What am I trying to do ?
A simple B-4 203mm Howitzer mod, that reverts the changes to it's previous 1 shot-glory state. For skirmish/custom battle use.
I've never tried it when it was good, really want to "experience" it.
I'm using these "patch notes" as a guide:
So what is the problem ?
So far - found tutorials for making a "tuning" mod, got through those.
Cannot find anything specific or enough to explain anything with artillery.
I'm combing through Ebps / Sbps / Weapons categories in the Attribute editor, and I'm finding B4 203mm Howitzer in all of those. Whilst I started to distinguish on my own some of the animation and other entity things I don't need, I'm still a bit lost.
For instance:
This is the ebps / races /soviet / team weapons / soviet field artillery /

For skirmish play, I should edit something _mp related, I get that...But which one ?
There is barrage_mp , _mp, and _commander in other categories as well?
A few more questions:
- Cannot find where to change from 3 shells fired to 1. I sort of found it, but the way it's written, it should still fire 1 shell instead of 3.
- Found damage - two instances - one says 640 (which I'm guessing is a singleplayer or just a leftover) and another is 220. Neither of them are "after the patch" values.
- Found cost. Currently B4 203mm costs 400 manpower, 50 fuel and 13-pop cap. That is not reflected in any of the files, the best I can find is 300 manpower, 0 fuel.
- Whilst I'm editing B4 203mm entity...Should I be looking at projectile entities as well ? Patch notes give scatter/suppress values, I'm having trouble understanding what is connected to what.
Can someone help, please ?
Tried googling, to no avail.
Tried finding a mod that would revert patch changes, wasn't really successful.
Same with standalone B4 mod.
GronGrinder on reddit says that the popular "All units" mod has not been updated in a while, and it should have the pre-patch B-4 203mm intact. Perhaps trying to mod the game myself is too time-costly and won't lead to desired/precise outcome, maybe I should just find a way to copy/paste B-4 203mm stuff from it. Problem is - I dont know how to exactly do that.
Can someone help me with this ?