The OKW have an unlockable commander with the Ostwind Flakpanzer and another one with the Pak 43.
Relic has just copy and paste this 2 Units from the Ostheer and give it to OKW Commanders.This feels like a bad joke for me. Really Relic? I thought the OKW is a new german faction with completely new Units?
I m bored to death to see the Ostwind and the Pak 43 AGAIN in the new german army.

Relic where is our FlaK 88 or the Wirbelwind Flakpanzer we have asked for such a Long time?

In CoH 1 one german army had the Ostwind and the other one had the Wirbelwind. In CoH2 both armys have the Ostwind but no Wirbelwind. This seems like a Downgrade to me for unit variety.
Relic pls kick the boring Ostwind out of the OKW commander and replace it with the Wirbelwind and also kick the Pak 43 out and replace it with the FlaK 88.
If i want to see Ostwinds and Pak 43s i choose the old Ostheer army having These also in the OKW is just silly and boring.
just klick through the Album.
Edit: There is also a third commander with the Panzer IV again.....how exciting.............this makes it even worse.

Here are the US Commanders: