This is a post aimed at explaining the situation that has developed in the past few days and expose the problems that are currently affecting the community and its members.
I’d like to start with the fact that I was kicked without any notification from any official Relic source.
I woke up one day and the “privileges” granted by the creator program were gone, I didn’t have access to the Private Discord chat for the creators, the website for the promotional code didn’t work anymore (not that it ever really did) and my discord role as a “creator” was removed, all without anybody telling me why or what happened.
So I started suspecting that something changed and decided to DM the moderators of the discord channel trough ModMail but I was ignored and so I decided to DM JohnRE and ask for an explanation. After a good part of the day he answered telling me that they essentially forgot to notify me and that I was kicked because of my behaviour and comments towards other players and members of the community.
It goes without saying that I felt deeply hurt and surprised at this immense lack of professionalism and great disrespect that has always been a prominent thing troughout my partnership.
I joined the creator program back in August of 2022 thinking that my privileged position would greatly help the development of the game not only because I regularly streamed on twitch for more than 2 years at that point but also because I played the game almost every day at an above average level.
Unfortunately that’s not what happened, the promises of the Coh-Development ended up being empty for me and the interaction with the Relic staff was incredibly underwhelming, JohnRE was the only one who interacted with the creators and more often than not answering in a very vague manner our questions or straight up ignoring them, effectively rendering the chat useless since we ended up knowing as much as everybody else.
Feedback also wasn’t received well from my experience, I made a very detailed and objective Feedback post about call ins back when the US deep dive came out and the first response that I got was “play the tech test and then let us know” which I found to be, again, disrespectful and quite condescending since the whole point of the Coh-Development was to involve the community and their feedback BEFORE the game would be launched.
I would like to talk about the reason why I got kicked and why I don’t think it’s fair.
Ignoring the fact that the reasoning why I was kicked is, again, extremely vague and uncertain, I have reasons to believe it was because someone reported me for some things I said in a private discord channel. What I mean by that is that I most likely broke the code of heroes while talking to my friends, most likely by making jokes about them, and those words were taken out of context by someone and sent to relic which then acted upon the rules set by them.
The code of heroes does apply to third party platforms such as Discord but I believe it’s not fair that the stuff said in a private enviroment such as a closed discord group can be subject to judgment and end up getting you banned.
The code of heroes doesn’t apply only to creators but to every member of the community meaning that anybody is subject to scrutiny even in their most private enviroments. I really dislike this procedure as it greatly limits privacy and inflicts paranoia on everybody who worries about their spot in the community.
Overall I found the partnership to be a terrible experience, giving up creative liberties and suffering from constant paranoia on anything I say or do in any setting for little to no upside. The one true bonus that I got was coh3 for free, which I’m very grateful for but when put into perspective and compared to the 3 years of streaming everyday for 3 hours it ends up not being much at all.
I hope things will change in the future and the handling of the community improved to not only guarantee a better enviroment but also a better gaming experience.

Perhabs "unionize" is the wrong word but as paid content creators you have the right to "group negotiate" a better deal with Sega.
I encourage CoH content creators to reach out to other Total War YouTubers that have talked about the same issues. Don't become a Sega marketing puppet/lapdog as that set the CoH community on a self-destructive path.
Related to this;
Below, listen to video clip from 15:42. Conversation between RepublicOfPlay (former CA) and LegendofTotalWar one of the largest TW YouTuber
Watch Independent Total War Content Creator, Volound:
Volound | Should Total War Youtubers Unionise (after this latest round of humiliation)?:
Volound | The Great Total War Shilling Operation;
Total War is kept afloat in 2021 by a fleet of shills supporting an over-extended marketing budget tasked to stretch the achievements of underfunded studios making games that reliably fall short of offerings from their predecessors from over a decade ago.
Trying to implement Sega/CA affiliate marketing on top of Amplitude GAMES2GETHER community consultation is two separate business models that seems incompatible with conflicting interests.
For the record, I only gave Sega marketing the benefit of doubt because of Amplitude GAMES2GETHER.
For recent proof of Sega/CA's Code Of Bullies and false advertisements
just look at the shitshow going on with CA's abuse scandal and Total War censorship;
S*xual Abuse Scandal for UK's Biggest Game Developer.. Creative Assembly:
And speaking of false advertisements Sega/CA are still marketing this studio as "best places to work"
So more often than not, marketing is based upon a foundation of lies. The sooner Content Creators realize this, the safer we'll all be from these overrated marketing people.

The next time you hear Relic/Sega talk about "Code of Heroes".
Please ask Sega to be specific. Are we talking about CA's Code Of Bullies?.

In short, be careful out there and never put anyone on a pedestal.