Im fine with the artillery, just the camo needs to be changed or removed. Its a disadvantage
Tank Hunters is much worse than Guard Motor or Mechanized for Tank Hunting - no Mark Target, no advanced medium or heavy TD. It doesn't have tank traps which makes it more difficult to use mines effectively, stun mines aren't anywhere near as good as Tellers. The camo is great for Cons but not good for Su85's.
IMHO i used this doc some time and it just need:
1. Rework of ptabs - give engine damage like regular snare works, it will help to chase enemy armor.
2. Replace ML-20 to another ability - mark target could be very good, but it also can make balance issues when used togetger with ptabs. More better give some specific ability: like "Smell of prey" (sounds stupid, but good reflect identity) passive ability for all your light and medium tanks, they will get speed bonus when to them near enemy armor with crippled engine or with shocked crew (after hit on light AT-mine or after ptabing).
The main power of this ability are at-cons, they are very powerful, but...hunter is someone who chasing his prey, while in this don't have anything for chasing. All abilities are very static and it always meaning that you must wait your enemy to catch him in trap. It's very close to brits sim-city, OKW and OST defense doctrines, in terms of gameplay. More proper to call it "Advanced anti-tank defense". But while other doctrine gives you not only AT defense, but AI also, in this doctrine you have all abilities works only against armor.
Add tank traps to the mine laying ability, fix the cluster bombs, and I think the doctrine will be fine. It's not meant to be a normal doctrine, more of an ultra specialized one to fulfill a specific purpose.
I personally would rather see the B4 in the doctrine than the ML-20 for thematic purposes, but it is not really necessary.
TBH it does have a vet1 one shot Tank ability so it would be perfect. And we need the meme canonin more commanders man.
It was being called a liar about it in numerous threads and the shout box that got annoying.
Then can you imagine how annoying it is to be called a liar when there's absolutely no evidence of it at all? I gave correct facts and tests and you still called me a liar... I only bring up your mistakes because I didn't make any on this topic yet you still accuse me....
It's analogous to taking a math test in the first grade, answering that 2+2=6, then having your elementary school teacher shout "Liar" at you every time they see you. I do understand what you're saying though, and will try to be less thin-skinned.
WTF??? There are so many things wrong with this analogy. First of all, you are always allowed to go look up the correct answer. You literally admitted to being too lazy to check it yourself, so I had to provide it for you
Second, I'm not your fucking elementary school teacher. I have no responsibility towards you whatsoever, and you're not a child. And it's not just that you got the cost wrong. You got the cost wrong while saying the ability wasn't worth the cost....
The Commander is not bad by any definition. Just because it's not the very top of the meta doesn't mean it's bad
The Commander is not bad by any definition. Just because it's not the very top of the meta doesn't mean it's bad
Just out of curiosity, is this the first time you've caught someone being incorrect about something? I see people like Vipper do it all the time. What I don't see people Vipper do is take it to the shout box, calling the person a liar, then bringing it up in every thread about the subject. Also, when you back up the obsessive, insulting behavior with angry demands for respect, you're probably not going to get what you want.
Also, no matter how much you insist, this commander isn't competitive. I've never seen it in a tournament or even any high-level replays. If you're that convinced it's good and I'm a lying troll, put out a poll on it.
If you're that convinced it's good and I'm a lying troll, put out a poll on it.
Dude did you even read my post? I don't think you're a lying troll. Okay you made a mistake, no problem with that, I've done it on several other topics
The problem is you asserting the same argument even after realizing you had multiple details wrong. And accusing me of lying when I have had my facts straight the entire time
Do you really not think you've been equally/more insulting to me? Have you read your own posts? Only one of us has been saying the other is stupid, and that's you. I never said anything about your intelligence, I just said you were wrong about specifics...
Now its a mistake and not a shout-box worthy lie? Okay.
Redo your bombing run tests with a PIV with the bombing run parallel to the axis of the tank like people would use it in game. Then come back here and post the best and worst results, instead of just saying that it does 960 damage (or whatever number you claimed). The on-axis results that I got were usually in the 160-320 range, which isn't good for 180 munitions. You had to have ran the tests a bunch of times and know when it doesn't work well, so, IMO, you were misleading when you said it's great. It would be like taking a couple of UKF or OST victories from the WCS tournament and then saying there was nothing wrong with the faction, because somebody won with those.
Then run that same test with the strafe from the new airborne doctrine that costs about the same.
Now its a mistake and not a shout-box worthy lie? Okay.
What are you talking about? And you've been calling me stupid the entire time, so what's your point???
I have explained multiple times that the ability is not good against smaller targets. I don't know why you're asking me to test it against things I already said it's not good against. Mediums are fast enough to dodge any bombing run if you're paying attention
No one is demanding respect btw... Asking you to stop calling me stupid =\= "demanding respect". I bring up your mistakes because you're calling me dumb...
Then run that same test with the strafe from the new airborne doctrine that costs about the same.
You're comparing a super precise ability to one that is meant to cover a larger area. The rockets don't stun/blind either, and they are much easier to dodge imo
And I already posted a test with a parallel run in the last thread, it can still do good damage on that angle on heavies
IMHO i used this doc some time and it just need:
1. Rework of ptabs - give engine damage like regular snare works, it will help to chase enemy armor.
2. Replace ML-20 to another ability - mark target could be very good, but it also can make balance issues when used togetger with ptabs. More better give some specific ability: like "Smell of prey" (sounds stupid, but good reflect identity) passive ability for all your light and medium tanks, they will get speed bonus when to them near enemy armor with crippled engine or with shocked crew (after hit on light AT-mine or after ptabing).
The main power of this ability are at-cons, they are very powerful, but...hunter is someone who chasing his prey, while in this don't have anything for chasing. All abilities are very static and it always meaning that you must wait your enemy to catch him in trap. It's very close to brits sim-city, OKW and OST defense doctrines, in terms of gameplay. More proper to call it "Advanced anti-tank defense". But while other doctrine gives you not only AT defense, but AI also, in this doctrine you have all abilities works only against armor.
It will not cause a balance issue as mark target and il2 co exist in isu guard commander.
I think to make this commander replace tank camo with recon and ml20 with b4.
I don't know about you guys but soviets have limited commanders with recon. Not even airborne commander has recon.
What are you talking about? And you've been calling me stupid the entire time, so what's your point???
Well, I was thinking that you may be done with your fantasy world where I, for some nefarious reason, am making up many lies about one of the best Soviet commanders, and you are here to save the ignorant masses from my evil machinations. I was clearly mistaken.
One of your favorites is how lied about the timing. In parts of your fantasy, you said that I came up with such a crazy amount of time that even I admitted I lied. Here's what I said about PTAB timing.
The PTAB will kill a few models but doesn't normally wipe squads or anything. I can post a replay of that if you want to see it but its over an hour. I tried it a bunch of different ways to see if there was some way that it wasn't pathetic, but after trying all different sorts of targeting, couldn't find a way that it wasn't pathetic. I tested it on Minsk pocket and was getting about 9 seconds from smoke to impact if the bombing runs went along the long axis of the map.
You could've watched it or ran the test yourself and saw that I wasn't lying about the timing. Instead, you invented your fantasy world. Are you going to call yourself lazy for not checking?
For everybody else, here is a video where you can see the delay. The only thing that I would agree with Sky about is that it does work better against Panthers and Ele's (which I didn't check originally). My testing was originally against PIV's, where Sky later admitted that it doesn't work well.
IMO, the timing on this is slow for something that is intended for anti-armor. I'd rather have the rocket strafe or the anti-tank overwatch, both of which are good as is.
I'd like something like this for a revised commander:
2cp - PTRS Cons (give them tank traps and maybe tellers in addition to ATG's, take away armor detection and give back molo's)
2cp - Camouflage (needs a little rework)
8cp - B4 (bait - something to dive at (shamelessly borrowed from Wingzero and others))
9cp - Command T-34/85 (set limit to 2, give mark target and same recon as UKF command, maybe reload aura, standard stats but slight increase in cost, becomes standard T34/85 if abandoned)
9cp - anti-tank overwatch or maybe IL2 rocket strafe
This probably wouldn't displace any of the heavy tank meta commanders but would be a solid commander that you could use in any game mode.
You could've watched it or ran the test yourself and saw that I wasn't lying about the timing. Instead, you invented your fantasy world. Are you going to call yourself lazy for not checking?
My favorite part of that video was where you specifically called it in at the longest possible angle for the plane to fly
It's slower than the IL2 precision strike I believe, but saying it's always 9 seconds is absolute nonsense. Like every bombing run in the game, it depends on position of the target and your angle...
Yup. Frag bomb did slightly more damage but only cause it's way more concentrated. You can see PTAB covers a WAY larger area, which is why it's easier to hit with in actual in-game scenarios where tanks move
It's also why it's much better against KTs, Jagdtiger, elefant, than regular tiger. More surface area to hit
You literally complain about me calling you a liar while you lie about what I've said. It's honestly entertaining at this point, so go ahead and continue if you want
The "sky later admitted" part is just a treat. You care more about fighting me than just discussing the game.
You're literally going to more effort to insult me than you do to look up correct stats for your argument. Incredible
KoRneY: @aerafield It's possible that it is underpriced for what it is capable of now, no need to go full retard and take it immediately as a massive problem. It costs 60 more MP than a pz.3 and in 2v2 the barrage can be quite strong. Yesterday, 19:14 PM
OKSpitfire: I do like that they made the Stuka more expensive instead of nerfing it into the ground though. Found it pretty unsatisfying to use before that buff a while back.... Last Thursday, 16:35 PM
aerafield: USF already is by far the shittiest faction in terms of countering blobbing and turtling, now they supposedly have one overtuned tool locked behind a BG and it's immediately a massive problem? Last Thursday, 13:33 PM
Lady Xenarra: I think post-2.0 Whizbang buffs, the price is too low esp since the Stuka got nerfed in cost too. Speaking of which, how exactly is one supposed to successfully dive this Sherman in disguise? Med tank spam running into SSFs? Last Thursday, 12:13 PM
OKSpitfire: A powerful, doctrinal unit that outperforms stock stuff? Colour me shocked! Last Thursday, 10:49 AM
Willy Pete: Cool you wanna lose your stock lategame arty too then? Last Thursday, 03:20 AM
Lady Xenarra: WTB Whizzbang for DAK instead of Stuka, 5 fuel cheape, 60MP more expensive and next to impossible to dive. Last Wednesday, 20:27 PM
Rosbone: It is also hard to expect Relic to help Coh2 when they cant even make working menus in Coh3 yet, 2 years after release and at full price+ for DLCs. Thats like asking a fish to do calculus. Last Tuesday, 02:58 AM
Rosbone: But this last patch has made good progress for grabbing players. All we can hope is Coh3 gets to Coh2s quality level before everyone abandons the franchise. Its Relic so they will completely f*%k it up as usual. But its a hope/cope. Last Tuesday, 02:55 AM
Rosbone: Relic wants Coh2 to fail so players will migrate to Coh3. It is hard to blame them since Coh3 sucks so bad. It needs all the help it can get. Last Tuesday, 02:53 AM
Soheil: Coh2 is dead , full of map hackers , and lelic knows that but ... Last Tuesday, 01:26 AM
aerafield: Oh how I missed the weird spam bots, welcome back Last Monday, 13:05 PM
situsgbo777: Platform game online terpercaya dengan berbagai pilihan permainan seru dan peluang menang besar. Nikmati pengalaman bermain terbaik hanya di GBO777 Last Monday, 06:48 AM
OKSpitfire: @aerafield that does sound familiar Last Sunday, 09:06 AM
Lady Xenarra: Ah, the gren faust-replacing-rifles bug/exploit. 01 Mar 2025, 18:24 PM
aerafield: CoH3 high elo is truly the dumbest CoH experience that ever existed 01 Mar 2025, 17:25 PM
aerafield: @OKSpitfire tbh I find it quite challenging to get the Pershing in time, having to suffer through the CoH3 tickrate and this endless bullshit meta of massive blobs going back and forth to the forward heal truck 01 Mar 2025, 17:24 PM
OKSpitfire: Well... going to be seeing the Pershing a lot for a little while, that thing is a monster. 01 Mar 2025, 11:44 AM
NigelBallsworth: axis stuff is getting more meme by the second 28 Feb 2025, 23:32 PM
aerafield: Cloaked instapin MGs at 0cp. I wanna see no more crying about the Dingo while that shit is in the game 28 Feb 2025, 20:38 PM
Willy Pete: And only on annihilation, and I have to let the AI live long enough... 28 Feb 2025, 02:04 AM
Willy Pete: Pershing is absurd, but ive still only gotten to use it against AI 28 Feb 2025, 02:03 AM
Lady Xenarra: WTB Pershing for Axis, that is all 27 Feb 2025, 13:32 PM
donofsandiego: Return of the chatGPT writing prompt. Lets see how shinasukac responds to these questions utilizing the Socratic Method. Maybe he will give us an interesting look into his opinions 27 Feb 2025, 02:34 AM
Willy Pete: I havent even seen a pershing yet. Coh3 games still move too fast for it lol 27 Feb 2025, 00:30 AM
shinasukac: kingtiger=kingjoker 26 Feb 2025, 16:27 PM
Lady Xenarra: Has anyone actually used the KT much? My experience is that the match is usually over long before I get the CPs for it 26 Feb 2025, 14:35 PM
Rosbone: Can someone message me the day you can look at Coh3 and not face palm yourself in disbelief that actual humans worked on it? Much appreciated. 26 Feb 2025, 06:40 AM
Rosbone: The only way to feel good about Coh3 is to never look at Coh3. Once you see it, you cant unsee it. 26 Feb 2025, 06:37 AM
Rosbone: Observer mode sucks, player stats pages are scatter brained mess, etc etc etc 26 Feb 2025, 06:35 AM
Rosbone: It is really hard to tell people to buy the DLC with feeling like they are throwing their money down the toilet for a nearly dead game. But Big Tonks!!! Oh well, not my problem. 25 Feb 2025, 18:12 PM
Rosbone: No 4v4 maps, busted menus 2 years after release, still have not fixed janky sounds people have complained about for over 2 years, etc etc. 25 Feb 2025, 18:10 PM
Rosbone: And the skirmish menus are still at a BETA level. Just the largest game play mode completely ignored... again. 25 Feb 2025, 18:09 PM
Willy Pete: Oh wtf. Yeah the crossing remake was in the 2v2 demo. No more 3s and 4s is a bummer tho 25 Feb 2025, 16:42 PM
aerafield: What? No, he means that all the new maps are for 1v1. Though Im pretty sure they will be playable in 2v2 as well 25 Feb 2025, 15:50 PM
Willy Pete: Are the maps really locked behind dlc? Surely they must be in the regular update 25 Feb 2025, 15:22 PM
Rosbone: I would like to join in celebration with the 9% of Coh3 MP players who are getting ALL of the new maps. Woohoo! #3Tards 21 Feb 2025, 19:22 PM
OKSpitfire: I hope that at least one of heavies is a like-for-like reskin of the coh 2 ISU-152. I miss that thing. 21 Feb 2025, 10:23 AM
Rosbone: Buy our cool new large tanks that will never get played on the 4 new 1v1 maps added. Perfect synergy! 20 Feb 2025, 19:23 PM
Rosbone: Everyone ready for some deep penetration 20 Feb 2025, 17:13 PM
Lady Xenarra: I'm sure the ppl who defended it as balanced for Allies will be screaming like they got scaled with boiling water, in COH3. How the tables turn. 20 Feb 2025, 11:33 AM
Willy Pete: I think it was nuts with any engine damage. Especially on superheavies 20 Feb 2025, 07:03 AM
aerafield: Personally I think without the ram ability, it's worse than loiters for example 20 Feb 2025, 00:09 AM
Willy Pete: It combined well with most slowing abilities, not just ram stuns 19 Feb 2025, 23:36 PM
Willy Pete: Only??? I think not being able to shoot it down and the ramp up effect also had something to do with it 19 Feb 2025, 23:34 PM
aerafield: AT overwatch was broken only because it came with the faction of T34 ramming 19 Feb 2025, 22:29 PM
Willy Pete: Love to see Relic really learning from their past mistakes. Let's bring back the dumbest ability in coh2, and charge money for it 19 Feb 2025, 20:34 PM
Willy Pete: New DAK commander will have AT overwatch as alternate choice to elefant 19 Feb 2025, 20:33 PM
aaa: Funy thing new players dont know that. And are trying to compete vs hacks 19 Feb 2025, 10:33 AM
aaa: Online gaming is trash in general, not just coh. On high level there are all cheats in most games 19 Feb 2025, 10:24 AM
aaa: 2 cheaters in 3 days. MH and DH 19 Feb 2025, 09:57 AM
aerafield: I am a simple man, I build Humvees with Pathfinders and Missile Launchers inside, I am happy 18 Feb 2025, 20:57 PM
Lady Xenarra: aerafield lamevee spammer confirmed 18 Feb 2025, 20:42 PM
adamírcz: Might be onto somethin here, combine side armour existing, maps where flanking is a viable option, and hopefully also heavies actually being less manouverable than mediums (lookin at you coh2), and it might be fun gameplay 17 Feb 2025, 13:39 PM
Willy Pete: Shouldn't coh3 heavies actually have insane front armor values? The glory days of 400+ Kt armor wouldn't be as bad when side armor is a thing. Not to say its a good idea lol 14 Feb 2025, 23:14 PM