“Impossible?!” you say? Let’s find out how it works.
While playing around with hit boxes and how these interact with scatter values the other day, I stumbled upon a peculiar entry in the attribute editor, "distance_scatter_obj_hit_min", that left me scratching my head about what it actually does.
As it turns out (from the editor description anyways) this defines how far a projectile travels without collision detection, or to put it another way, how far it will actually phase through any objects it would otherwise collide with. These objects include your run-of-the-mill shotblockers, such as tank wrecks or those little tractors scattered around Faymonville, but also other things projectiles are usually meant to collide with – like the nearly impenetrable frontal armor plate of a King Tiger!
However, what goes inside a tank, must also come back out somehow, and if the projectile happens just to be able to phase through the front of the tank before travelling the distance set in distance_scatter_obj_hit_min, the next thing it will collide with is the rear armor of the tank! That is, of course, if you manage to set it up correctly. The following pictures explain how to do just that:
- Step 1: Place your tank within the right distance to the target. Not too far away, since you want the fired projectile to be able to phase through the front armor (blue line) and into the tank before the collision immunity runs out. But not too close either, as otherwise the projectile is going straight through the whole tank without colliding with the rear armor section (red line).
The collision immunity range is 10 m for the vast majority of the game’s arsenal (dashed red arrow), but there are a few exceptions where this distance is 5 m (namely the SU-76, T-34/76, KV-1 and Churchill tanks). As a rule of thumb, try to stay within about a tank’s length (half of that with the tanks mentioned before) to your target and you’re good to go.
- Step 2: Attack ground behind the tank so that the projectile’s flight path intersects with some part of the rear armor of your target. Generally, the farther the better, but make sure to aim at least far enough so that the entire scatter cone (white trapezoid) lies outside of the target’s hit box. The minimum distance depends on the actual scatter values for each tank gun, but again you’re on the safe side if you attack ground at least 1.5 tank lengths behind the target.
- Step 3: Profit!
Pulling this off in-game is arguably not always easy, but can be very satisfying if you can make it work. And as an added bonus, you can also make use of the collision immunity in a defensive setup.
For example, hiding behind a shotblocker as in the picture below will allow your scatter shots to still hit the target, while your opponent's will hit the wrecks instead (statter shots only, of course).