Now that the expansion has been released, we have some new assets and things to look out for in worldbuilder.
First of all - If you have any maps in the workshop, you will need to go back and make sure that they all have enough room at their starting positions for the American faction. Right now a few of my maps have the starting positions all messed up because of the space requirements for the Americans. The starting position object has been changed so you can see how much space they need in worldbuilder.
Second of all - In Scenario Properties, you can now set if the battle front is Eastern or Western. I'm not certain what this does yet, but I believe it affects what kind of music will play on your map.
Thirdly - I think Relic changed some textures on us. One I've come across is the grass_mixed_07 texture. It is now much MUCH greener and messed up the colour palette on one of my maps. I'm not sure if they made any other changes, but you may want to look at your old maps to see if any textures may have changed.
Fourthly - How bout dem new assets? I figure I'll post some screenshots of the better ones.
New bridges:

Some new bridge walls (most notibly the smaller iron tressel):

This concrete bunker might come in handy:

A few new churches:

New civilian cars:

New posts and signs:

New rural buildings:

New urban buildings (Not sure why some are missing with yellow boxes):

Don't use this... I guess we shouldn't use it?:

I think the concrete bunker will come in handy since I was never a fan of those little twig bunkers we currently have to work with. The new rural buildings are also much nicer than the soviet rural. Oh, and although I don't have a screenshot for it, there are new water FX we can use to make waterfalls and creeks.
So share your thoughts on any of the new objects or if you find anything different with the worldbuilder tool.
Edit: Looks like the "Pine_02" object is no longer available and if you used it on your old maps you will need to change it, otherwise it will appear as a yellow box.