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CoH3 multiplayer alpha soon

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14 Sep 2021, 03:14 AM
avatar of Rosbone

Posts: 2124 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Sep 2021, 00:52 AMSpanky
Clearly a passionate RTS lover like me. I can't change your mindset but I have hope that CoH3 will make you reconsider your pessimism. About your ranks I can only say one thing, take a more casual approach. :wave:

Well as an example I am a 4v4 casual. I am not very good. But it only took 3 days for Relic match making to take my rank 360 USF and turn it into 4000. 3 days of full on ass to mouth from the Relic server. So I have ZERO hope that Relic can/will pull off Coh3.

How is Relic even going to finish Coh3 when it takes them 4 months to post a map patch that literally takes a day or two tops to make?

Coh2 is the only game I play. Let me rephrase that. "Solitaire is the only game I play. I press Alt-F4 periodically between solitaire games."

So I have a vested interest in it succeeding. And I have zero faith in Relic. What does that say about people who play lots of other games?

I am not mad at Relic. Can you get mad a mentally handicapped person who is trying their best? I just feel sorry for them.

FPS is where its at. But there is no way you will ever be able to play it over the internet. Your ping will either be bad or you will be getting wall-hack-aim-bot sniped all day long. RTS is the best possible game for internet play. Things dont happen in milliseconds in an RTS. And Coh is the best of the best for RTS. But Relic cant see that so it will always be small potatoes.

Have you seen "THE SOCIAL NETWORK"? In the movie Mark Zuckerberg freaks out when his business partner shuts down his servers for a short time. And he says "Our servers are down one person leaves. Then their friends leave and facebook is dead." (paraphrasing).

The Relic servers have been broken for months upon months upon months. Let that sink in. Let it wash over you and cleanse your apathy.

For you guys Coh2 failures are whatever. You go to uni, come home grab a beer play a couple games, go to bed.

I feel like I am watching Hitler be born and grow into a homicidal maniac and cant do anything to stop him. What should be the best IP ever is being pissed away by morons whose only worry is what kind of fancy coffee they are gonna get tomorrow. Time to get back coding on my Coh replacement game I guess. Oh wait, I just got a Kemper guitar amp profiler. See you guys in 3-4 years when I get done playing with that :hyper:
14 Sep 2021, 07:10 AM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Sep 2021, 03:14 AMRosbone
How is Relic even going to finish Coh3 when it takes them 4 months to post a map patch that literally takes a day or two tops to make?

You're comparing the results of a skeleton crew (basically just Andy) with barely any to no dev experience, working through clumsy channels and multiple timezones with a volunteer community team, to a fully decked out in-office dev team. And you're ignoring all the things that go on around the release of a patch, such as internal and external (like Microsoft) checks/varifications, or testing, etc. that take up a lot of time on top of creating a patch itself.
14 Sep 2021, 11:45 AM
avatar of Kurobane

Posts: 658

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Sep 2021, 03:14 AMRosbone

Well as an example I am a 4v4 casual. I am not very good. But it only took 3 days for Relic match making to take my rank 360 USF and turn it into 4000. 3 days of full on ass to mouth from the Relic server. So I have ZERO hope that Relic can/will pull off Coh3.

COH 3 looks like a repeat of Dawn of War 3.
14 Sep 2021, 11:49 AM
avatar of Rosbone

Posts: 2124 | Subs: 2

You're comparing the results of a skeleton crew (basically just Andy)

And whose fault is it that Andy was the only person involved? I have been saying for about 6 years now, someone in management at relic is a moron and we all suffer for it. I dont blame Andy or John or any other community manager. Andy seemed very cool the few times I worked with him and I have not worked with John but have talked a little and seems great also. The person who takes a brand new person off the street and makes them the sole responsible person for Coh2 needs to be fired immediately. Try it at your job and see how it works out.

I take no pleasure in pointing this out. I am just trying to help you guys see the world as it really is. Will that be a RED pill or a BLUE pill?
14 Sep 2021, 11:51 AM
avatar of Rosbone

Posts: 2124 | Subs: 2

COH 3 looks like a repeat of Dawn of War 3.

How so? So far it looks like they are doing the opposite of DOW3 by actually working deeply with the community instead of ignoring them and doing all the things the community said not to do.
14 Sep 2021, 11:58 AM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Sep 2021, 11:49 AMRosbone
And whose fault is it that Andy was the only person involved? I have been saying for about 6 years now, someone in management at relic is a moron and we all suffer for it

I take no pleasure in pointing this out. I am just trying to help you guys see the world as it really is. Will that be a RED pill or a BLUE pill?

See what though? That Relic is a company like all others, set out to make a profit, and unlikely to invest major resources into a 5-6 year old game that barely brings in any revenue anymore? We should be glad that they even agreed to letting the community manager divert some of his time to do a bunch of community patches on the side imo.
14 Sep 2021, 12:12 PM
avatar of Rosbone

Posts: 2124 | Subs: 2

See what though?

I know my post was really large so:
- Coh2 best RTS ever.
- Relic trying to sell Coh3 = building new concrete walls on top of a hut made of twigs.

The fact no one at Relic can see these two flashing lights is mind bending and proves their management is imcompetent.

There are only two options: they suck at their jobs or they are doing it on purpose to kill Coh2.
14 Sep 2021, 12:50 PM
avatar of GiaA

Posts: 712 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Sep 2021, 12:12 PMRosbone

I know my post was really large so:
- Coh2 best RTS ever.
- Relic trying to sell Coh3 = building new concrete walls on top of a hut made of twigs.

The fact no one at Relic can see these two flashing lights is mind bending and proves their management is imcompetent.

There are only two options: they suck at their jobs or they are doing it on purpose to kill Coh2.

I've read your posts in this thread 3 times now and I honestly don't understand what you're saying. You're not really making a coherent point no offense. Like what are you trying to get at?
14 Sep 2021, 14:24 PM
avatar of OrangePest

Posts: 568 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post13 Sep 2021, 22:27 PMRosbone

You are clearly trolling. Watch any streamer and the 1st question asked is "Any good games today?". I could link 1000 twitch clips of rank 30 teams against rank 2000 teams in 2v2 on streams. The server is complete trash and Relic are grossly incompetent.

People hate EA or EPIC for being greedy assholes. But Relic is just plain incompetent. I have no clue how Sega has not ripped the management out of that company yet. It so long over due.

Most streamers (myself included) are in the top 1-30 area, meaning we get obscenely long queue times, but for the ordinary guy it usually isn't that bad for primetime
14 Sep 2021, 15:49 PM
avatar of Rosbone

Posts: 2124 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Sep 2021, 12:50 PMGiaA

I've read your posts in this thread 3 times now and I honestly don't understand what you're saying. You're not really making a coherent point no offense. Like what are you trying to get at?

Too long didnt read:
- How can anyone get excited about Coh3 when Coh2 is completely broken?
- Coh3 would sell much better if Coh2 was working correctly.
- Relic is clueless goobers who dont understand their own product.
14 Sep 2021, 15:51 PM
avatar of Rosbone

Posts: 2124 | Subs: 2

Most streamers (myself included) are in the top 1-30 area, meaning we get obscenely long queue times, but for the ordinary guy it usually isn't that bad for primetime

I am talking about people who are in qeue for less than a minute to get a game of top 100 players vs 6000 noobs. Does any cool feature of Coh2 make a game like this fun besides /L? If Coh2 had a cool commander system would this game be fun?

No, nothing can makes this fun.
14 Sep 2021, 23:38 PM
avatar of Spanky
Senior Strategist Badge

Posts: 1820 | Subs: 2

Alright guys enough, I made this thread to hype MP alpha thats coming in the near future and not for personal agendas with/against Relic and CoH.
15 Sep 2021, 00:21 AM
avatar of Rosbone

Posts: 2124 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Sep 2021, 23:38 PMSpanky
Alright guys enough, I made this thread to hype MP alpha thats coming in the near future and not for personal agendas with/against Relic and CoH.

Sorry Spanky. I will go quietly... and play some hot ass guitar WOOOOOOOO! Fuck Relic Im gone!

After the 4v4 tourney is over I will be gone forever.... or will I? Depends on how good this Kemper is. So far its pretty hot.
15 Sep 2021, 06:34 AM
avatar of waasdijki

Posts: 76

COH 3 looks like a repeat of Dawn of War 3.

To me it looks like they want to bring back the core coh experience. And this time they're asking the community for feedback so I don't see how this would turn into a dow3
15 Sep 2021, 08:02 AM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2266 | Subs: 1

DoW3 had cel Shading DotA graphics and animations which is the bane and bullcrap of te RTS Genre. didnt see any of that in CoH3
15 Sep 2021, 09:01 AM
avatar of le12ro

Posts: 23

From what I've seen (and played ;) ) things are shaping up really well for CoH3. The core gameplay loops are clearly better and more fun especially that it feels more like CoH1 in both MP and SP. Also, the involvement of the community from Day1 onwards did shape things in the best way possible; you guys can't imagine how much things have changed for the better through internal decisions and discussions.
15 Sep 2021, 17:35 PM
avatar of Smartie

Posts: 857 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post15 Sep 2021, 09:01 AMle12ro
From what I've seen (and played ;) ) things are shaping up really well for CoH3. The core gameplay loops are clearly better and more fun especially that it feels more like CoH1 in both MP and SP. Also, the involvement of the community from Day1 onwards did shape things in the best way possible; you guys can't imagine how much things have changed for the better through internal decisions and discussions.

16 Sep 2021, 14:13 PM
avatar of TickTack

Posts: 578

jump backJump back to quoted post13 Sep 2021, 22:27 PMRosbone

You are clearly trolling. Watch any streamer and the 1st question asked is "Any good games today?". I could link 1000 twitch clips of rank 30 teams against rank 2000 teams in 2v2 on streams. The server is complete trash and Relic are grossly incompetent.

Truth, it's critical that they get this right for coh3.
16 Sep 2021, 14:16 PM
avatar of TickTack

Posts: 578

Most streamers (myself included) are in the top 1-30 area, meaning we get obscenely long queue times

How long are we talking here? Min to max
16 Sep 2021, 19:11 PM
avatar of OrangePest

Posts: 568 | Subs: 1

How long are we talking here? Min to max

I think longest I've had was 1-2 hours give or take, granted it was probably 3-4 in the morning
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