pzgren spam with reinforce assistance < Uber Ppsh/shock and guard spam with dp's
Thats how I read this. Thanks for Clarifying. I can see dual snipers as a problem but I have yet to run into with my German play 1v1 (granted I am not playing top 100 player so there you go)
At my skill level I just back up my Grens with a Scout Car or two. And it keeps them back. Managed to sacrfice one Scout Car to keep the Guards Busy while I circle with the other and got two sniper kills.
But thats just me. I am sure it gets harder as things progress.
It is different for every situation. Sometimes things go your way, and sometimes the enemy finds a way around your counter. Map also matters a lot. It seems to be harder in urban maps where any side (russians in my case) can guard any form of flanking against their snipers, and the snipers just run into an alleyway and vanish with their sprint. It just annoys me that this has become an official early game tactic, and the early game means everything. Then t34/85 hordes come and take out our stunted armor. Early game control locks you out of any comeback later once everyone has teched. Russians suffer late game often, but they stand a better chance than they would have if they were suffering early game. (Not saying that Germans should not suffer, but its legit tough to counter when your army has been bled with little game, with very little map control, and since it is early game, you have nothing to make a comeback with since you never had an advantage.)
I actually did what you did, somewhat. I led two panzergrenadier squads against 2 guards troops. (I dont remember if they had DP's yet) The sniper was in the back. I scooted my upgraded 222 around the back and took care of the sniper, but my panzergrenadiers were suffering bad, I took out a few models, but one of my squads was down to 3 men and was wiped by a guards' nade. The second squad i was forced to retreat. I was pulling my 222 to an alleyway much further down the street, and as it was rounding the bend, somehow, despite the clumsiness of guards and the fact my 222 was out of their site range, and the guards were focusing on my retreating squad, one random guard shot and hit my 222 at a panther's range and it died. When i returned, he regained what he had lost and set up a more effective counter to my army. I lost that engagement and my side of the map. It annoyed me that Russians made only counters and no real static army. I like playing as if it was real, one brute force against another. Obviously when that is not the case with the enemy, i switch tactics to try to kill him off, but times like these is when a german strat just does not work.