
russian armor

long vision range cancer

29 Aug 2022, 02:04 AM
avatar of Elpern

Posts: 84

Did this post timetravel from 2019? All those units you mention have been nerfed on multiple occasions, except for the scott that saw a buff and thus thats the controversial unit
29 Aug 2022, 15:16 PM
avatar of Katukov

Posts: 786 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Aug 2022, 02:04 AMElpern
Did this post timetravel from 2019? All those units you mention have been nerfed on multiple occasions, except for the scott that saw a buff and thus thats the controversial unit

with the latest patch, some changes to scotts made it a barrage weapon.

USF players quickly figured out that pathfinders give a significant vision for the player, AND can fight off most infantry with the BAR upgrade. The result is a nasty shock with scott spammers being able to spot support weapons and blowing them apart, and MGs being made almost useless because USF always saw them in advance.

This made all axis players complain, naturally
30 Aug 2022, 20:05 PM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Aug 2022, 15:16 PMKatukov

with the latest patch, some changes to scotts made it a barrage weapon.

USF players quickly figured out that pathfinders give a significant vision for the player, AND can fight off most infantry with the BAR upgrade. The result is a nasty shock with scott spammers being able to spot support weapons and blowing them apart, and MGs being made almost useless because USF always saw them in advance.

This made all axis players complain, naturally
id be mad too if i was axis players and cant just camp behind my mgs relocate them every once in a while and watch usf run into them over and over anymore too 🤣.

I do use airborne and rcon support quite a but but I dont spam Paths i just always keep one in my army or else its forced to make the glorified smoke machine because you dont have much of a choice. Dont see the point of blobbing paths when I get a lot more dps out of having 1 double bar paths, 1 double bar rifles, capt with a bar and one zook and 1919 paras well with a lot less work vs having to micro scotts and then I can just spam jacksons.
31 Aug 2022, 02:08 AM
avatar of theekvn

Posts: 307

Yo sure, Nerfed Pak Howie and M8 scott to the ground then buff Scott into barrage weapon because reason ?.
Now Crying like a bitch due to Path + scott.
oh, How about Weh camping with camo light jeager, scoped tank from the begining of this game ?. How about OKw with shit ton of Long range vision and fucking 70 range KT, litterly a 300+ armor Pathfinder with 2 shot medium tank Heat shell ?.
smoke and go they said, flanking moverment they said, combine arm they said...
Pro player would provide good advices for community team they said
1 Sep 2022, 23:14 PM
avatar of KoRneY

Posts: 682

jump backJump back to quoted post31 Aug 2022, 02:08 AMtheekvn
Yo sure, Nerfed Pak Howie and M8 scott to the ground then buff Scott into barrage weapon because reason ?.
Now Crying like a bitch due to Path + scott.
oh, How about Weh camping with camo light jeager, scoped tank from the begining of this game ?. How about OKw with shit ton of Long range vision and fucking 70 range KT, litterly a 300+ armor Pathfinder with 2 shot medium tank Heat shell ?.
smoke and go they said, flanking moverment they said, combine arm they said...
Pro player would provide good advices for community team they said

Sight range is a little fucked up yeah but no they can't 2 shot tanks and no they don't have 70 range.

2 Sep 2022, 09:11 AM
avatar of Protos Angelus

Posts: 1515

jump backJump back to quoted post1 Sep 2022, 23:14 PMKoRneY

Sight range is a little fucked up yeah but no they can't 2 shot tanks and no they don't have 70 range.

Heat shell is 30%? So it's about 300 dmg, meaning 3 shot with heat shells... and 3 shots without heat shells. Or 2 heat shells + snare.
70 vision is not stock. Stock vet1 KT is about 50 sight if I remember with the mode activated? Might be wrong. With the most played commander, it goes to 70 in mode.
So stock, you are right, but in reality, most people play with the 221/heat/commander upgrade and once KT reaches vet1, I have yet to see a person who does not activate the Spearhead mode in teamgames, as it's a free buff with little to no downsides (locked turret means sh** when the maps are narrow and long)
2 Sep 2022, 21:45 PM
avatar of KoRneY

Posts: 682

Heat shell is 30%? So it's about 300 dmg, meaning 3 shot with heat shells... and 3 shots without heat shells. Or 2 heat shells + snare.
70 vision is not stock. Stock vet1 KT is about 50 sight if I remember with the mode activated? Might be wrong. With the most played commander, it goes to 70 in mode.
So stock, you are right, but in reality, most people play with the 221/heat/commander upgrade and once KT reaches vet1, I have yet to see a person who does not activate the Spearhead mode in teamgames, as it's a free buff with little to no downsides (locked turret means sh** when the maps are narrow and long)

Yes it's 240 x 1.3 so 312. 3 shots with or without on most mediums. Really kind of a waste on anything below a t34/85 but very nice on Comets and above (imo) for both pen and damage. Also useful for maybe blasting a blob of infantry.

Afaik it's 30 sight range + 18-20 for spear + 10 for panzer commander. Admittedly haven't tested it out so I can't say... Still a bit much imo for sight and I'm not sure if the turret still bugs out auto selecting targets in spearhead. It also gets -25% speed fwiw.

2 Sep 2022, 23:58 PM
avatar of Protos Angelus

Posts: 1515

jump backJump back to quoted post2 Sep 2022, 21:45 PMKoRneY

Yes it's 240 x 1.3 so 312. 3 shots with or without on most mediums. Really kind of a waste on anything below a t34/85 but very nice on Comets and above (imo) for both pen and damage. Also useful for maybe blasting a blob of infantry.

Afaik it's 30 sight range + 18-20 for spear + 10 for panzer commander. Admittedly haven't tested it out so I can't say... Still a bit much imo for sight and I'm not sure if the turret still bugs out auto selecting targets in spearhead. It also gets -25% speed fwiw.

Panzer commander is not a static variable that gets added to the vision. It's a multiplier. Gets the vision all the way up to 72.5 or something like that (Tightrope tested it after playing against it and calling it extremely broken). Yeah, heat shells are mostly used for infantry and beefier tanks, nothing else. Maybe on snared or otherwise damaged tanks. I've seen a couple of 2 shots on tanks that were hit by a lousy mortar shell and got penetrated from above/behind, just enough for a 2 shot (something that you can't tell just by looking at the HP bar)
3 Sep 2022, 21:42 PM
avatar of KoRneY

Posts: 682

Panzer commander is not a static variable that gets added to the vision. It's a multiplier. Gets the vision all the way up to 72.5 or something like that (Tightrope tested it after playing against it and calling it extremely broken). Yeah, heat shells are mostly used for infantry and beefier tanks, nothing else. Maybe on snared or otherwise damaged tanks. I've seen a couple of 2 shots on tanks that were hit by a lousy mortar shell and got penetrated from above/behind, just enough for a 2 shot (something that you can't tell just by looking at the HP bar)

That's a crazy multiplier then... @ 50 sight it would be 1.45 (which seems broken) @ 48 it's 1.5 (seems more likely but still broken).

At any rate when I mentioned range I was speaking of the main cannon (not 70).

Tiger Ace also gets breakthrough and a sight bulletin (+10%) which bumps it up to just over 50 and that, to me, is about as much sight as anything that large should get. I wonder what a Command Panther (teammate) + KT + spearhead + panzer commander would do...
4 Sep 2022, 09:01 AM
avatar of Protos Angelus

Posts: 1515

jump backJump back to quoted post3 Sep 2022, 21:42 PMKoRneY

That's a crazy multiplier then... @ 50 sight it would be 1.45 (which seems broken) @ 48 it's 1.5 (seems more likely but still broken).

At any rate when I mentioned range I was speaking of the main cannon (not 70).

Tiger Ace also gets breakthrough and a sight bulletin (+10%) which bumps it up to just over 50 and that, to me, is about as much sight as anything that large should get. I wonder what a Command Panther (teammate) + KT + spearhead + panzer commander would do...

Would do? Well, I know what I would do.

But yeah, it's broken. Some things are a relic of the past (pun not intended), and have not been standardized through the patches, even though they have been warned multiple times. Again, Tightrope warned that KT with commander and spearhead would be broken, a couple of patches before the last time and time again. Same with Ace, ISU152 70 range HE... Tightrope being the foremost "popularizer" of COH2, I'm guessing the balance team watched his videos. But what's done is one. A couple of broken things remain and will be left like that, nothing anyone can do about it now.
Concerning cannon range, I don't think any heavy tank should have more than 45, with vet or not, given that they are tanks only to be used with proper support. It's not like it's extremely easy to gauge 50-60 range difference so you stay out of range, whilst keeping them in check, especially since you won't always have the vision, so you will need to drive up to it closer at times, depending on the scenario.
I'll never forget Redball, KT with spearhead and commander, right side forest completely destroyed, wide open. Sturmtiger and raketen + JP4 + infantry. That was before the ST range nerf. Impossible to push with tanks or AT guns or infantry, due to the map design. Broken sight. When I went to check the replay what I was doing wrong... KT sitting still behind the fuel, having sight all the way to the bottom 2nd regular point, and beyond it xD. About 70ish sight...
4 Sep 2022, 09:31 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

...Again, Tightrope warned that KT with commander and spearhead would be broken, a couple of patches before the last time and time again...

You are aware that tightrope is member of the mod team right?
4 Sep 2022, 14:44 PM
avatar of Katukov

Posts: 786 | Subs: 1


If it makes you feel better, spotting scopes on wehrmacht let any enemy tank of theirs stand still for 2 seconds and see your entire frontline and units behind it too
4 Sep 2022, 15:05 PM
avatar of thekessvn

Posts: 109

jump backJump back to quoted post4 Sep 2022, 09:31 AMVipper

You are aware that tightrope is member of the mod team right?

So, event know about those broken shit, they ( including Tightrope ) dont give a shit and left them come to live vision ?. Right ?.
So why Mod team need feedback after all ?. For fun ?
4 Sep 2022, 15:17 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

So, event know about those broken shit, they ( including Tightrope ) dont give a shit and left them come to live vision ?. Right ?.
So why Mod team need feedback after all ?. For fun ?

PLS ask the mode team and not me...
4 Sep 2022, 17:21 PM
avatar of Mr Carmine

Posts: 1289

So, event know about those broken shit, they ( including Tightrope ) dont give a shit and left them come to live vision ?. Right ?.
So why Mod team need feedback after all ?. For fun ?

The mod team will have different opinions per member. Probably tight rope was the only or one of the few that disagreed on this subject. Or there was no time to fix or it was out of scope.
4 Sep 2022, 18:36 PM
avatar of Protos Angelus

Posts: 1515

The mod team will have different opinions per member. Probably tight rope was the only or one of the few that disagreed on this subject. Or there was no time to fix or it was out of scope.

Highly doubt they had no time/scope.
Given how the most prominent members of the comm.balance team are axis players (except jibber), and how they were not getting payed at all for the balancing. They just let it be so they have something to rely on (literally every game I've played against sturm or sander, they did the same meta build/commander in 3v3s). It's completely normal and expected. Subconsciousness is a bi*ch
4 Sep 2022, 20:24 PM
avatar of Mr Carmine

Posts: 1289

Highly doubt they had no time/scope.
Given how the most prominent members of the comm.balance team are axis players (except jibber), and how they were not getting payed at all for the balancing. They just let it be so they have something to rely on (literally every game I've played against sturm or sander, they did the same meta build/commander in 3v3s). It's completely normal and expected. Subconsciousness is a bi*ch

I am not 100% sure who is or was on the team but i am also of the opnion that they are mostly in favor off axis. The same as the biggest streamers and casters coh 2 has.
You can only do so much when the majority of players and casters have a favor for one side. Like you said normal and expected, yet also a pitty.
5 Sep 2022, 01:08 AM
avatar of theekvn

Posts: 307

I dont think they are out of scope/time because they are fucking BIG Feedback thread in here, Relic forum or steam community. Well, lots of player including me had pointed out alot of stuff on test side... Guess What ?. Nothing happen !.
I guess feedback from everyone is a waste :D
5 Sep 2022, 01:11 AM
avatar of theekvn

Posts: 307

The mod team will have different opinions per member. Probably tight rope was the only or one of the few that disagreed on this subject. Or there was no time to fix or it was out of scope.

Yeah, when things happened. People better put sh**t into Community balance team instead of Axis, Alies OP.
5 Sep 2022, 08:37 AM
avatar of Alphrum

Posts: 808

lol balance team pro axis? I've seen people say the exact opposite about them. Some of you are being unjust. What evidence do you have of them being bias? we've seen them buff/nerf axis and buff/nerf allies, they tried their best to balance the game, even though relic kept put restricting scopes on them which made balancing factions almost impossible but yh lets blame them for being bias. In areas they did balance the game like 1vs1's then people blamed for making the meta stale, its just a impossible battle for them.

And for the guy spreading lies about balance team playing axis only, i have come across balance team members many times in team games and i have seen them playing both allies and axis so stop spreading nonsense @protos angelus
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