The Tournament will take place on the 16th(Saturday) and the 17th(Sunday) of August. It will start at 3pm UTC+0 first rounds will take place on Saturday, and the Semi-Finals and Finals will be on Sunday.
The Tournament will be Casted Live at
If anyone else would like to cast their games, they are welcome too, but please put a delay so there is no funny business.
Game Settings:
Server setup: 1v1, 500VP, Fixed Starting Positions (leave "Reversed Positions" unticked), Standard Resources.
The Rules are the following:
Factions: The allowed factions will be VCoH factions, amisamisAmericans and the wehrwehrWehrmacht, the ToV units will be allowed.
1-1 tie:You will play one time as axis and one time as allies on the same map, in the event of a tie, the VP leader gets to chose his/her faction and starting position for the deciding game. Remember to write down the VP standing after each game!
Screenshotter: Due to the increased amount of players, we now require everyone to use screenshotter, please use this link for the download and instructions.
If you cannot use screenshotter, you must stream the game live.
Replays: After you have had your match, both team must decide between each other who will upload the replays, follow this link for instruction
When your games and have uploaded your games please create a reply at and add the replay with the respective screenshotter folder
Do not argue with the Referees they are your gods

Whispering people in game, for the means of trolling or cheating, will result in the banning of the participating players. If this is happening to your then please take a screenshot it and pm it to me on
To apply for this tournament please leave a reply with the following information
Your Steam Username, with your teamates Steam username.
Team coh level, or both player's 1v1 level.
On the day of the Tournament everyone must join the CoHTourneys steam group chat, at 3pm UTC+0, if you are a bit late we will understand but after 15 minutes you will be disqualified, unless we know you are online, and have contacted us, through steam.
Remember these Brackets are prone to change, and will only be locked, 1 hour before the tournament.