Now this is just a bit of fun really so let’s not take it to serious but I am sure everyone has been dreaming up ideas already for future armies and expansions so I felt like getting the ball rolling with what I think could work for a possible Armies of North Africa expansion, specifically the Deutsces Afrika Korps (DAK).
The British commonwealth are advancing in North Africa making gains against the highly demotivated Italian army, threatening to capture Libya thus cutting off the entire continent. The highly resourceful German army steps in. General Erwin Rommel is sent with both a panzer division and light infantry division to counter attack and stabilize the situation.
This video gives you a brief feel for the theatre of war.
The DAK was initially formed from:
102nd (Italian) "Trento" Division
5th Light Division (inc Supply & Logistics)
15th Panzer Division
for more info checkout Deutsches Afrika Korps Blog and WW2 in Colour on Youtube
Army essence statement
The Deutsches Africa Korps are an initially well-equipped mechanized force, featuring a powerful commanding officer in the field who has the potential to really affect the battle. The German units that manage to arrive are fairly potent in many regards but have to learn to quickly adapt to the environment and the enemy. Pioneers become the main focus early on and can adapt too many roles, and vehicle crews are often found being forced to make do with what they have, often crudely repairing their own tanks, or finding new ones.
Furthermore, British naval dominance in the Mediterranean means a lack of certain types of support units, and supplies. You are forced to utilize whatever is available including an array of Italian equipment, as well as converting equipment such as the Halftrack and 88mm to fit your purposes.
Certain innovations such as water purification and engine filtration systems have the potential to turn the odds for the Germans, where desert conditions could cause serious setbacks. However these will require a large investment which could divert vital resources away from the battlefield.
Key Features
Divisional based HQ system with powerful operational upgrades
Flexible Pioneer squads and Halftracks that can be tailored to suit
Centralized Commanding Officer grows with your army
Highly mechanized units such as Panzer III all operating on the command net
Tank crews can disembark and escape as veterans also able to crudely repair vehicles
Army Composition WARNING - Very Wordy
T1 Command & Logistics HQ
Pioneer squad – A flexible 3 man rifle squad with repair, structures, mines etc. Upgrades occur after building each Tier buildings so:
-T2 adds optional weapon upgrades (booby trap point & demo charges)
-T3 adds global 4th squad member
-T4 global upgrade to panzer pioneer (faster repair, better durability & optional panzershrek upgrade)

Commanding Officer (Leutnante)– Lightly armed but essential to the Afrika corps, he can Garrison buildings, kubelwagons and particular halftracks and maintain his role. Keep him alive because replacements will lack experience! Grants aura of increased accuracy, rate of fire and morale bonus to affected infantry. Vetrancy is acquired from nearby troops which gives the following field promotions:
Vet0: Leutnante – Offering no bonus to nearby troops (need to rank up)
Vet1: Hauptleute – Circular Aura bonus
Vet2: Stabsoffizier – Terretorial Aura bonus
Vet3: Generale – Global Aura bonus
The CO is also affected from building the Tier 2,3 and 4 buildings, which give more utility to the actual unit.
-T2 adds 2 bodyguard grenadiers with MP40s
-T3 adds off map arty ability
-T4 aura bonus now also affects tanks and vehicles

Kubelwagon – an unarmed scouting vehicle, capable of early capping and transporting CO
-Commanding Officer can load into it for maneuvering, maintaining his auras and firepower

*HQ UPGRADE* Opel supply truck – Will improve getting supplies to the front line faster which will mean the Afrika Korps can get what it needs when it needs it.
- Unlocks the powerful Opel truck which can lock down points for resources
T2 Italian Division HQ
Reserves – A weak 6 man rifle squad which can bolster the lines and dig trenches.
-ability to “dig trench”

Breda 37 MG crew – A 4 Man Tripod mounted Breda MG
-ability to fire a “Suppressive Volley” increasing the area of affect massively

Carro Veloce 35 Tankette – Calls in a small lightly armoured suppressive platform, highly mobile it acts as the ideal scouting unit.
-Upgrade to “Flamethrower” adding a small trailer to hold fuel.

*HQ UPGRADE* Localized Field Craft – Making simple additions to all troops such as compasses and maps, along with help from locals should improve our troops field craft
-increased capping speed on points, and troops receive vetrancy faster
T3 Light Infantry Division HQ
Jager Infantry Squad – A 4 man light infantry squad armed with MP40s and grenades
-ability to upgrade with MG34 on bipod
-ability to throw grenade

Pak 38– An anti tank gun capable of penetrating thick armour
-ability “light barrage”

Sd.Kfz.251 Halftack – A general purpose halftrack for transport, can be modified to suit a variety of purpose
-Flak gun modification
-Mortar modification
-Command and Control modification (allows the commanding officer to operate inside)

Schwerer Panzerspahwagen Sd.Kfz.232 "8Rad" – An armored reconnaissance vehicle especially designed to suit the desert. Arguably the most advanced vehicle of the war in terms of electronics, it uses its large frame aerial to report any findings to nearby mechanized units and panzers.
-Ability "Intercept signals" (adds a lock down ability which allows the 232 to intercept enemy radio signals thus showing them on the minimap)

*HQ UPGRADE* Water Treatment Facility – Allows all infantry to push on harder and faster, without having to worry about lack of fresh clean water supplies back at base.
- A global movement speed increase to all infantry
T4 Panzer Division HQ
PzKpfw Panzer III Ausf G – A relatively cheap but well armoured tank, the primary force of the Afrika Korps. The PIII has the command net ability outright, so works well in numbers.
-ability to “blitzkrieg”
-ability to disembark crew
-upgrade "Frontal Armour"

Tractor Towed 88mm multipurpose gun – The mainstay of the Afrika corps artillery. This piece can be deadly once set up.
-Convert to Anti-Tank role (AP round ability activated)
-Convert to Anti-Air duties
-Convert to Artillery firing position (Barrage ability activated)

PzKpfw Tiger Ausf. E – The deadliest force on the battlefield, if you can get hold of one! Fills the role of tank hunter for the Afrika Korps.
-ability to “blitzkrieg”
-ability to disembark crew

*HQ UPGRADE* Panzer III refit -Upgrades to the Ausf M variant with the 5cm long barreled gun (increased penetration), adds an air intake filtration system to increase mobility and reliability (Increased Speed) and adds smoke dispensers (Smoke ability).