I'm shocked at this kindness on Rommel.
He was a general in the German army and a Nazi, a hero of the third reich according to Hitler. He contributed greatly to the German war effort and to its victory. Why is this guy so popular?
Why the glorification of this character ?
as an example of this "cool" image
For God sake 
Hi Quentin!
You make a reasonable point, but Rommel was a complex character.
If you did not know, Rommel was faced with a choice in 1944, when it was discovered he had been involved in the July plot to depose Hitler. Consequently, he was presented with 3 choices, the 'best' of which was suicide. This was the course he chose, in order to protect his family.
Wikipedia sets out the skeleton of his life and career.
Hitler may have declared Rommel a hero, but it was Hitler who ordered his death.
As the fog of war lifts slowly from the propaganda of both sides in WWII, it is necessary to keep all things in review.