They made it even worse now. Did they learn anything? Now you have the doctrinal Opel Blitz with a ressource bonus for the whole team and the nondoctrinal Kettenkrad with its upgrade that gives the bonus for the whole team too. Combine this to double the fuel amount a fuel point gives to the whole team. That is ridiculous at the bigger game modes, especially if your fuel points are near to your base. And thats the case in a lot more maps than at CoH2.
On the other side USF ha a doctrinal ability similar to the Kettenkrad. But the Weasel has to reach Vet1 first, which makes backcapping from the start pointless like you can do with Kettenkrad, because the whole thing takes too long. On top there is no thing like a Opel Blitz.
What is this nonsense? I really don't get how they could do the same mistakes again and exaggerate it even more.

Edit: Please read unequal in the title instead of unegual