
russian armor

OST grenades are 2x as effective

12 Nov 2020, 01:10 AM
avatar of CODGUY

Posts: 888

As the pineapple or mills bomb. Who needs better stats when you can just blob Grens and shoot grenades at everything amirite?
12 Nov 2020, 01:13 AM
avatar of gbem

Posts: 1979

what?? the riflenade isnt as good as the pineapple or mills... the only major complaint i have about it is its occasinal bug where the sound and animation doesn play
12 Nov 2020, 01:16 AM
avatar of CODGUY

Posts: 888

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Nov 2020, 01:13 AMgbem
what?? the riflenade isnt as good as the pineapple or mills... the only major complaint i have about it is its occasinal bug where the sound and animation doesn play

Those fking suck. I can't believe you have to pay for them. The cooked grenades on Rangers is even dumber because all it does is cost more than the regular one but at least you don't pay to unlock it. They'll probably "fix" that in the next patch though.
12 Nov 2020, 01:18 AM
avatar of Pip

Posts: 1594

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Nov 2020, 01:16 AMCODGUY

Those fking suck. I can't believe you have to pay for them. The cooked grenades on Rangers is even dumber because all it does is cost more than the regular one but at least you don't pay to unlock it. They'll probably "fix" that in the next patch though.

The Infantry Section and Rifleman grenades are a lot more versatile than the Rifle grenade. They both have their strengths and weaknesses.
12 Nov 2020, 01:27 AM
avatar of gbem

Posts: 1979

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Nov 2020, 01:16 AMCODGUY

Those fking suck. I can't believe you have to pay for them.

pineapple does alot of damage plus they come paired with smoke grenades for RE LT and captain... not to mention that rifles are extremely powerful in the current meta... ive had 0 qualms with having to pay for pineapples noting the power of rifles and pineapple/smoke

if you want a really bad deal imagine having to pay for molotov and AT grenades separately as SOV on one of the worst earlygame combatants ingame...

as for IS im not too sure... i only play the brits on occasion soo i really cant tell...
12 Nov 2020, 01:34 AM
avatar of Pip

Posts: 1594

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Nov 2020, 01:27 AMgbem

pineapple does alot of damage plus they come paired with smoke grenades for RE LT and captain... not to mention that rifles are extremely powerful in the current meta... ive had 0 qualms with having to pay for pineapples noting the power of rifles and pineapple/smoke

if you want a really bad deal imagine having to pay for molotov and AT grenades separately as SOV on one of the worst earlygame combatants ingame...

as for IS im not too sure... i only play the brits on occasion soo i really cant tell...

The Brit grenade is identical to the US grenade, though it has a shorter fuse and costs less munitions.

At vet3 the US grenade can be thrown significantly further, however.
12 Nov 2020, 01:42 AM
avatar of Partisanship

Posts: 260

Rifle grenades are pretty pricey. Stack two nades of any sort together and it'll probably be lethal.

The thing about them is that they're so darn sneaky. I get hit by them a lot because the game sometimes doesn't hit you with an audio warning. So I don't think it's better, just hard to react to with a busy game.
12 Nov 2020, 02:00 AM
avatar of gbem

Posts: 1979

The thing about them is that they're so darn sneaky. I get hit by them a lot because the game sometimes doesn't hit you with an audio warning.

yeah its soo buggy at the moment... sometimes it doesnt even perform the animation or do the grenade sound... this is the most pressing issue with the riflenade at the moment...

to any of the modders... any idea why or how to fix this?
12 Nov 2020, 02:04 AM
avatar of CODGUY

Posts: 888

Well with USF you're getting grenades or BARs but not both (unless you've already basically won the game). I'd rather get BARs otherwise your opponents' infantry will steam roll right over you.

UKF the mills bomb is okay and the tech price isn't too bad considering their tech tree.
12 Nov 2020, 03:47 AM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

Yeah my problem isn't with the power of Axis Grenades, but the gates placed on Allied Grenades even though there seems to be no reason for it. They're not Nuclear Pineapples from CoH1, they're actually pretty modest as far as grenades go. They beat the Panzerfusilier grenade but fall short of the Guard's RGD, Shock's RG-42, or the all-powerful Geballte Ladung (PG/Ober Bundle Grenade).
12 Nov 2020, 04:42 AM
avatar of C3 TOOTH

Posts: 176

I play Allies for 5 years and this year I started to play Axis.
Try it, and you will see Gren gets whipped frequently with cooknade. Especially Shocktroop frag.

Or RNG is never on my side.
12 Nov 2020, 04:44 AM
avatar of SkysTheLimit

Posts: 3423 | Subs: 1

Animation bug on gren rifle nade really needs fixing, but otherwise there's no problem with Ost grenades. No balance issues just one bug
12 Nov 2020, 04:50 AM
avatar of gbem

Posts: 1979

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Nov 2020, 02:04 AMCODGUY
Well with USF you're getting grenades or BARs but not both (unless you've already basically won the game). I'd rather get BARs otherwise your opponents' infantry will steam roll right over you.

uhh rifles actually slaughter volks outside of stg... and are somewhat even once volks get STG...
12 Nov 2020, 04:51 AM
avatar of gbem

Posts: 1979

Animation bug on gren rifle nade really needs fixing, but otherwise there's no problem with Ost grenades. No balance issues just one bug

theres also a sound bug... its quite annoying aswell
12 Nov 2020, 09:27 AM
avatar of Hannibal
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3112 | Subs: 2

Completely disagree with OP. You trade AoE for range, that's it.
OP also fails to give any coherent reasoning.

Yeah my problem isn't with the power of Axis Grenades, but the gates placed on Allied Grenades even though there seems to be no reason for it. They're not Nuclear Pineapples from CoH1, they're actually pretty modest as far as grenades go. They beat the Panzerfusilier grenade but fall short of the Guard's RGD, Shock's RG-42, or the all-powerful Geballte Ladung (PG/Ober Bundle Grenade).

I don't want to derail here, but Allied side techs are basically outsourced tech costs. If grenades/... were free the tech cost must be added to one of the main buildings, otherwise Allied tanks would just come a minute too early.
12 Nov 2020, 09:49 AM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

I don't want to derail here, but Allied side techs are basically outsourced tech costs. If grenades/... were free the tech cost must be added to one of the main buildings, otherwise Allied tanks would just come a minute too early.

Must be a 'me' problem, but I always feel like I get usually tanks faster as Axis, and as Allies the side-tech's delay my tanks until after I see the first panzer.
12 Nov 2020, 09:51 AM
avatar of OrangePest

Posts: 568 | Subs: 1

Only bundlenades tbh
12 Nov 2020, 12:17 PM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

I don't want to derail here, but Allied side techs are basically outsourced tech costs.

Apart from UKF that's not true.

Just take the tech it requires to get to Major or Soviet T4 and you will quickly realize that Ostheer T3 isn't more expensive at all.

For example Soviet T4 = 20 fuel for T2, 80 for T3 and 90 for T4 which is in total 190 without snare and molotovs.

Ostheer T3 costs 40 + 105 for BP 1 and 2 and the building is free so only 145 fuel. You don't really need T1 or T2 if you go for a call-in infantry doctrine which makes rushing Ostwind or P4 very easy and even if you do go for T1 and T2 before building Ostwind or P4 it's still cheaper than Soviet T4.

Or in comparison USF Major which costs you 175 fuel and then you are stuck without healing, grenades and BARs.

12 Nov 2020, 13:31 PM
avatar of JulianSnow

Posts: 321

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Nov 2020, 01:10 AMCODGUY
As the pineapple or mills bomb. Who needs better stats when you can just blob Grens and shoot grenades at everything amirite?

Nades are all about the angle and the timing. Seems you just suck in timing your nades :).

The only ridiculous thing is the automated riflenade on rear echelons in the new USF commander.
12 Nov 2020, 19:41 PM
avatar of A table

Posts: 249

Gosh, i can't imagine having to use numbers and statistics to make bold claims like these.
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