
russian armor

Upcoming Comander Update - Wishes

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28 Feb 2021, 10:50 AM
avatar of Crecer13

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2

I think the 120mm mortar should be changed. I think about how to turn it into a pocket howitzer (just like the soldiers thought about it). Leave the range unchanged, increase the mine damage to the level of a 105mm howitzer, increase the CP to 4-5.
28 Feb 2021, 13:18 PM
avatar of Leodot

Posts: 254


actually I would like to see some more OKW commanders. Something with offmap planes ;)
and something with artillery, etc. Feels like a bit empty without.
28 Feb 2021, 16:28 PM
avatar of general_gawain

Posts: 919

I really would like to see a rework of the soviet Lend Lease Commander. It has so much potential for beeing absolutely unique and fun but falls pretty short.

76mm Sherman:
Although Soviets have the premium med T34/85 on multiple commanders it is still a decent medium tank. This ability is thematic and fine.

DHsK 38: While I really like this machine gun it is 0% thematic. Allies granted so much weapons to soviets. Why do I get a soviet MG here?

M5 Half-Track Assault Group: Oh no, not again. I get a M5 with Guards equipped with PPsH? On Lend Lease? Why??? Soviets got over 130.000 SMGs from US alone. There would be so many options to give american or british weapons. A Thompson upgrade for Conscripts or Guards (without PTRS similar to Airborne Guards). Or Bazookas, Brens or Bars or… Same for the M5, why we will have a M5 here on Lend Lease which is in T3 already? Maybe, you even could go for british Resupply half-track here. That would provide a ton of options that would be fun to play around with. Or maybe an Ambulance car, US gave thousands to Soviets. So many possibilities to make this Commander real unique.

Allied Supply drop:
While it is not counterable on some maps at all where the plane flies at the edge of the map it will get shot done on most maps where it flies over enemy base and the body of their troops. Especially in multiplayer this is a waste of munition. A complete quirky ability. Please standardize with german Supply Drop zone. Let it come from your side, targeting a fuel or munition point which you have to defend of course.

Conscript Repair:
Again a 0% thematic ability which is rather weak on top:

a) I never understood why you have to get to 5 CPs first.
b) You will need engineers nevertheless for laying mines alone. If Conscripts would get a repair/mine kit it would be more interesting already. This would help other commanders with this ability too.

Overall you could take out DHsK 38, Assault Group and Conscript Repair altogether and add some US/UKF stuff. There are so many tanks that were lend to Soviets from Valentine and different Shermans to Churchill. Although Soviets have better heavy tanks available than Churchill, it would be fun to play around with it at a soviet commander.

Last but no least there were over 20.000 planes that were lend to Soviets, so why not add an US/UKF plane strafe/loiter instead of something like Conscript Repair?

All abilities/weapons/units you need already exist. Just construct a real Lend Lease commander.
28 Feb 2021, 17:27 PM
avatar of Crecer13

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2

I really would like to see a rework of the soviet Lend Lease Commander. It has so much potential for beeing absolutely unique and fun but falls pretty short.

DHsK 38: While I really like this machine gun it is 0% thematic. Allies granted so much weapons to soviets. Why do I get a soviet MG here?

Because not so many М2НВ were sent to the USSR. And all these options were either tank AA or just AA. The infantry version was not sent.
28 Feb 2021, 18:00 PM
avatar of general_gawain

Posts: 919

Because not so many М2НВ were sent to the USSR. And all these options were either tank AA or just AA. The infantry version was not sent.

Yeah okay I get that. So why I don't get an infantry unit with american weapon options instead? Or an weapon upgrade option for regular conscripts. So many ways to do something unique instead of giving a soviet MG.
28 Feb 2021, 18:21 PM
avatar of Reverb

Posts: 313

Here is my suggestion about relief\rapid. While I understand that some ppl might love to see this abilities just being remade, I personally think they have to go. So here is what I think.


Soviet reserve Army

Cons support tactic


Lighting War

Festung support

I like these!
28 Feb 2021, 18:24 PM
avatar of Reverb

Posts: 313

I´ve been thinking about partisans.

What if we gave them stolen bundle nades?

I think partisans need a rework but camo/ambush+bundle nade insta squad wipe is already mega cheesy and bundle nade should be removed from ambush units or toned down a lot imo.
28 Feb 2021, 18:31 PM
avatar of Crecer13

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2

Yeah okay I get that. So why I don't get an infantry unit with american weapon options instead? Or an weapon upgrade option for regular conscripts. So many ways to do something unique instead of giving a soviet MG.

Here I agree with you. Could have given Bazooka or Thompson for conscripts. Or, for example, give access to an allied weapon rack.
28 Feb 2021, 18:46 PM
avatar of Grim

Posts: 1096

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Feb 2021, 09:06 AMKatitof

They do have guards nades, which is adequate.
I'd rather have their vet improved or something given to make them something more then ninja capper and mine layer after initial call-in.

They either need a durability upgrade available after their initial shock value or something to give them more potent long range damage while remaining squishy.

Adding a fifth man with vet wouldn't hurt either.

Also, if the UKF and US could benefit from spy network would make it more user friendly while playing with randoms.
28 Feb 2021, 19:22 PM
avatar of masterx.

Posts: 19

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Feb 2021, 18:24 PMReverb

I think partisans need a rework but camo/ambush+bundle nade insta squad wipe is already mega cheesy and bundle nade should be removed from ambush units or toned down a lot imo.

Ok my 2 cents, for normal partisans i dont have any idea, i dont even know how they perform, so i cant comment on that. But the AT partisans, could be reworked, so if you chose you can upgrade 2cn schreck on them, but with the upgrade they lose camo and at grenade, so they can actully be viable after you retreat them.
28 Feb 2021, 20:27 PM
avatar of general_gawain

Posts: 919

Partisan Tactics really struggles because you are constantly manpower drained. Both types of Partisans are only somehow good the moment you call them in. After that they just suck you dry. This is sad, because imo it is the second commander next to Lend Lease Tactics which has a whole lot of possibilities to be really unique.

Additionally they got hit much harder by the decision to start all abilities on cooldown when called in. Soviet Airborne Guards, Glider Commandos or most paratroopers for example can hold their own without grenades. This is much harder for the squishy Partisans which relied upon throwing that molotov or that AT-grenade the second they emerged.

They start at target size 1 and four men the moment they hit the field. After their initial deploy they either don't live long enough for a second fight (they have to flee through enemy lines to get shoot often) or they drain you furher with reinforcement costs of 26 per man only to get repelled the moment they get under fire.

I would suggest to give both types of Partisans an indiviual squad upgrade after you unlocked Mobilize Reserves. Upgrade bringst them up to the usual 6 man in a squad and lowers reinforcement cost to 24 manpower per man. That way they would have some form of durability by mass.

Since you would use them primarily on building heavy maps I would swap Radio intercept for Forward Headquarters. That would fit it thematically and would give a forward position which Partisans really could put to good use.

Edit: One last thought. I do think 8 population for four men AT Partisans is quite harsh.
28 Feb 2021, 21:01 PM
avatar of Maret

Posts: 711

Replace molotov on PPSH package for cons on regular grenade. Maybe it will make PPSH more popular compare to svt and 7-man.
28 Feb 2021, 22:23 PM
avatar of GachiGasm

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Feb 2021, 21:01 PMMaret
Replace molotov on PPSH package for cons on regular grenade. Maybe it will make PPSH more popular compare to svt and 7-man.

Thing is SVTs are objectively OP. PPSH cons are garbage untill they hit vet3, on vet 3 they are solid. Point is some of the commanders do have shocktroops and PPSH package, which means making ppsh into a proper lets say CQC upgrade kinda redundant.

28 Feb 2021, 23:10 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17908 | Subs: 8

Thing is SVTs are objectively OP. PPSH cons are garbage untill they hit vet3, on vet 3 they are solid. Point is some of the commanders do have shocktroops and PPSH package, which means making ppsh into a proper lets say CQC upgrade kinda redundant.

SVTs provide DPS increase on similar level to volks STGs.
SVTs are not OP.
But you're right, PPSH are garbage and should be buffed in some way and people already suggested giving them regular nades as well.

Also, you aren't using shocks in the same way you are using ppsh cons, so existence of one doesn't make other redundant. Again, con ppsh upgrade overall is what makes it redundant. Its a leftover from a game that does not exist anymore.
1 Mar 2021, 01:14 AM
avatar of Reverb

Posts: 313

I just tested svt cons vs stg volks no cover at near, mid and far vanilla, near, mid and far at vet 3 con and vet 5 stg volk, and the same scenario in both green cover (comparable vet [none-max] at near, mid and far) and the SVT cons very easily won every single engagement, the least amount of cons left in their worst outcome was 2 models left, often 3-4 models. For a 240 mp+60muni upgrade, that is pretty damn OP.
1 Mar 2021, 01:25 AM
avatar of GachiGasm

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Feb 2021, 23:10 PMKatitof

SVTs provide DPS increase on similar level to volks STGs.
SVTs are not OP.

DSP increase is not the only stat you should look in a first place. I mean, anyone who played the game would know that stg volks are not even near in terms of DPS delivery as Svt cons. SVTs are not the most OP thing, but it still over-performing for its timing and price, even as a doc weapon.

If anything, its perfomance should be split in half and in order to get second half of corrent perfomance you have to get reserves unlocked.

1 Mar 2021, 07:46 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17908 | Subs: 8

DSP increase is not the only stat you should look in a first place. I mean, anyone who played the game would know that stg volks are not even near in terms of DPS delivery as Svt cons. SVTs are not the most OP thing, but it still over-performing for its timing and price, even as a doc weapon.

If anything, its perfomance should be split in half and in order to get second half of corrent perfomance you have to get reserves unlocked.

Cons scale better then volks, volks have obers.

Mainlines that do not have stock elite infantry to do all the damage for them tend to be more independent on the long run.

For its timing and price, SVTs perform worse then a singular BAR.

Again, nothing wrong with SVTs, just the usual lack of adaptability from opponent and void tests scenarios that never happen in actual game.
1 Mar 2021, 13:15 PM
avatar of Pip

Posts: 1594

Cons scale better then volks, volks have obers.

Mainlines that do not have stock elite infantry to do all the damage for them tend to be more independent on the long run.

For its timing and price, SVTs perform worse then a singular BAR.

Again, nothing wrong with SVTs, just the usual lack of adaptability from opponent and void tests scenarios that never happen in actual game.

Haven't you argued before that "More expensive units should perform better than less expensive ones"?

Also: "Perform worse" in what way? Dps? Because as Gachi already stated, DPS really isnt the only statistic you need to be looking at here, examples include mobility, cost, and place within an army, all three of which Conscripts excel over Riflemen and Volksgrenadiers.
1 Mar 2021, 14:03 PM
avatar of Reverb

Posts: 313

ignore the previous matchups of svt/stg volks
1 Mar 2021, 20:12 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17908 | Subs: 8

jump backJump back to quoted post1 Mar 2021, 13:15 PMPip

Haven't you argued before that "More expensive units should perform better than less expensive ones"?

I also argued for strength of the unit not being determined in the void, because there are other units behind mainlines.

Also, volks are stronger in early game then cons, so what's your problem here?

Also: "Perform worse" in what way? Dps? Because as Gachi already stated, DPS really isnt the only statistic you need to be looking at here, examples include mobility, cost, and place within an army, all three of which Conscripts excel over Riflemen and Volksgrenadiers.

I don't have slightest idea what are you on about here.
Is there something you haven't understood when I mentioned scaling and faction contexts and this is a weird way to ask for explanation of hard words?
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