
russian armor

Current state of the IS-2

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16 Mar 2021, 09:13 AM
avatar of NaOCl

Posts: 378

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Mar 2021, 08:42 AMAradan
IS-2 is weak until 2 stars. Need play very carefully and gain exp.

How does it become good at vet-2?
16 Mar 2021, 09:34 AM
avatar of Aradan

Posts: 1003

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Mar 2021, 09:13 AMNaOCl

How does it become good at vet-2?

IS-2 Heavy Tank
Vet 1:
Unlocks the "OF-471 Fragmentation Shell" ability.
Vet 2:
+50% weapon rotation speed.
+25% range of fire.
+20% accuracy.

Vet 3:
+30% reload speed.
+20% rotation speed.
+20% maximum speed.
+20% ac/de-celeration.
16 Mar 2021, 11:20 AM
avatar of NaOCl

Posts: 378

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Mar 2021, 09:34 AMAradan

IS-2 Heavy Tank
Vet 1:
Unlocks the "OF-471 Fragmentation Shell" ability.
Vet 2:
+50% weapon rotation speed.
+25% range of fire.
+20% accuracy.

Vet 3:
+30% reload speed.
+20% rotation speed.
+20% maximum speed.
+20% ac/de-celeration.

Thank you!
16 Mar 2021, 11:54 AM
avatar of JohnSmith

Posts: 1273

I confirm that the IS2 is a beast once it hits Vet2. Before that, I treat it like kinda of like a bigger T3485...
16 Mar 2021, 12:22 PM
avatar of Lady Xenarra

Posts: 956

IS-2 exists? Huh and I thought it was a fat T-34/85. It's not intimidating except vs lone AT guns and its appearance frequently means a bigger, meaner Tiger brother appears soon (lacking fuel for TDs). At which point it might as well give up.
19 Mar 2021, 13:38 PM
avatar of NaOCl

Posts: 378

IS-2 exists? Huh and I thought it was a fat T-34/85. It's not intimidating except vs lone AT guns and its appearance frequently means a bigger, meaner Tiger brother appears soon (lacking fuel for TDs). At which point it might as well give up.

What do you mean? the t-34-85 is really good(in my personal experience), esp against wehr p-IV. Soviet is my most played faction also.
19 Mar 2021, 14:39 PM
avatar of Lady Xenarra

Posts: 956

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Mar 2021, 13:38 PMNaOCl

What do you mean? the t-34-85 is really good(in my personal experience), esp against wehr p-IV. Soviet is my most played faction also.

T-34/85 is a very good medium. IS-2 is basically a fat version with better pen and armor but slooooow and expensive. Not worth its price tag, but that's the state of heavies in general these days. Except maybe KV-1/Churchill which are kinda special heavy armor/hp, weak gun affairs.
19 Mar 2021, 15:01 PM
avatar of OrangePest

Posts: 570 | Subs: 1

IS2 will always remain obsolete because of the kv2, there is essentially no need to get an is2 unless you really want skillplanes.

Hell even then literally every other option is not only better, but also stronger

Let's take a look.
"I want a tanky unit that can absorb tons of damage and bounce frequently"
Okay the kv1 covers that aspect the best in the entire game, literally, no unit even comes close. Unsurprisingly because of the unnecessary buffs it got it has essentially made t3 worthless once a single one is on the field, not to mention the absolutely retarded vet ability which allows it to essentially never lose a trade against any medium their opponents can field (In practice this means p4s,stugs will always lose)

"I want firepower, and shock troops."
Okay the kv2 does that, with better range, anti infantry and unless it misses will *always* do damage, alongside an artillery mode that allows it to zone out anti tank guns with how fragile they became after that completely idiotic nerf. (I guess it's because they're OP in teamgames or something, i can't for the life of me figure out why they would make it so a pak/rak/m42/ect can just be walked up on and die within seconds)

So why would you ever build it? The commanders the kv1 has and the kv2 has are not only better in every single way (boobytraps,shocks,m42s+HQ for cheese) or (Guards,ml20,planes,hit the dirt)

No point in bothering, it just got powercrept. And it will ultimatetly always be that way. It simply has no role to fill anymore.
19 Mar 2021, 17:03 PM
avatar of Protos Angelus

Posts: 1515

T-34/85 is a very good medium. IS-2 is basically a fat version with better pen and armor but slooooow and expensive. Not worth its price tag, but that's the state of heavies in general these days. Except maybe KV-1/Churchill which are kinda special heavy armor/hp, weak gun affairs.

Tiger is still viable. I still don't see a 3v3 game where there isn't one. People mostly complained about the Tiger nerf in the Heavy nerf patch, because it used to be batshit OP. Basically Tiger went from OP to normal. Pershing went from fragile infantry killer to just fragile. IS-2 went from OK to "meh". KT was not touched, but outside of 3v3 and 4v4, it's not really a menace. Sure, a supported KT can turn the tide of the game and net you a win, but only if it's supported well.
Most people, even in top 50, still buy KT, bring it to the frontline SOLO and then complain how it's completely UP and useless because it couldn't solo 3 AT guns and TDs and infantry.... since you know, if the tank is expensive, it has to solo win everything.
KV-1 and Churchill are still great heavies. Weak guns but high survivability.
KV2 is in a league of it's own. A really special tank.
Brummbar is also a special tank and one of the best stock heavy tanks.

Overall, if IS-2 needs anything, it's a slight rework of it's weaknesses and strengths. Make it slow and non-agile but increase survivability and damage output. But again, it's quite difficult to rework such heavies.

Pershing is ez. It only needs a slight armour buff (to 290 or 300) and that's it.
KT needs nothing
Tiger might need a slight buff in turret rotation, but that's also it.
19 Mar 2021, 17:37 PM
avatar of Geblobt

Posts: 213

Tiger is still viable. I still don't see a 3v3 game where there isn't one. People mostly complained about the Tiger nerf in the Heavy nerf patch, because it used to be batshit OP. Basically Tiger went from OP to normal. Pershing went from fragile infantry killer to just fragile. IS-2 went from OK to "meh". KT was not touched, but outside of 3v3 and 4v4, it's not really a menace. Sure, a supported KT can turn the tide of the game and net you a win, but only if it's supported well.
Most people, even in top 50, still buy KT, bring it to the frontline SOLO and then complain how it's completely UP and useless because it couldn't solo 3 AT guns and TDs and infantry.... since you know, if the tank is expensive, it has to solo win everything.
KV-1 and Churchill are still great heavies. Weak guns but high survivability.
KV2 is in a league of it's own. A really special tank.
Brummbar is also a special tank and one of the best stock heavy tanks.

Overall, if IS-2 needs anything, it's a slight rework of it's weaknesses and strengths. Make it slow and non-agile but increase survivability and damage output. But again, it's quite difficult to rework such heavies.

Pershing is ez. It only needs a slight armour buff (to 290 or 300) and that's it.
KT needs nothing
Tiger might need a slight buff in turret rotation, but that's also it.

Both Tiger I and IS-2 were overpowered in the heavy tank patch. Both are mediocre now. I understand the timing nerf. But nerfing both their base performance and veterancy on top of the timing adjustment was just too much. Triple nerf as usual i guess.

Pershing doesnt need more armor. The concept of higher dmg and lower survivability is fine. What makes this unit so much worse is the lack of a crew. I dont want to have 2 echelons just in case i want to repair my heavy tank after 20 mins. IS-2 and Tiger should get some slight buffs to their base performance.
19 Mar 2021, 18:18 PM
avatar of GachiGasm

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

Reasoning is much more simple. You dont really have reason to get any of the heavy tanks.

Some of them might be better some might be worst. But ultimatly, IS2\Tiger\Pershing are not a threat in any way. One AT gun with lucky RNG rolls can pottentually deliver some nasty damage to a heavy tank forcing it back. On top of that add timing and the fact that there will be more then 1 AT source on the enemy side by the time you get your heavy tank.

TDs are being part of the Allies meta, you always will have them, because they are effective. And TDs counter Tiger like there is no tommorow, Axis will usually have multiple pak\schreks and possibly panther which will counter IS-2\Pershing.

Ppl still use KT because KT, unlike other heavy tanks still has really good AI and AT damage and really nice survivability, meaning that even if you cant spearhead with it, its still is a very strong defensive unit and mobile universal defensive platform.

Other heavy tanks cant spearhead, cant be used deffensively (because AT damage is on pair with other tanks and AI damage is objectively shitty). They are only good if you have upper hand over enemy and your haavy tank is nothing more then a finishing move.
Aside from that I tend to avoid Pershing\Tiger\IS-2 completly because its a noob trap. Most of the times its better just getting few more mediums, then getting one heavy tank.
30 Mar 2021, 17:35 PM
avatar of Flyingsmonster

Posts: 155

My issue is the lack of consistency. I also find the vet 1 ability to be very underwhelming, I don't think I've ever seen it get a wipe all the times I've used it though it does heavily damage whatever it directly hits. Takes a long time to fire too, which I understand because it would be silly if you could just walk up to an AT gun and instantly use an ability.

I feel like it should do more though, increase the ammo cost even and make it something that can reliably punish a blob. It already has the warning indicator when you're firing and it takes a few seconds before it fires so there's plenty of time for an aware player to avoid it.

Other than that I really don't have many problems with the IS-2 other than its horrendous pathfinding sometimes.
30 Mar 2021, 17:59 PM
avatar of Tygrys

Posts: 103

Other than that I really don't have many problems with the IS-2 other than its horrendous pathfinding sometimes.

Absolutely trash pathfinding seems to be a feature in this game, especially when there's more than two vehicles in close proximity.
31 Mar 2021, 02:01 AM
avatar of MMX

Posts: 999 | Subs: 1

My issue is the lack of consistency. I also find the vet 1 ability to be very underwhelming, I don't think I've ever seen it get a wipe all the times I've used it though it does heavily damage whatever it directly hits. Takes a long time to fire too, which I understand because it would be silly if you could just walk up to an AT gun and instantly use an ability.

I feel like it should do more though, increase the ammo cost even and make it something that can reliably punish a blob. It already has the warning indicator when you're firing and it takes a few seconds before it fires so there's plenty of time for an aware player to avoid it.

Other than that I really don't have many problems with the IS-2 other than its horrendous pathfinding sometimes.

yeah i also feel the skillshot is somewhat underwhelming, not because of the damage output and AoE (which both are huge), but rather due to the overly long aim time. this makes it feel clunky and kind of awkward to use against anything mobile enough to move out of harms way during the extremely telegraphed wind-up/aim animation. it also doesn't help that the fragmentation round won't benefit from the vet 2 range increase, so you'll pretty much always be inside the sight radius of your target.
if it were up to me i'd probably either try to cut the aim time in half or increase the range by 5 or 10 m to allow shooting from beyond visible range. if that proves too powerful, a price increase might be in order to balance things out a bit.
31 Mar 2021, 06:19 AM
avatar of blancat

Posts: 810

The is-2's gun caliber is 122mm, so why is it only 160 dmg?
The 88mm King Tiger's damage is 240
And is-2 also lost its personality after the armor was nerfed.

My solution)

armor 340->360
Canon dmg 160->240
Canon range 40->45
Cost 640/230 -> 720/230
OF-471 DMG 120->160

31 Mar 2021, 14:29 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

jump backJump back to quoted post31 Mar 2021, 06:19 AMblancat

The is-2's gun caliber is 122mm, so why is it only 160 dmg?
The 88mm King Tiger's damage is 240
And is-2 also lost its personality after the armor was nerfed.

My solution)

armor 340->360
Canon dmg 160->240
Canon range 40->45
Cost 640/230 -> 720/230
OF-471 DMG 120->160

You sre going to need a heafty ROF reduction with those changes.

Also I disagree with combining the range increase and the armour increase. Matter of fact, if it's getting increased damage I don't feel it needs either but especially not both together

A big issue with the is-2 is simply that it's not available.
Look at the tiger, it's in like 6 or "7 commanders, the KT is in every single okw commander.
The commanders it's in don't offer enough to warrant picking over others with flexibility or gimmicks and the is-2 itself isn't OP enough to offset that (which is good)
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