Hence my point about the online population dwindling to a small number of sycophants. I've had a lot of things said about me, but never that I'm uneducated. 
If what I write is making you uncomfortable then you can always check out the official forums or the Discord server, I'm sure those will be more to your sensibilities.
Not a sycophant, I've never preached that they were perfect or that they were infallible. At what point have you seen me praise Relic? Just because you like to tout that you went to uni doesn't mean you were taught about everything, does it? Arrogance and learning don't exactly go hand in hand.
As Spitfire has said you're entitled to your opinion. AFAIK you've given it repeatedly. And like he said, it's odd that you spend so much time into something you don't actually own. So yes, you come off as uneducated about a specific thing. I'm sorry if you're perturbed about that. It's quite possible to be uneducated about many things.
If you want to give merit to your beliefs that you're affecting me in someway, or somehow, don't. I just come here as infrequently as you and see you bitching about the same shit month after month. Also, you aren't original, schadenfreude is just a word for misery loves company which just about everyone on the planet has already heard.