World of Jagdtiger Online

Posts: 92

Posts: 640 | Subs: 1
All that said, compare Jagdtiger with King tiger, Elefant or ISU cost for cost and you see that something is wrong. Especially with the well established problem of callins ignoring teching costs.

Posts: 987
Disclaimer: The poster primarily plays team games consisting of 3 v 3 and 4 v 4. Sometimes, 2 v 2. This thread does not apply to 1 v 1 games.
Hello internet strangers,
I'd like to welcome to you to the new meta, World Of Jagdtiger Online. Long gone is the ISU152 vs Elephant battles. Now, it is reign of the Jagdtiger. Much more exciting and dynamic battle than before. Right?
This unit is 2.2 times more powerful than the Soviet IS2. Dynamic battle is not required. Flank? No thanks, best frontal armor baby. Damage? Heck yes, best in game as well. Low risk? Absolutely. You can rebuild them, as many as you want! Why have 1 when you can have 2? There is never enough of the best thing.
In my opinion no lessons were learned from the King Tiger v1. Super hero units ruin the dynamic game play.
The problem with the balance for this unit is that in team games it is very difficult if not impossible to counter this unit when in mass. Single units are not the issue. Assuming you are playing a 4 v 4, 5 seems to be the critical mass when it comes to the Jagdtiger. At that point in time its just time to GG. I've played multiple 4 v 4 games now where 6 is not out of the ordinary.
Thankfully the fix is easy. 51 pop cap per Jagdtiger. This would ensure that the OKW still get their super elite tank, would not affect 1 v 1 game play, and would tone done the game breaking use of 4+ units in 4 v 4's. It would encourage the OKW player to build other units aside from Jagdtigers.
Oh my God
300+ games as Soviets
11 games as Germans
I thought the bears was supposed to a good clan 0_o If you think it owns so hard - play as OKW, post some epic roflstomp eplays where your Jagdtiger secures vicory, destroying everything like ISU.
I assure you, Noone will ever see such a replay from you.

Posts: 65
A short summary of my thoughts is that the original post is incredibly exaggerated and seems more like an angry rant after a loss than an actual issue.
As much as I'd like to say 1v1 and 2v2 balance is far more important to me than 4v4, I can only ask, how are you allowing the enemy to field multiple Jagdtigers?

Posts: 39
Oh my God
300+ games as Soviets
11 games as Germans
I thought the bears was supposed to a good clan 0_o If you think it owns so hard - play as OKW, post some epic roflstomp eplays where your Jagdtiger secures vicory, destroying everything like ISU.
I assure you, Noone will ever see such a replay from you.
I played a game last night where I buttoned a Jagdtiger and dropped bombs on it, which took it down to about 65% health. I flanked with a T34 shooting it in the rear three times, an ISU shooting it in the front 3 times, and an AT gun from the front 3 times. The end result was a dead T34 (thanks to an AT rocket), a dead ISU from the Jagdtiger, a waste of 280 munitions, and a Jagdtiger with 40% health. The majority of the shots were deflected.

Posts: 359
The solution here is to just ban the maps that the Jagdtiger is broken on. The Allies never want to play on these maps anyways as they're super stacked for Axis in my experience.
1) Ettelbruck Station
2) Faceoff at Rostov
1) Ettlebruck
2) Faceoff at Rostov
3) Lazur Factory
4) Angermeunde
Ettelbruck is probably the worst map that has been made in a while. It's the campiest gameplay and a veritiable playground for a Jagdtiger. Flanking is impossible and it is filled with buildings and "shot-blockers" both of which the Jagdtiger ignores and just fires through anyways.
Faceoff at Rostov is fairly urban with (good for Jagdtiger) and just a bad map for balance anyways. The bottom team is always at an advantage as they never have to cross ice to get to the lion's share of resources and VPs in the city. It is a terrible map for flanking as most flanks go across ice or bridges and thus wonderful for the Jagdtiger.
Angermeunde is a playground for Pak43s and Jagdtigers. Any thin urban map is.
Lazur Factory actually isn't that bad. All of the maps above and thin and long which benefit tank destroyers (tank destroyers who ignore terrain doubly so. Lazur is a square map so flanking is possible but only has ~5-6 crossings which are easily mined and covered so it become campy gameplay anyways.
Ban these maps and you can avoid the true bullshit that is the Jagdtiger.
There are still maps that you don't want to go up against a Jagdtiger here. The WFA army 4v4 maps where harassing the enemy's fuel supply is near impossible are particularly bad (I see you over there Lienne Forest!). You don't get more bans for these though so you've just got to deal. You've really not tasted the Axis bullshit souffle' until you've dealt with OKW + Luftwaffe Supply on Lienne Forest. The safest sector on the map is the fuel sector and they can use that to drop 50 fuel for allied forces.
The Jagdtiger is still really good outside of these maps! It's just completely broken on them.
I faced about ~3 Jagdtigers in a game yesterday in a battle on Steppes. It was tough fight but the Allies inevitably won. 290 fuel for the OKW is essentially 435 fuel for another side. Steppes has bad terrain for the Jagdtiger in the middle and flanking is powerful there. A 5-Jackson push kept the Jagdtiger herd nice and thin. It's not impossible to deal with this unit but you want the terrain in your favor to have the best chance that you can get.
I think that there are big balance concerns with this unit. It is obviously broken on some maps and I hate that. I really dislike the unit in general. There's really no counter-play involved with this unit as it ignores fundamental rules to the game. I can't hide behind buildings to flank it because it shoots through anything. I can't really use artillery to destroy it as it can move and it has armor so think as to render all but the heaviest of artillery useless. Heaven forbid I am playing Americans and choose a doctrine other than Infantry. Then I have no artillery options left. The power of the Walking Stuka makes Howitzers a short-term option against it that will never build up veterancy. The only albatrosses the Jagdtiger has is the cost and player stupidity in wielding it.

Posts: 65
I played a game last night where I buttoned a Jagdtiger and dropped bombs on it, which took it down to about 65% health. I flanked with a T34 shooting it in the rear three times, an ISU shooting it in the front 3 times, and an AT gun from the front 3 times. The end result was a dead T34 (thanks to an AT rocket), a dead ISU from the Jagdtiger, a waste of 280 munitions, and a Jagdtiger with 40% health. The majority of the shots were deflected.
I'm sorry, but -- I don't believe you.

Posts: 148
lots of exaggeration in this thread..
first of all, its the slowest vehicle in the game. after the engine upgrade, it does have a higher top speed than the elefant (negligible, 3.6 vs 3.3), but that alone hardly determines how responsive a unit is. even after the upgrade it has only 14.4 rotation speed (compared to 16 for the elefant). the real weakness to this unit is it only has .5 acceleration (elefant has 1.4). this thing is extremely vulnerable to flanks.
as for "spamming" them. you really have to be doing something wrong to let okw get 6 tanks worth 800 mp and 290 fuel.
each jagdtiger is roughly the cost of 2-3 jacksons, which will pen 100% from the rear. assuming every shot hit (and it has 26 target size, so its pretty likely) 2 jacksons would kill a jagdtiger in 9 seconds from the back. 3 jacksons would only take 4.5 seconds.
i wouldnt blame the maps. i think the problem is how soviets have decided to play since the expansion came out. they just spam t2 and let americans spam bars/bazookas. pure t2 spam was around before the patch, but its way more common now. camping leads to long games, which leads to late game units that counter your camping.

Posts: 332
The only "good" Tanks Axis have with current balance: Tiger, King Tiger, Elefant and Jagdtiger. Even then it is very hard to get a King Tiger before the game is already won/lost.
Whermacht can essentially get 2 Tigers before you can get a KT, as you will need to be spending fuel else where to make sure you survive.
Panther costs too much, and could really use a health or rate of fire buff when compared to T34-85/Jackson, hell even Shermans can go pound for pound with it if Panther misses a shot or two, yes panthers can bounce like a boss from the front but it is super RNG based, even when kept at range (because range effects penetration). not much you can do when there T34-85's just rush to the rear of it, or when Zook blob + Jackson has a go at it.
Jagdpanzer is okay, but it is easily flanked even when it has a few '43's to cover it.
Pz4J's are super over cost now considering their lower armour and performance to Whermacht Pz4.
Posts: 978
Maybe there is a reason people are getting this tank? Because other Axis tanks are terrible.Corrected it for you. The Elefant is a piece of shit on tracks. Or rather a brick of shit. Like the shit you shit when you haven´t shat in like three days after a constipation. Yeah, that describes the current Elefant. The range has to go up again. 10 more range than a SU-85 is lousy. It can´t get away and will get swarmed.
The only "good" Tanks Axis have with current balance: Tiger, King Tiger,Elefantand Jagdtiger. Even then it is very hard to get a King Tiger before the game is already won/lost.
Some where so deluded and wanted it to be nerfed in the same way as the ISU-152 but seemed to forget that it can only attack tanks. Now it can hardly do that.

Posts: 987
300 games as Allies, 11 as Germans. This is all we need to know to understand how unobjective he is being.
TaB = The Angry Bias?
The Angry Butthurt?
OP - Play as Germans and post replays of your Jagtigder owning with easy.

Posts: 987
I played a game last night where I buttoned a Jagdtiger and dropped bombs on it, which took it down to about 65% health. I flanked with a T34 shooting it in the rear three times, an ISU shooting it in the front 3 times, and an AT gun from the front 3 times. The end result was a dead T34 (thanks to an AT rocket), a dead ISU from the Jagdtiger, a waste of 280 munitions, and a Jagdtiger with 40% health. The majority of the shots were deflected.
Replay or gtfo.
That simply cannot have happened.
It's like me saying "I played against an M3HT, shot it with 5 fausts but they all deflected, then drove a Panther into it but OMG the guards buttoned it and M3 Main gun got RnG critial so I lose tiger and my mans"

Posts: 1595 | Subs: 2

Posts: 985 | Subs: 2

Posts: 1595 | Subs: 2
The solution here is to just ban the maps that the Jagdtiger is broken on. The Allies never want to play on these maps anyways as they're super stacked for Axis in my experience.
1) Ettelbruck Station
2) Faceoff at Rostov
1) Ettlebruck
2) Faceoff at Rostov
3) Lazur Factory
4) Angermeunde
The Jagdtiger is still really good outside of these maps! It's just completely broken on them.
I've had the worst experiences of World of Jagdtiger Online on Faceoff at Rostov. When you blow up the bridges it forces the "flank" to go through the narrow channels of the maps in which your tanks get blown up good.

Posts: 1701
Is the most expensive piece of metal of the game, and even belongs to a RESOURCE STARVED faction that gets limited income. It is ULTRAMEGA slow, gets CREWSHOCK all the time it gets hit from the rear and If OKW player manages to get one, managed to save 300fuel from early-mid game to late-game, then you just got outplayed, next time use to your advtange the fact that he is not using his fuel in mid game.
If your strategy is KILL EVERYTHING WITH ISU, EVEN THAT GERMAN BIG-ASS TANK DESTROYER, like pre-WFA, then adapt to the new situation, lol.

Posts: 39
I'm sorry, but -- I don't believe you.
Then don't. But I'm ranked high in 2v2 and I have no reason to lie.

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2
i successfully flanked (by myself and with teammates) 3 times. every three times i did it with shermans. and it seems as though jagdtiger gets a shit ton of mini-stuns.
is this property of sherman or jagdtiger?

Posts: 3548 | Subs: 2
Replay or gtfo.
That simply cannot have happened.
It's like me saying "I played against an M3HT, shot it with 5 fausts but they all deflected, then drove a Panther into it but OMG the guards buttoned it and M3 Main gun got RnG critial so I lose tiger and my mans"
If you read their clan description very closely, you'll note that they mostly play soviet/americans.
Now, albeit that it induces bias post and what not, his arguments were pretty valid and especially in team games, the Jagdtiger can be a pain in the ass.
Napalm, I'll give you some salmon if you try and not let your opponents amass that many rescources and go on a mighty bearflank with your Jacksons or spam M10's ^^
Good luck

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