This is my first post on COH.org forums as i normally stick to the official forums.
I came on here to express my thoughts about the current status of balance. To make it simple will convey this in a point format:
- Soviet 6 man squads give far greater survivability especially with scripts and grens being quite equal now. DOnt believe any very minor, if any advantage grens have compensate at all. German squads get vaporized by mines while soviet squads can restock and return to the field. This also applies to tank shells vaporising german squads. I cannot see why grens and scripts have the same armor. (I will not get into historical accuracy as this is about game balance, i know germany had generally superior equipment and training to the soviets)
- Germans have no heavy infantry now.... I think PGs armour nerf was not needed at all. Soviets have a plethora of options in terms of different infantry and now germans are somewhat lacking in this department.
- Soviet armor too powerful vs infantry. T-34/76 also received to much of a buff compared to PIV
- now with soviet armor getting buffs in pretty much every department i think self repair is something that gives soviets an unfair advantage of germans due to the greater survivability now of soviet tanks
- Why were german tier upgrades increased in price. No need at all. This has effectively made elite troops useless (i personally dont use that commander much) due to the need to put into up tiering.
- Blitz now useless.
- Soviet sniper needs to be reduced to a 1 man team and made equal more or less to german sniper. The penals+scout+sniper combo is breaking the game. Completely and utterly.
- Button spam
- ISU-152 squad wipe/anti armor capacity
- Soviet armor buff has effectively made T-34/85 call in far too advantageous
- German armor does not hold a significant enough advantage to balance soviet armour attrition rates
- Mines...
The fact of the matter is soviet units are generally allow greater flexibility, survivability and dynamic abilities to change the outcome of the game and win the war of attrition. There are current combo exploits that can be used by soviets to gain to much of an advantage.
Germany very minor damage advantage is currently not enough to negate this particularly at earlier tiers. In simple terms, Germany was too heavily nerfed and soviets were too heavily buffed. This has unfortunately tipped the balance in the wrong way IMO.
my 2c