I got banned for using another player name, Luvnest that is, for 1 month. I didn't write anything offensive in game, didn't try to convince anyone that i was in fact luvnest, I've streamed all my games and made a random funny move to change my name to someone else's name, profile pic stayed the same, profile public, past names the same. By this logic hundreds of players using each other's names, and few dozen who use top players names should be banned in the game. Meanwhile I'm the only one banned for that. I get it, I used a "famous" player name, oh that makes sense... So guys you can make a name copyrighted and no one else can use it but you have to be "a famous player" ? I guess so.
I get it, I played with seeking in 2v2 when he's banned in game. Let's not have a whole debate, does seeking maphack or not, if I thought he was maphacking, he'd be out of the wazooo from my friend list and blocked and never played with him. I mention this because some people say this was the "real reason of the ban".
Tell me, am I going crazy here and really I'm the villain. Or there is some really disingenious, unprofessional moderation of our community taking place, without order and any responsiblity for wrongdoings?