:20 PM
avatar of Jaigen

Posts: 1130

Most losses of Soviet tanks were via abandonment from 1941-1943.

20 Jul 2014, 15:22 PM
avatar of Cannonade

Posts: 752

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Jul 2014, 14:59 PMCieZ
Pls stop the obvious, pathetic trolling now. Thx.

You can't be serious.

Your avatar is a dead giveaway of what I'm talking about.
20 Jul 2014, 15:24 PM
avatar of coh2player

Posts: 1571

If you've studied it, it's true. Much of the German tank park was lost via abandonment as well- real war isn't a videogame (super offtopic)

The collapse of the soviet mechanized corps saw most of Soviet union's armor lost in the first 2 weeks of the war- to abandonment.

The soviet winter counteroffensive of 1942-1943- while mostly successful, most Soviet tanks were also lost to abandonment rather than enemy fire as the logistics situation began collapsing by early 1943.

It's simply wrong to consider all or almost all AFV losses as 'due to enemy fire'.

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Jul 2014, 15:20 PMJaigen

20 Jul 2014, 15:35 PM
avatar of Jaigen

Posts: 1130

If you've studied it, it's true. Much of the German tank park was lost via abandonment as well- real war isn't a videogame (super offtopic)

The collapse of the soviet mechanized corps saw most of Soviet armor lost in the first 2 weeks of the war- to abandonment.

The soviet winter counteroffensive of 1942-1943- while mostly successful, most Soviet tanks were also lost to abandonment rather than enemy fire as the logistics situations began collapsing by early 1943.

Your not making a better case for the soviets here. i can understand the argument in 1941 where the soviets line collapsed several times and supply lines as well but if you tell they lost half their tanks in 1942 and 1943 (where supply lines were re-established and soviet industry came back online) because of mechanical failure it would not only prove that the t-34 is an incredibly shitty tank but also the soviets where shockingly incompetent.
20 Jul 2014, 15:37 PM
avatar of Jaigen

Posts: 1130

Short answer: weight restrictions, operational readiness, logistics, maintenance, and reliability. These were the archilles heel of tanks in ww2.

Panzer divisions on the strategic offense typically started falling apart in 2 months with most AFVs in repair. The Sherman, unlike the Pz III/IV/V could endure with operational rates @ 90% plus even months after the landings:

It has more to that russia was not kind to tanks or supply lines. both armies basically ceased offensive operations during winter months allowing both of them rearm themselves.
20 Jul 2014, 15:44 PM
avatar of coh2player

Posts: 1571

These losses were, in addition to mechanical problems, caused by shortages of fuel and supplies. This is not dissimilar to the collapse of Kampfgruppe Peiper in the Ardennes or the collapse of the 2nd Panzer division in front of the Meuse in 1944 where hundreds of AFV were abandoned.

This happened frequently on the eastern front.

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Jul 2014, 15:35 PMJaigen

Your not making a better case for the soviets here. i can understand the argument in 1941 where the soviets line collapsed several times and supply lines as well but if you tell they lost half their tanks in 1942 and 1943 (where supply lines were re-established and soviet industry came back online) because of mechanical failure it would not only prove the t-34 is an incredibly shitty tank but also the soviets where shockingly incompetent.

The Soviets were 'shocking incompetent' in 1941 but continuously improved until they were the superior ones in operations.

The T-34 was a tank that took 300 labor hours for many factories to build. It was a much cheaper tank than the Sherman, which was already a cost effective tank. The Sherman was a much cheaper tank than the Panzer III. The T-34 was a great tank for its very low cost.

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Jul 2014, 15:37 PMJaigen

It has more to that russia was not kind to tanks or supply lines. both armies basically ceased offensive operations during winter months allowing both of them rearm themselves.

The point of war is to conduct the strategic offensive, not defend until overrun.
20 Jul 2014, 15:47 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
Admin Red  Badge
Patrion 314

Posts: 10665 | Subs: 9

If you've studied it, it's true. Much of the German tank park was lost via abandonment as well- real war isn't a videogame (super offtopic)

The collapse of the soviet mechanized corps saw most of Soviet union's armor lost in the first 2 weeks of the war- to abandonment.

The soviet winter counteroffensive of 1942-1943- while mostly successful, most Soviet tanks were also lost to abandonment rather than enemy fire as the logistics situation began collapsing by early 1943.

It's simply wrong to consider all or almost all AFV losses as 'due to enemy fire'.

So is the conclusion for Allied general staff thinking as follows:

"We have preponderance of air power. Our battle tanks are not as good as the Axis, but our air power will counter this. We know from Ultra that the Axis tanks have maintenance problems, so the Allied tankers must do the best they can, if we can turn out sufficient replacement tanks?"

I fear that this has to be the conclusion.
20 Jul 2014, 16:16 PM
avatar of CieZ

Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4

You can't be serious.

Your avatar is a dead giveaway of what I'm talking about.

My avatar is a nod to the movie V for Vendetta, not anonymous. 0/10 bad try.

You're clearly trolling. Please, if you were actually ever part of the private beta what is your steam name/who are you? Stop.dodging the question. If you weren't, which is what it looks like, just stop.

Bad troll is bad, at least nullist entertained me with his ignorance.
20 Jul 2014, 16:17 PM
avatar of Thunderhun

Posts: 1617

What this topic turned into.......battlefield of theory crafters :P
20 Jul 2014, 16:17 PM
avatar of Jaigen

Posts: 1130

These losses were, in addition to mechanical problems, caused by shortages of fuel and supplies. This is not dissimilar to the collapse of Kampfgruppe Peiper in the Ardennes or the collapse of the 2nd Panzer division in front of the Meuse in 1944 where hundreds of AFV were abandoned.

This happened frequently on the eastern front.

The Soviets were 'shocking incompetent' in 1941 but continuously improved until they were the superior ones in operations.

The T-34 was a tank that took 300 labor hours for many factories to build. It was a much cheaper tank than the Sherman, which was already a cost effective tank. The Sherman was a much cheaper tank than the Panzer III. The T-34 was a great tank for its very low cost.

The point of war is to conduct the strategic offensive, not defend until overrun.

i have some doubts about this. even in 1944 the soviets lost 13 k t-34's in the battle of Berlin they lost 2 entire tank armies . It simply doesnt match up what your saying.
20 Jul 2014, 16:35 PM
avatar of coh2player

Posts: 1571

Much of the AFV park for the Germans did not even have a turret in 44'. The rationale for choosing the Sherman also extended to the belief that the Germans would have few panthers and tigers. They were partially correct- the Germans had few tigers but modest numbers of panthers (1 battalion out of 2 outfitted in some panzer divisions).

ImperialDane inserts historical tidbits in his casts for god fun and to fill dead time; but the game and ww2 videogames in general has little to do with reality. :-p

So is the conclusion for Allied general staff thinking as follows:

"We have preponderance of air power. Our battle tanks are not as good as the Axis, but our air power will counter this. We know from Ultra that the Axis tanks have maintenance problems, so the Allied tankers must do the best they can, if we can turn out sufficient replacement tanks?"

I fear that this has to be the conclusion.
20 Jul 2014, 16:38 PM
avatar of Marksnus

Posts: 12

Its sad to see some people resorting to personal attacks without discussing anything in this thread. If you cant add anything without bashing someone then kindly fuck off.
20 Jul 2014, 16:50 PM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Jul 2014, 12:25 PMJaigen
The t-34 for that matter is shrouded in shiny myths. take away the shiny myths and look on the numbers you will be horrified. i can write and entire essay why the t-34 is worst tank in ww2 but lets take 1941 where the t-34 supposed to have no equal. Yet of the 2800 t-34's 2200 got knocked out half of them caused by the p3 with its 50 mm gun.

If the T-34 is so awful, why did the Germans enjoy even the worst model?

T-34/76 was held in high regard and also elite units such as Panzergrenadier Division "Grossdeutschland" (Panzer Regiment "Grossdeutschland") used some captured examples as late as 1945. Waffen-SS units also did not hesitate to use captured T-34/76 tanks and 2nd SS Panzer Division "Das Reich" and 3rd SS Panzer Division "Totenkopf" pressed significant number into service. Modifications included installation of commander’s cupola (from damaged Panzerkampfwagen III and IV tanks), Schuerzen (armor skirts) and other equipment such as Notek light, storage boxes, tools, radio equipment and antenna.

Surely such elite divisions wouldn't want to use "the worst tank in WW2"?
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