I meant implemented in my calculations
I misunderstood.
Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
I meant implemented in my calculations
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Posts: 3114 | Subs: 2
Okay, after some (extensive!) testing on the scatter mechanics and quite a bit of confusion I'm now pretty confident to claim I know how it actually works.
The initial assumption was that the probability for a shot to land at any point within the scatter cone is always the same, meaning scattering towards the edge of the scatter cone should happen - on average - exactly as often as landing dead center on the target. However, since I hadn't been able to find any proof that this is actually the case I've come up with a method to put it to a test (see spoiler for details on the methodology and results), which turned out to be quite perplexing.
In short, and as a TLDR if you didn't make it through the entire spoiler, scatter probability is indeed flat (i.e. probability is independent from the distance between impact and target).
Furthermore, infantry models appear to have a hitbox with a radius of roughly 0.5 m (in reality, these are probably rectangular like the tank hitboxes, but circular boxes are much more simple to calculate with), which means the even weapons with a near AOE radius of 0, such as any of the heavies in the WBP, deal full damage in a radius of 0.5 m around the model (basically, all tabulated AOE distances can be extended by 0.5 m).
Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
That's a very good finding, thanks for the effort (which was quite a lot)!
Is there any way to test if this applied to infantry combat as well? If infantry has hit boxes, then small arms should theoretically be able to scatter hit the hit box as well.
Does anyone know if this could be the case? Otherwise a lot of the DPS must be reworked.
Small arms also have scatter values, but from what I see these might be purely for visual effects (missed shots, ground hits, tracers etc).
Posts: 999 | Subs: 1
That's a very good finding, thanks for the effort (which was quite a lot)!
Is there any way to test if this applied to infantry combat as well? If infantry has hit boxes, then small arms should theoretically be able to scatter hit the hit box as well.
Does anyone know if this could be the case? Otherwise a lot of the DPS must be reworked.
Small arms also have scatter values, but from what I see these might be purely for visual effects (missed shots, ground hits, tracers etc).
Posts: 3114 | Subs: 2
Collision hits require a projectiles and small arm do not have projectiles so there are no collision hits.
On could consider the "scatter hits" the chance of some weapon to hit another entities than the one they are firing.
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I know this was thought for BARs, but wasn't that debunked at some point?
And do you know for which weapons this second roll after missing the inital target is performed? Is it known how it is determined weather another model is hit or not?
Posts: 3114 | Subs: 2
Posts: 999 | Subs: 1
A quick question on the ROF calculation:
In Vippers DPS guide, he shows a formula that was developed by Cruzz to calculate the rate of fire of a given unit. The formula goes like this:
(wind up+fire aim(range)+burst duration(range, moving)+wind down+cooldown(range, moving))*(1+reload frequency)
- cooldown(range, moving) - fire aim(range) + ready aim(range) + reload duration(range)
There are two parts. The first line is mltiplied with (1+reload frequency), afterwards there are some corrections by subtracting cooldown and fire aim time, apparently because they do not exist after the last burst.
My question concerns tank combat. Tanks have a reload frequency of 1. According to the formula above, wind up, wind down and burst duration would be factored in twice. But I find thia counter-intuitive.
What is the correct formula to calculate the time between shota for a tank?
Posts: 3114 | Subs: 2
Since I'm quite lazy, I usually use the reciprocal of the NearShots/Sec from the Weapon Report .csv file to get the total time between shots. This is usually enough for most cases, but if I need to factor in buffs to reload from abilities or vet I split this into a fixed 'delay' part and the actual 'reload' component (by simply subtracting the reload).
I've tried the formula above but got slightly off results from what I'd expect (i.e. 1 / NearShots/Sec). Removing the fire_aim and ready_aim from the formula you posted seems to work, though... at least it gives the correct delay between shots:
((windup + aim_time + burst_length + winddown + cooldown) * (1 + reload_frequency) - cooldown + reload) / (1 + reload_frequency)
Posts: 999 | Subs: 1
I have to crrect myself on the original post, tanks have a reload frequency of 0 (from the couple I looked at at least). This would mean that cooldown and fire_aim are eliminated from the formula, but see below.
Are you sure about your formula?
I just modded a T34 (to all values = 1 and then I started changing them to 2 to see if and how often it is applied and affects the time between shots) and from what I see cooldown does not matter at all.
Now I'm not sure if there is a quirk with the attribute editor, but I went to the cooldown->duration and added 3 seconds for both min and max. In the game however it did nothing at all.
Or did I do something wrong?
From what I see for tanks it goes like this:
ready_aim_time: is applied only ONCE the first shot (probably for every new target)
wind_up and wind_down are applied once per cylce
fire_aim_time is applied once per cylce
reload_duration is applied once per cylce
HOWEVER I still get half a second I cannot explain. No idea where it comes from. With all the values above set to 1, my modded T34 should have 4 seconds between shots. But what I actually measured were 4,5 seconds. Regardless of which factor I subsequently changed, there was always half a second added to what I expected.
Posts: 3114 | Subs: 2
Actually I'm not 100% sure if the formula is correct, at least not on the part if it actually works correctly in-game. I used to assume the NearShots/Sec from the Weapon Report is accurate and never did any in-game testing to confirm.
Cooldown duration will have no effect if reload frequency is still set to 0 (e.g. no salvo is fired, just a single shot. Did you try setting this to >0 already?
Other than that I'm not sure where the mysterious 0.5 sec comes from. Maybe anyone else has an idea?
Posts: 999 | Subs: 1
Vipper just wrote me that the cool down only applied for weapons with magazines, so tanks are irrelevant for this.
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Posts: 3114 | Subs: 2
Most DPS calculation take into account the times for the first and last shot so their bound to difference when shooting continuously and when you acquire a target.
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