I actually have no issue with the change. ISU was a toxic unit that forced Axis to pick heavy TDs more often in 2v2 resulting in much less fun gamemode overall.
My point was not that the ability was unjustifiably nerfed, but that calling that a buff was a humongous stretch. You still can wipe a relatively damaged and clumped squad, but that's about it.
Also back in the days ISU commanders had an IL2 bomb strike, that is a direct counter to static heavy weaponry pieces.
And there is context, I was replaying to a claim that the ability "practically useless" which you agree it is not.
So in sort you confirm that you posted just to disagree with me.
He is completely right on this point, no need to facepalm.
I simply returned a facepalm because if one reads this without knowing anything else:
Also the ability used to have 300 far pen... but I guess having an ability to wipe squads and team weapons is less important then having more chance to deal 240 damage to KT, Ele and JT 
one would think the ability can no longer wipe squad and team weapon and can only be used vs Super heavy vehicles which is simply false.
More than 300 pen helps basically only against the KT, JT and Ele. Out of those three, the KT is probably the only unit you want to use it against because otherwise you'll get a heavy return shot.
The pen buff is overall negligible.
The ability is very difficult to hit medium speed moving target unless they are driving directly into the barrel of the gun.
In AT role it is designed to be used vs those slow big heavily armored targets like KT/JT/Ele.
In addition since the ability can fired and score hits in the FOW and even behind certain shot blockers can, at least in some cases,be used with impunity.
JT/Ele firing back is not even guaranteed unless their gun is facing in the right direction
One can even combine it with mark target for extra damage.
So no I would not say that the penetration buff negligible
that ability is useless.