Oh poor baby they actually want you to pay for content....omg... welcome to the real world kids, you guys are seriously pathetic sometimes quit acting like you live in a jar for real and why should Relic have to give away their commanders for free if you play a lot... what would be in it for them then? You guys whining about actually having to pay for shit make me LOL, I mean come on seriously. Get a job kids then you can get stuff no one gonna give it to you and they shouldnt have too
Stop being an idiot, people here are not whining the price of DLC (those are even cheaper than your lunch), they are bitching the system of DLC. Why should a player paid a full price of a game, would be required to buy tons of DLC worthing 1-5 bucks? and those should be including in the original fucking game. (like tank trap? FHQ? trench?

Now there are tons of gaming industries advertising "There is a XXX DLC", even before the game release. This system is fucked.
EA, Sega, Capcom, Square Lynx, Bandai Namco (maybe all Japanese company

) those guys are truly demons of pay2win DLC. Ubisoft do have DLC but they are not that retarded. Blizzard possibly is the only company that keeping the traditional "Original game + expansion" system and say no to dlc.
Don't tell me "but they need to sustain the supporting cost of the game", it's bullshit. If the game is good enough, people would swarm the game store and buy it on the first day, without question. (Starcraft, GTA V, etc)