SOLUTION 1: Give the Ostheer the 30 muni mine that the Russian's have so that way the Germans have a mine that can do both damage to tanks and infantry. To make it fair Russian should also be given a heavier mine like the Teller. Furthermore in it's current state I would like to point out that the 80 muni infantry mine field is very unpractical in 1v1s due to it's high cost and long build time. Not to mention the obvious warning signs that stick up at the edge of the field warning Soviet players that there is indeed a mine field here. A better solution to this would be making each square 20 munitions.
SOLUTION 2: Give Panzer Grenadiers the ability to upgrade 1 shrek at a time for either 60-75 munition each. This would enable Ostheer players to invest in a Teller mine as well to counter light vehicles.
SOLUTION 3: Give both sides universal tank traps like in vcoh days.
SOLUTION 4: Give Paks back their old cloaking ability from the vcoh days. This would make it much easier for Ostheer player to set up an ambush.
SOLUTION 5: If the changes to scatter do not make the T-70 more balanced in the next patch I suggest either a mixture or one of the following; increase the reloading time for the T-70, decrease the speed of the T-70, decrease the accuracy of the T-70. I would not suggest increasing the cost of this unit as this would mean seeing less of them during matches and as we know the Russians with their Soviet War Machine were all about quantity rather than the quality.
SOLUTION 6: In TOW the panzer grens from that period where able to upgrade anti-rifles. Why not reintroduce these weapons along side shreks? These weapons would be much cheaper but less powerful.
Constructive feedback appreciated, thanks for reading.