It appears you are only allowed to have a valid opinion if:
1) You are ranked in the Top Arbitarily Small Number
2) You play both factions
3) You only play 1v1
Having paid money for the product is not sufficient
Who would you prefer to take medical advice from?
a.) a random person off the street
b.) a friend of a friend who read a magazine once they think that sort of talked about what you're feeling
c.) a person who went to university majoring in medicine/biology
d.) a person who went to med school after university but dropped out
e.) a person who finished med school but was at the bottom of their class
f.) a person who finished med school at the top of their class
g.) a person who finished med school at the top of their class and has 5 years of real world practice
All opinions are not equally valid. Some are more valid than others and some are less valid than others. Some are simply bad.
Everyone in CoH2 will fall somewhere in those options above. Who would you listen to?