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THQ is Bankrupt for Real This Time

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9 Jan 2013, 03:34 AM
avatar of CombatMuffin

Posts: 642

thanks for your long winded agreement.

can DirectX9 power EE3?
iow , does it run on XP?

It wasn't an agreement per se. It simply stated an engine has some value, but not even close to as much as you paint it to in this case. Some will get the point, others won't. Its a discussion, not a debate or competition.

EE3 can run in dx9 afaik yeah. I don't know if it runs on XP.

The system requirements don't state Windows XP as a supported OS, but given the other requirements, its not entirely impossible that it can run it. One should not complain if the game CTD's on a Widows XP OS, though.
9 Jan 2013, 04:32 AM
avatar of cr4wler

Posts: 1164

unless you can make DX10+ run on XP, the game will not work.
9 Jan 2013, 11:59 AM
avatar of Qvazar

Posts: 881

CoH2 alpha did not work on XP. (Hope I didn't break the NDA there! :o)
9 Jan 2013, 12:10 PM
avatar of Heathen

Posts: 57

Ami, huge respect for the site but I am a little concerned at your reaction towards Jim. Are you saying Jim is not welcome?

You guys are going to be the centre of coh and as a result have a lot of power, please try and wield it responsibly.

I think you are forgetting what Relic and THQ did to the community on the release of TOV. They took a product I paid over $200AUD for and left it unplayable for two months. They then release a bug patch which was half arsed and then abandoned their promise to work on a balance patch because they had already moved onto COHO.

Only after massive community outrage did they decide to actually do the patch they promised.

The company is out purely for profit and would have no hesitation to lie to the public if it is in their financial interest.

Welcome negative opinions because if they are wrong, logic will prevail.

COH is a masterpiece, hopefully Relic gets picked up by a company with the resources to prevent Relic from releasing an unfinished product again as well as have a marketing budget.

EA gets some stick but the interface and esports elements they built into c&c3 were awesome, the gameplay was just terrible. Imagine that combined with COH's gameplay!!!
9 Jan 2013, 14:54 PM
avatar of Marcus2389
Developer Relic Badge
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The official system requirements have not been released yet. The requirements written on Steam/THQ store or any other website are not official. The alpha we played was dx9 I think and multiple times Relic said the game would have been switchable between dx9 and dx11 (when they talked about snow effects)
9 Jan 2013, 15:03 PM
avatar of NuVioN

Posts: 246

Its hard to be mad a company that made a game which gave me 2000 hours of fun, with or without the bugs. The outrage was because we love the game so much, which they made.
Yes THQ messed this one up, they shouldn't have done the things they are doing now, and it smells of bad business, but I for one will not allow that THQ's financial policies afect how I feel for the game developers and map makers and etc. Different people. One have only money on their mind, while the others, people that made CoH really try hard to make a game that's as good as possible, if not the best.
Jim's attitude isnt limited to THQ's financial decisions but towards the whole THQ staff, which includes relic, which I dont like . And there you have the reason

Ami, huge respect for the site but I am a little concerned at your reaction towards Jim. Are you saying Jim is not welcome?

You guys are going to be the centre of coh and as a result have a lot of power, please try and wield it responsibly.

I think you are forgetting what Relic and THQ did to the community on the release of TOV. They took a product I paid over $200AUD for and left it unplayable for two months. They then release a bug patch which was half arsed and then abandoned their promise to work on a balance patch because they had already moved onto COHO.

Only after massive community outrage did they decide to actually do the patch they promised.

The company is out purely for profit and would have no hesitation to lie to the public if it is in their financial interest.

Welcome negative opinions because if they are wrong, logic will prevail.

COH is a masterpiece, hopefully Relic gets picked up by a company with the resources to prevent Relic from releasing an unfinished product again as well as have a marketing budget.

EA gets some stick but the interface and esports elements they built into c&c3 were awesome, the gameplay was just terrible. Imagine that combined with COH's gameplay!!!
9 Jan 2013, 15:27 PM
avatar of TychusFindlay

Posts: 213

jump backJump back to quoted post9 Jan 2013, 15:03 PMNuVioN

Jim's attitude isnt limited to THQ's financial decisions but towards the whole THQ staff, which includes relic, which I dont like . And there you have the reason

i have repeatedly challenged the THQ staff on their comments about THQ's financial situation. That is all i've done.

THQ leaderhship has been misleading investors and bondholders for a long time.
this isn't some "isolated" and "shocking" incident.

when it comes to AKI and Relic, you should read all my comments.
not just the negative ones.

if you think no Relic employees have considered leaving partly because of what has been going on in THQ for the past 6 months you are living in a dream world... no different than when times were good and everyone wanted to work on THQ's wrestling titles when they were great... where o where is APOC Kaufman now?

also, an update on the Chapter 11 proceedings,
Brian Farrell has spoken:
9 Jan 2013, 15:58 PM
avatar of Marcus2389
Developer Relic Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 4559 | Subs: 2

No THQ/Relic employee could ever speak you freely, not even Jason Rubin or Brian Farrell probably. I think it was pretty obvious, we are talking of multinational groups with close policies about sharing private info.

Tribalbob said his opinion and what he was allowed to say by Relic, nothing less and nothing more. It's no surprise if what he said was nothing relevant for you/me/anyone about THQ/Relic conditions.
I mean, it's obvious companies tell their employees not to share their private info, or maybe they don't even reveal all the info to their emplooyes.

I liked your interest in the "THQ" situation and I got a lot of interesting info about the situation, but I disagree with the way you are spreading the info.

I don't know why but your nickname, your signature, everything in the way you write posts seems to tell me you don't want just to give us info about THQ, you also really want that those news are bad news. This is obviously my feeling, and a lot of people here have my same feeling.

I have personally nothing against you as person (hell I don't even know you) and this website is a community where people should be allowed to hear voices from all the directions. But if this thread is really all about talking about THQ in a negative way and not only about showing facts and updating people on the situation then I would gladly vote to move the thread to the scrap yard (the mess hall of COH2.ORG) :)

Have a nice day Mr.Raynor/Findlay/Horner.
9 Jan 2013, 16:31 PM
avatar of TychusFindlay

Posts: 213

No THQ/Relic employee could ever speak you freely, not even Jason Rubin or Brian Farrell probably. I think it was pretty obvious, we are talking of multinational groups with close policies about sharing private info.

again you don't read my positive comments... only my negative ones.

they are a publicly traded company ...lol...
every investor call for the past 4 years THQ continued to claim everything was just great.
DS2 was great.. WWE 13 was great.. everything was just great...

"the heavy lifting is done" and the old "we've turned the corner"
until they stopped offering guidance.

i was labelled as "overly negative" for saying WWE 13 was bad. even though i know a lot about the wrestling game genre and how its most loyal supporters think and what they want out of a game. no one ever actually attacked the content they just attacked me. that makes me LOL. No one ever discussed "mo cap" versus "hand drawn"... etc.

now we are going with the old "no one ever said anything ever".
and "we know that we know nothing".

as recently as the Chapter 11 filing Rubin stated "keep on pre ordering" everything is just fine. :)

Lynx and TribalBob said everything was fine financially... up until very recently.
the posts are on GR.Org. but, these guys are just soldiers.. the generals are Rubin and Farrell.

Bottom line is, a year ago many people were saying THQ was in big trouble and that Farrell was a total sleazebucket. I'm talking about knowledgeable industry people who do not makes sensational comments just to hear the sound of their own voice. I added up what they said along with my feelings on THQ's 2012 slate and came up with my "THQ Will Probably Fold" Thread.

my signature? "Hell, It's about time.." is Tychus Findlay's double entendre about SC2 taking so long to be made.

Over all, this issue is going to take a long time to resolve itself which is going to make this thread pretty active for a while.
9 Jan 2013, 16:51 PM
avatar of TychoCelchuuu
Senior Caster Badge

Posts: 1620 | Subs: 2

I have a hard time getting mad at Tychus for constantly telling us THQ is going to fail, when it turns out he was right, compared to the people at THQ saying "everything is fine, just keep buying our games, things will get better," when it appears that was just an attempt to get as much money as possible before inevitably going out of business. I don't really care about what intentions Tychus has and about what intentions THQ has - the plain fact of the matter is that if you listened to Tychus you would've known what's up and if you listened to THQ you'd have thrown a lot of money at a failing company that was just going to try to reward you by selling itself to Clearlake for much less than it was worth.

Maybe THQ and all of its employees actually believed that the company was fine even though it was in horrible financial straights - we don't have to say that Lynx was lying or anything, maybe it was just wishful thinking or he was misled by the higher-ups or something. But the bare fact is that Tychus is the one saying "look, THQ is going down" and as much as we hate to admit that fact, he turns out to have been right.
9 Jan 2013, 17:06 PM
avatar of TychusFindlay

Posts: 213

if a THQ employee dared say things might be bad at THQ then Farrell would've insta-fired the guy.

it should be no surprise to any one that the head accounting guy resigned a few days before THQ's "chapter 11 plan" was introduced. he didn't want his name attached to a "manufactured liquidity crisis".
9 Jan 2013, 19:46 PM
avatar of S73v0

Posts: 522

Tycho... Please don't encourage this troll, it's so obvious this guy is going beyond objective reasoning and has a personal vendetta against THQ/Relic. He insulted their employees, calling them liars when they have already clearly stated that their opinion is not the opinion of THQ yadda yadda. He flames everyone that has a different opinion to his own. Imho he should be banned and he should take his biased sensationalist news elsewhere.
9 Jan 2013, 20:35 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
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I have a hard time getting mad at Tychus for constantly telling us THQ is going to fail, when it turns out he was right, compared to the people at THQ saying "everything is fine, just keep buying our games, things will get better," when it appears that was just an attempt to get as much money as possible before inevitably going out of business. I don't really care about what intentions Tychus has and about what intentions THQ has - the plain fact of the matter is that if you listened to Tychus you would've known what's up and if you listened to THQ you'd have thrown a lot of money at a failing company that was just going to try to reward you by selling itself to Clearlake for much less than it was worth.

By and large, I agree with what you have previously written, Tycho, but states of mind do come into it, when evaluating the integrity of a post. To this end, I start by stating that I have had little reason to doubt what Relic devs have written. And as for THQ personnel, I will confine myself to observing that Lynx is a fine chap whom I have met personally. But if you work for a company in PR as a Community Manager, then you may find yourself from time to time between a rock and a hard place. The runes have been there to read for months - Tychus (in another life) and others set out the facts as they were. I do not need to set out the stall again about the share price devaluation last summer, but patently, if a company has share capital which is reduced drastically (as it was) then accordingly, its net worth devalues pro rata, and it seems be on the slide, (as events proved in hindsight)

I liked (and endorse) Marco's restrained observations today. I tend to side with his conclusions. Jim: do not allow yourslef to be deflected by ad hominems.Stick to the business in hand. Otherwise, if you allow others to goad you to extremes, you find yourself losing credibility, (unless, of course, that was always your position) which I do not think it was originally

Maybe THQ and all of its employees actually believed that the company was fine even though it was in horrible financial straights - we don't have to say that Lynx was lying or anything, maybe it was just wishful thinking or he was misled by the higher-ups or something. But the bare fact is that Tychus is the one saying "look, THQ is going down" and as much as we hate to admit that fact, he turns out to have been right.

Herein lies the dilemma for this board - or any other board dscussing matters of such grave import: there is a straight conflict of interest (IMO) between

1) the gamer/consumer on the one hand, who understandably only sees the wretched mess from the aspect of pre-ordering, to when, and if, will this game come out, and will it be supported? And by whom? (the most important view from this website); and

2) the businessman/investor, on the other hand, who is dispassionately interested as to how, and why this particular chapter 11 bankruptcy should devolve in the way it does

I think this thread should be locked, and the two separate viewpoints be allotted different threads.
There will be less chance of flaming/ad hominems

But subject to anything which appears after this, in view of the requirements for beta testers in Vancouver on the weekend prior to the auction of THQ assets, I would be surprised to see the Beta emerge prior to the auction.

-----------> Beta testers: please tell us who is at the testing, apart from Relic! :D

9 Jan 2013, 23:11 PM
avatar of CombatMuffin

Posts: 642

Agreed. Hard facts, are hard facts, whether one likes to read/hear them or not.

Fact: THQ has been on the downside for a long time now, sometimes slowly and very rapidly recently. Then again a lot of companies have been on the downside in this industry for quite a while. That was part of the surprise when Schafer managed to get Kickstarter funding, it opened a new opportunity for struggling companies (and it is now dwindling, btw).

I will disagree when anybody says a "company lied to them". I could be enraged at Relic for putting its own internal DRM requiring an internet connection after OF when, during 1.7 and before, you didn't even need a game disc (at least I didn't), but the truth is it was more f a childish complaints than anything.All companies, and I mean absolutely all of them, oversell their products. They put extra sugar in their marketing campaigns, they put hide their product's weakness, etc. Its part of the business competition.

So maybe CoH2 comes out, and maybe it doens't get all the patch support we expected. I am still buying it. Not because I'm a fanboi (and I am a Relic fan), but because its a game I am curious about. I know there are possible risks and I am still willing to take them.As far as the meat of the Topic: THQ is in financial freefall and spinning out of control hard. Doesn't mean they can't recover in some shape or another.

This community is not together because of THQ... but one of the products they put money on.

10 Jan 2013, 14:32 PM
avatar of Dwighty

Posts: 222

Welcome negative opinions because if they are wrong, logic will prevail.

Sadly; the uninhibited arena for freedom of speech which the Internet provides is a excellent channel for spreading false information. A few Google searches on controversial subjects will provide you with sufficient evidence to back this up.

Basically; A baseless and speculative claim made by Jim can be perceived as absolute truth by another member, which can pose somewhat of a problem.
10 Jan 2013, 15:22 PM
avatar of TychoCelchuuu
Senior Caster Badge

Posts: 1620 | Subs: 2

Luckily, Jim can't make baseless and speculative claims without half of the forum shouting him down.
10 Jan 2013, 15:37 PM
avatar of TychusFindlay

Posts: 213

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Jan 2013, 14:32 PMDwighty

Sadly; the uninhibited arena for freedom of speech which the Internet provides is a excellent channel for spreading false information. A few Google searches on controversial subjects will provide you with sufficient evidence to back this up.
Basically; A baseless and speculative claim made by Jim can be perceived as absolute truth by another member, which can pose somewhat of a problem.

A baseless speculative claim that THQ has "turned the corner" and "completed the heavy lifting" can also be made by Brian Farrell and published on sites like IGN.com and GamesIndustry.biz

accompanied with some amazing looking graphs and pie charts.. and of course the ever popular George Washington isometric thoughtful pose.

i mean you just gotta believe everything this guy says right? Ethos personified.

therefore, i'd say THQ's marketing PR army is much better are spreading misinformation than any random forum poster on a small fan site.

Furthermore, any one is free to refute my claims.

When i posted up my "THQ Will Probably Fold" thread I had tonnes of opposition. In June of 2009 when i published "Sell Your ATVI Stock now" (clearly an opinion piece) I also had tonne of opposition.

I was labelled "anti blizzard" for posting up that one.

On TL.Net i'm labelled "anti toronto blue jay" and a "canada hater" because i said the team would only win 69 games. They started the season 50-50.

Lots of opposition is good though, it allows me to refine my thinking before i have to make any kind of real decision about anything. Most of the time I end up making "no decision" any how.

10 Jan 2013, 15:44 PM
avatar of CombatMuffin

Posts: 642

You do realize its a binary result, right?

If you said they'd fold, and they didn't, you'd be another "doomsday guy in the street corner". If you said they'd fold and it actually happened, then you automatically become a "I told you so". Either way, it was speculative, no matter how much info you had in hand.

While I'm sure you've gotten opposition by naysayers, I am willing to agree with some of the other posters that it is the manner in which you present the information, which gives them the raised eyebrows.The whole "controversy for controversy's sake".

10 Jan 2013, 15:50 PM
avatar of TychusFindlay

Posts: 213

You do realize its a binary result, right?
If you said they'd fold, and they didn't, ...
ormation, which gives them the raised eyebrows.The whole "controversy for controversy's sake".

people flat out do not read my entire post.
they ignore all the great stuff THQ did which i bring up.. explaining how they rose from nothing to being a multi-billion dollar publisher.
10 Jan 2013, 15:51 PM
avatar of TychoCelchuuu
Senior Caster Badge

Posts: 1620 | Subs: 2

Yes, of course it was speculative. That's the whole point. He was speculating about what would happen to THQ. He said it would fold. People do this all the time.
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