East Africa Campaign (1940-1941):

British troops removing a fascist insigna in Somalia, Kismayo

South African troops after the italian withdrawn in Moyale, Kenya 1941

Italian artillery at Kassala

Italian invasion of Somaliland in 1940

Ethiopians armed with stolen italian weapons, hearing that Haile Selassie will come back to Addis Ababa

Italians repairing an Autoblindo 41

Haile Selassie and Brigadier Daniel Sandford (left) and Colonel Wingate (right) in the Dambacha Fort, April 1941

Fort Hobok captured by South Africans, February 1941

Eritrean campaign

Mega Fort prior to the South African attack

The battle of Keren

The italian ship "Ramb I" sunk

Kenyan soldiers parading in Mogadishu

Italian M11/39 tanks captued after the battle of Agordat, January 1941

A Vickers Wellesy bombing the italian positions, Keren

British radio operatior, Keren

Italian POW, Keren

The Amba Alagi

Ethiopian painting of the battle of Gondar

Italian poster "We'll come back!", after Gondar's capitulation about 7.000 italian soldiers still in East Africa started a Guerrilla Warfare from November 1941 to October 1943, those who fought also in October 1943 didn't know of armistice, some of them were able to reach Italy, for example Amedeo Guillet
(behind the soldier, there's the ghost of Amedeo d'Aosta, the italian governor of the italian east africa, he surrendered on the Amba Alagi, he died in 1942 because of Malaria and Tuberculosis during his captivity)