That’s not my point. The problem is the economy is too good, so while you’re fighting a 4 cons, 1 guard army, your opponent goes 7 man cons on all 4 squads and soon within 5-10 mins has enough savings in mp to roll out a zis, a maxim, a mortar and tanks. If you don’t believe me check the last replay I uploaded. Your opponent floats plenty of mp while you’re stuck with barely enough mp to get tanks out,
Hence why I proposed removing the xp gain and lower reinforcement cost of 7 man cons, to make late game trading more even.
Hes saving enough from the 3mp per model with the 7 man upgrade so if he's taking enough casualties to have saved enough for a zis (320) a maxim (280) a mortar (240) and tanks (depends on the tank of course but there IS an "s" so it's plural) means they lost 280 models in 5-10 minutes to have the 840mp worth of savings, then another like 90 for a T70. That sure is a lot of casualties in 5-10 minutes. How did you fare in the combat that they took a games worth of casualties in 5-10 minutes and came out on top?