Top level player allegedly maphacking in CoH2
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Posts: 2779
I don't really think it is humanly possible trying to hide a maphack in the tense of the game, in the highest level, with that amount of people watching the game.

Posts: 3041 | Subs: 3
Just put a webcam on his screen or a delay stream when he play.
I don't really think it is humanly possible trying to hide a maphack in the tense of the game, in the highest level, with that amount of people watching the game.
This has nothing to do with whether he is guilty or not.
According to your logic, a bank robber doesnt need to go to jail as long as he is being observed for the rest of his life?

Posts: 2155 | Subs: 2
Not sure if someone noticed but another problem for seeking in this clip is the fact that the pathfinders did not start aiming their guns yet when sandbags were cancelled.
The one issue I have with this clip is that the unit capping the fuel was moving towards the sandbag volks also. Seeking may have reacted to that unit, not the approaching paths. Is that possible?
Asking you cause I am noob.

Posts: 1958
Interesting that multiple people are not seeing the minor nuances that are clear indication for cheating. Remember, top level players who are cheating in any game are very good at it and do understand that their every move might be watched. Which in turn hurts their own natural game play and gives them a slight disadvantage.
Out of all the far-fetched denials, this is probably the worst. In addition to helping in the game that they're playing, it would help the player in future games against the same opponent because they will gain better insight into the other player in terms of what they build and how they react. I'd bet that all of the top tier players are bothered by this.

Posts: 3041 | Subs: 3
The one issue I have with this clip is that the unit capping the fuel was moving towards the sandbag volks also. Seeking may have reacted to that unit, not the approaching paths. Is that possible?
Asking you cause I am noob.
sry but what unit do you mean? Only the pathfinders are involved in this situation. The sturms havent seen the rear echelons at all

Posts: 2155 | Subs: 2
sry but what unit do you mean? Only the pathfinders are involved in this situation. The sturms havent seen the rear echelons at all
Looking at AEs video at game time 1:25 he pauses.
At this point Seeking may have seen the territory switch from flashing RED to solid white. So you know something just capped/is capping that point and is probably moving towards you.
In my test below, the territory flashed red then turns solid white when captured.

Just a thought. I have about 4 hours of sleep so take it with a grain of salt

I use this mechanic all the time in 4v4, but dont pay attention to the details of how it works. I just see the colors and know something is there.
EDIT #2:
The cutoff was already taken and Seeking would have saw that also. So he would really know someone is headed his way soon.

Posts: 359
Looking at AEs video at game time 1:25 he pauses.
At this point Seeking may have seen the territory switch from flashing RED to solid white. So you know something just capped/is capping that point and is probably moving towards you.
In my test below, the territory flashed red then turns solid white when captured.
Just a thought. I have about 4 hours of sleep so take it with a grain of salt
I use this mechanic all the time in 4v4, but dont pay attention to the details of how it works. I just see the colors and know something is there.
EDIT #2:
The cutoff was already taken and Seeking would have saw that also. So he would really know someone is headed his way soon.
EDIT: disregard, I got the directions messed up.

Posts: 2155 | Subs: 2
I think youre mixing up the directions, in the video the PFs come from the south but in this image they would be coming from the north. So in the vid Seeking is actually moving his volks TOWARDS the flashing red cap point, the fuel, as the PFs are approaching from enemies base, where the road forks.
In this image my volks are exactly where Seekings Volks were. I used Cheatmods so my base is in the south, yes.
I have volks on the sandbag point. I have REs on the fuel capping it.

Posts: 359
In this image my volks are exactly where Seekings Volks were. I used Cheatmods so my base is in the south, yes.
I have volks on the sandbag point. I have REs on the fuel capping it.
Ye i edited my comment as I realized I had the map flipped in my head.

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1
If I'm correct, all of the Brosras clips are recorded with the lowest game settings (and most of vision claims are from him) and the one with conscripts and ass.grens indeed do have sync error on the video.

Posts: 359
Looking at AEs video at game time 1:25 he pauses.
At this point Seeking may have seen the territory switch from flashing RED to solid white. So you know something just capped/is capping that point and is probably moving towards you.
In my test below, the territory flashed red then turns solid white when captured.
Just a thought. I have about 4 hours of sleep so take it with a grain of salt
I use this mechanic all the time in 4v4, but dont pay attention to the details of how it works. I just see the colors and know something is there.
EDIT #2:
The cutoff was already taken and Seeking would have saw that also. So he would really know someone is headed his way soon.
I just rewatched the clip and at no point does the fuel point start flashing red and when they untick fog of war you can see its already capped. Also his cutoff wasn't taken, the one youre referring to is south base cutoff. Rewatch the video, his cutoff is in vision almost the whole time and no enemy squad touches it that I see.

Posts: 2155 | Subs: 2
I just rewatched the clip and at no point does the fuel point start flashing red and when they untick fog of war you can see its already capped. Also his cutoff wasn't taken, the one youre referring to is south base cutoff. Rewatch the video, his cutoff is in vision almost the whole time and no enemy squad touches it that I see.
You will probably only see the territory flash IN GAME. Not spectating a replay. So it does not flash in the video.
The point where Seeking is making bags touches the south fuel and south cutoff.
The south cutoff was already taken before the fuel is taken. So Seeking would have known at 1:25 game time that there is a squad to his south west (cutoff) and to his south (fuel).
The southwest squad can either go to the mid VP or the point Seeking is on. A smart player would converge their two squads at the point Seeking is on (to out number the enemy). Because they would also see a flashing territory and know Seeking is there.
If I was Seeking I would have pulled back probably earlier than he did. But he may have been looking at something else or was waiting to see if the mid VP area started flashing.
The problem is WE dont have the replays, so we have these spectate games where the operator is flashing the FOW on/off. You have no context as to what happened before that may have been a clue to Seeking. And how can we expect Seeking to remember every detail of games from a week or two ago??? I dont remember 15 minutes ago

Posts: 359
You will probably only see the territory flash IN GAME. Not spectating a replay. So it does not flash in the video.
Seems like an odd assumption to make, im sure someone here can confirm if you will see flashing points cap in replay, but seeing as fuel was already finished capping, it wouldnt be flashing anyway right?
The point where Seeking is making bags touches the south fuel and south cutoff.
The south cutoff was already taken before the fuel is taken. So Seeking would have known at 1:25 game time that there is a squad to his south west (cutoff) and to his south (fuel).
True but then the question is, if its all game sense related and you knew you were getting pushed on, why move your volks to create 1/3rd of a sandbag on a point, and desperately cancel them in seemingly herculean reaction times, when he could have created a much better engagement for himself
The southwest squad can either go to the mid VP or the point Seeking is on. A smart player would converge their two squads at the point Seeking is on (to out number the enemy). Because they would also see a flashing territory and know Seeking is there.
If I was Seeking I would have pulled back probably earlier than he did. But he may have been looking at something else or was waiting to see if the mid VP area started flashing.
yeah exactly, if seeking knew that he wouldnt have bagged that point on autopilot which makes me believe the cancel cant come from game sense. a high level gamesense tells you not to bag that point at that moment if you knew what you're claiming he likely did.
The problem is WE dont have the replays, so we have these spectate games where the operator is flashing the FOW on/off. You have no context as to what happened before that may have been a clue to Seeking. And how can we expect Seeking to remember every detail of games from a week or two ago??? I dont remember 15 minutes ago
Not try to battle with u btw, just discussing it out, sometimes things make a lot more sense in our head before we say them out loud.

Posts: 2155 | Subs: 2

Seeking would have seen the cutoff territory flashing. Then it would have stopped. And maybe after a few seconds he saw the fuel stop flashing as well. Now he knows there are two squads in his area and one of them is getting very close since the cutoff was taken a long time ago.

Posts: 2439 | Subs: 6
Firstly out of respect for the coming tournament this weekend I recommend we all cool off until Monday. It is everyone's interest to take a break from this and give some room to breathe.
Thank you to everyone that has kept this civil and just wants the best for the integrity of competitive CoH, I appreciate none of this including the process has been ideal, but we're all doing the best we can. Many community members have put a lot into analysing the situation and attempting to be unbiased.
I had a lengthy talk with Seeking today to talk through new evidence, and give him the heads up also. We discussed the new information, the process, and what would be the fairest way forward. He has agreed to make this conversation public. We will iron out this situation for good next week.
The link between him and his uncle Deadbolt, who he previously admitted to playing on the account of in the past and was temp ML banned for boosting in automatch. This is now serious and relevant. Deadbolt has **three VAC bans** across his dozen or so Steam accounts, the link between these is in the video announcement. It has been shown that Deadbolt played as 'Satup' recently with 100% obvious map hacks.
It has also been shown by multiple people analysing the situation the replays in which Seeking is playing on the Deadbolt account, not just game skill but raw actions per minute. Seeking plays at a super high 100-130, Deadbolt at 30-60. This now shows Seeking is the player in clips people were saying it was Deadbolt instead as a defence.
Kimbo is no longer suspended and can play in ML events as before.
There are now some videos showing the strength of the follow camera tool in replays.
Video announcement:
Discord announcement:
Convo with seeking:
Seeking on Twitch:
Deadbolt map hack video:
FoW proof replay:
FoW proof game:
Updated evidence document:
Posts: 142
This is the squad I would be worried about. And you can see by their position that Seeking would have been worried about them also because if they were headed at him, they would be on top of him any second.
Seeking would have seen the cutoff territory flashing. Then it would have stopped. And maybe after a few seconds he saw the fuel stop flashing as well. Now he knows there are two squads in his area and one of them is getting very close since the cutoff was taken a long time ago.
This is exactly what happened. Looks like Brosras was mad and decided to clip all possible smart plays. Which is weird. He is top player who knows these details.
Posts: 3588 | Subs: 3

Posts: 359
The proof of fog of war consistency that I talked about yesterday is in minute 18 and about 40 seconds of A_E’s main video, it compares 2 perspectives of the same game between two people, one in Greece and one in the UK, to show there’s no difference in fog of war.
Great vid. Apologists will still try and use de-sync to create plausible deniability. Fact is like AE said, when you boost a dudes account with 3 VAC bans, mod that player in your twitch stream who then bans players discussing the controversy, its p obvious whats going on l0l.

Posts: 1594
(Posting this here because other people already did so with the other stuff anyway.)
Firstly out of respect for the coming tournament this weekend I recommend we all cool off until Monday. It is everyone's interest to take a break from this and give some room to breathe.
Thank you to everyone that has kept this civil and just wants the best for the integrity of competitive CoH, I appreciate none of this including the process has been ideal, but we're all doing the best we can. Many community members have put a lot into analysing the situation and attempting to be unbiased.
I had a lengthy talk with Seeking today to talk through new evidence, and give him the heads up also. We discussed the new information, the process, and what would be the fairest way forward. He has agreed to make this conversation public. We will iron out this situation for good next week.
The link between him and his uncle Deadbolt, who he previously admitted to playing on the account of in the past and was temp ML banned for boosting in automatch. This is now serious and relevant. Deadbolt has **three VAC bans** across his dozen or so Steam accounts, the link between these is in the video announcement. It has been shown that Deadbolt played as 'Satup' recently with 100% obvious map hacks.
It has also been shown by multiple people analysing the situation the replays in which Seeking is playing on the Deadbolt account, not just game skill but raw actions per minute. Seeking plays at a super high 100-130, Deadbolt at 30-60. This now shows Seeking is the player in clips people were saying it was Deadbolt instead as a defence.
Kimbo is no longer suspended and can play in ML events as before.
There are now some videos showing the strength of the follow camera tool in replays.
Video announcement:
Discord announcement:
Convo with seeking:
Seeking on Twitch:
Deadbolt map hack video:
FoW proof replay:
FoW proof game:
Updated evidence document:
The fact that Deadbolt is provably a cheater, and Seeking shares his account, is making me a lot less likely to give him the benefit of the doubt.
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