The Questions not really reflect my opinion, so I am gonna voice it here:
Question1: No, they should patch more often, in smaller batches.
But I also want to note, that my take on what is inbalanced might differ from yours, AND Relics might differ from yours which means it doesn't take to long, they just don't see it as a problem, which I can understand veryoften. Just imagine they would do everything this Forum says

Question2: Definitly no. Especially some easy to fix bugs. (Which we assume they are easy to fix), some bugs are ok, there are always somes that are hard to fix, but Relic overlooks some easy to fix ones I think.
Question3: Ehhhh, "popular whishes" was the wrong word. You should have said good suggestions. Popular =/= good. And Holdfire was a bad example because they actually implement this, so everyone who knews it is biased. But after all I think Relic does kiiinda a good job. (Because see Question1: Would be a funny game if Relic actually listened to this forum), on the other hand some easy suggestions should be implemented, or faster (hold fire).
So in the end. I am happy Relic doesn't listen to stupid people, but I would hope they would listen more to smart people (obviously me / the Suggestions I want).
And some easy things could be implemented. (earlyer). (Holdfire).