
russian armor

Wow the RAGE was worst I have seen in this guy.

by The Shape 1st July 2014, 11:37 AM
Crossing in the Woods (4)
Crossing in the Woods
  • [00:13:13] Udo: lol you fucking noob bitch
  • [00:13:17] Udo: abuse the new army my therufukcer
  • [00:13:21] The Shape": yea okw is biotches
  • [00:13:26] Udo: fuck you
  • [00:13:28] Udo: die in your sleep
  • [00:13:46] The Shape": this is how i just some pro guy win
  • [00:14:00] Udo: fuck you
  • [00:14:03] Udo: die when you sleep
  • [00:14:04] The Shape": thanks
  • [00:14:12] Udo: fuck you
  • [00:14:15] Udo: die when you sleep
  • [00:14:59] Udo: i really fucking hope...whejn you sdleep tonight...your fucking bastard son of a bitch heart stops...you r a fat fucking nerd anyway
  • [00:15:09] The Shape": why u mad bro
  • [00:15:15] Udo: because i want you to die
  • [00:15:16] The Shape": i lost like 5 gmes like this against okw
  • [00:15:22] Udo: die
  • [00:15:25] Udo: bastard
  • [00:15:31] The Shape": lol u funny
  • [00:15:37] Udo: FUCKING DIE AND BURN \
  • [00:15:44] The Shape": aww u nice
  • [00:15:54] Udo: fat fucking nerd
  • [00:16:20] Udo: lol ylook how you group
  • [00:16:25] Udo: fucking bad son of a bitch
  • [00:16:49] Udo: you're a fat fucking nerd
  • [00:16:53] Udo: you have 0 fucking friends
  • [00:16:55] Udo: you get no pussy
  • [00:16:58] Udo: lol
  • [00:17:04] The Shape": no i get pussy
  • [00:17:06] Udo: how does it feel to fucking waste your summer fat boy?
  • [00:17:20] Udo: good job winning computer games fat fucking nerd
  • [00:17:30] Udo: get a fucking haircut and your fucing breathe smelss
  • [00:17:35] The Shape": dude i lost like so many games today with zero rage like u
  • [00:17:38] Udo: lol i remmeber fat pounk bastard like you
  • [00:17:57] Udo: used to get fucking their asses kicked through the cafe
  • [00:18:28] The Shape": im not even good at this game
  • [00:18:33] Udo: die
  • [00:18:34] Udo: IN
  • [00:18:36] Udo: YOUYR
  • [00:18:37] Udo: FUCKING
  • [00:18:38] Udo: SLEEP
  • [00:18:44] Udo: HAVE A NIGHTMARE SO SEVERE
  • [00:18:51] Udo: AND YOUR BREATHING
  • [00:19:05] Udo: BURN
  • [00:19:29] Udo: FUFCKCING WASTE OF FLEHS
  • [00:19:41] Udo: FAT BITCH
  • [00:19:47] The Shape": ouch
  • [00:19:59] Udo: The Shape with a TM LOLOLOLHAHAHAHAHAHA
  • [00:20:02] Udo: FUCKING FAT NERDS
Honor it
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Duration: 00:20:33
1 Jul 2014, 11:37 AM
avatar of The Shape

Posts: 475

I took this strat and it's UBER OP in my eyes. Barely had to try and I was on a 4-5 losing streak with US so I decided to try this OKW strat. It's trolling and disgusting but that's not my fault. It's ridiculous at the same time.

However....the HATE, personal insults this guy throws at me are hilarious. MUST see for that alone.
1 Jul 2014, 12:20 PM
avatar of CptEend
Patrion 14

Posts: 369

Lol, that rage was just ridicilous. That strat isn't that OP at all though. He just played horribly. He had two AT guns and your AA truck was pretty exposed, he could have destroyed it. He could have gotten tanks. He could have gotten Shock Troops from the doctrine he chose (at the end he was floating 1400MP).
1 Jul 2014, 12:23 PM
avatar of Gneckes

Posts: 196

So, conscript spam isn't the way to go against OKW?! I'm shocked.
Meanwhile, the entirety of your AT weaponry was.. a single Panzerschreck!
So yeah, it seems that guy was just bad. And probably in need of some counselling.
1 Jul 2014, 12:29 PM
avatar of The Shape

Posts: 475

I'll say. That dude has serious mental problems. First time I was even trying that strat as well. I wasn't confident either. I was also thinking why was he making at guns...I only had 1 flak on the field and it died. I don't know what was going on in his head really.

He was floating MP because he was typing non stop...LOL

Like dude...just play...quit raging out bro.

Also, I'm far from a fat nerd. I'm 135 on a good day and fairly ripped. LOL
1 Jul 2014, 12:45 PM
avatar of NorthWestFresh

Posts: 317

I'll say. That dude has serious mental problems. First time I was even trying that strat as well. I wasn't confident either. I was also thinking why was he making at guns...I only had 1 flak on the field and it died. I don't know what was going on in his head really.

He was floating MP because he was typing non stop...LOL

Like dude...just play...quit raging out bro.

Also, I'm far from a fat nerd. I'm 135 on a good day and fairly ripped. LOL

Seriously dude grow up and get some class, your topic is just pathetic and disgusting.

So someone got upset in the game and said some stuff he shouldnt have in a bout of serious frustration and anxiety. If your a gamer and you play strategy games(the most difficult and stressful game type) this has no doubt happened to most of you and more likely more then a few times. Granted what he was saying was inappropriate, immature, and he completely made an ass out of himself.

But you know what? Your even more pathetic and making an even bigger ass out of yourself then this guy. Are you truly so deprived you have to make a public announcement about a guy making a fool of himself when the chips are down for him? Do you also like to hit girls, abuse children, hurt animals??

Seriously I feel sorry for the guy this game is very challenging and very frustrating and it can easily become overwhelming when your trying so hard to improve and people just shut down your efforts with this troll lame strat or that one over and over agian and finally you crack and have a rage moment. You think this guy feels good about himself after his slip? I highly doubt it and then now you have to go out of your way to humiliate him even more in the Forums.

You should be helping your fellow gamers out or at the very least have a little compassion when this sort of thing happens and keep it too yourself, where is the moderation on these boards? Crap like this should be deleted and you sir are a real grade Loser.
1 Jul 2014, 13:01 PM
avatar of SuperKeitel

Posts: 158

Seriously dude grow up and get some class, your topic is just pathetic and disgusting.

So someone got upset in the game and said some stuff he shouldnt have in a bout of serious frustration and anxiety. If your a gamer and you play strategy games(the most difficult and stressful game type) this has no doubt happened to most of you and more likely more then a few times. Granted what he was saying was inappropriate, immature, and he completely made an ass out of himself.

But you know what? Your even more pathetic and making an even bigger ass out of yourself then this guy. Are you truly so deprived you have to make a public announcement about a guy making a fool of himself when the chips are down for him? Do you also like to hit girls, abuse children, hurt animals??

Seriously I feel sorry for the guy this game is very challenging and very frustrating and it can easily become overwhelming when your trying so hard to improve and people just shut down your efforts with this troll lame strat or that one over and over agian and finally you crack and have a rage moment. You think this guy feels good about himself after his slip? I highly doubt it and then now you have to go out of your way to humiliate him even more in the Forums.

You should be helping your fellow gamers out or at the very least have a little compassion when this sort of thing happens and keep it too yourself, where is the moderation on these boards? Crap like this should be deleted and you sir are a real grade Loser.

Totally agree with you. You are right in every statement, and this kind of guys are the ones who gave you lessons about politeness. As in the Tontons Flingueurs : " idiots dare everything, that's how you recognize them "
1 Jul 2014, 13:09 PM
avatar of Player

Posts: 22

Hahaha, can't be coincidence, i just uploaded a replay before i saw this topic! http://www.coh2.org/replay/19529/one-of-the-better-games-with-worst-raging-kid-ever
1 Jul 2014, 13:10 PM
avatar of Bulgakov

Posts: 987

NorthWestFresh +1!

Yeah I gotta say, this seems more like a name-and-shame pride post "I BEAT A TROLL", rather than "hey community, this game could be interesting for you to see" Why would we want to see this? Why share it?

"It's trolling and disgusting but that's not my fault"

If you abuse something then it's ABSOLUTELY your decision and thus YOUR fault. Nobody made you choose a disgusting strat. If you think it's disgusting, don't do it.

And if you do something that you think is disgusting, DO NOT be shocked when someone is disgusted by you.
1 Jul 2014, 13:13 PM
avatar of CptEend
Patrion 14

Posts: 369

Do you also like to hit girls, abuse children, hurt animals??

1 Jul 2014, 13:16 PM
avatar of CptEend
Patrion 14

Posts: 369

Seriously I feel sorry for the guy


It's a bit sad that idiots like Udo are becoming so common that people are starting to think it's normal to act like that. I can get why people get pissed. I get pissed too over this game sometimes. But he went WAY over the line.
1 Jul 2014, 13:21 PM
avatar of Player

Posts: 22

NorthWestFresh are you serious or being a troll? I'm not good at this game, and the reason i play videogames is because i enjoy it and want to relax.

If someone tells me to die a hundred times and brings up diseases that remind me of sad moments of my life, i'm not really relaxing. Therefore im not feeling sorry for this guy. Also, you're saying that if you're a gamer, this happens to most of you. That's just not true. This behaviour has to stop.

And you're calling someone a loser on a forum aswell, so stop it.
1 Jul 2014, 22:02 PM
avatar of Ginnungagap

Posts: 324 | Subs: 2

Strat is neither uber nor abusive, opponent was apparently new and played bad.

Defending Udos behavior in any form is unacceptable in my eyes. There are no excuses.
1 Jul 2014, 22:28 PM
avatar of The Shape

Posts: 475

Wow...can people really be supporting this type of behavior and reversing it back onto me. REALLY!!! Raging out on a game is not a "grown up" thing to do. If you think this is OK behavior...then you must have problems you are dealing with. I don't get mad at all.

It's a game. I get more upset when I have to deal with people like UDO honestly. Like who dafuq is this guy threating me?

I'm not even gloating about the win... it wasn't even a gg and I even told him I'm new and not good at OKW. Didn't matter to him.
1 Jul 2014, 23:35 PM
avatar of NorthWestFresh

Posts: 317

It should be pretty obvious that I am not defending the bad behavior in game of the disturbed individual, I choose to simply point out the equally nasty behaviour of the OP attempting to further humiliate someone by waving their dirty laundry for all to see, there is no reason for that and it is equally pathetic further more crap like this should be removed from the forums. Trust me that person does not feel good about themselves and might have serious problems, does that make it okay to try and put them even lower. People get shot over this kind of stuff these days in school yards think about it people. And if someone acts like this in game ignore continue on to your victory and move on there is no need to fuel the mean and nasty cycle that runs rampant on the internet any further right?
2 Jul 2014, 00:00 AM
avatar of SturmTigerArnab

Posts: 89

WOW Nwf are u upset bro?MVGAME
2 Jul 2014, 02:17 AM
avatar of BleuDivision

Posts: 53

Holy Rage! Its normal to get mad, but that was just crazy.
2 Jul 2014, 03:57 AM
avatar of The Shape

Posts: 475

NWF...I sort of get what you are saying. But listen. I just got over losing CRAZY sad games....like no matter what...never said a word. The game ends...and I just laugh...45, to 48 min losses. Heck, I quit in 7 min as US because of a mis-click. I just can't give a crap. I am not in the position to care about someone like UDO who obviously has a train of thought to plan out what he's going to say...while playing a game. He didn't just say...good game fag...or call me 1 name. He made it his mission to threaten me over and over. So do I think he needs to be known...of course. I don't feel bad about it at all and it won't affect his life at all. It's not like he's a top 100 player or anything. He's way down there. Anyone can look up someone's rank so it's no big secret who plays a lot or is simply a better player. If you suck and you rage out like this...really...why even play? Obviously it's not fun to you...right? I have my good and bad days but I am realistic about my abilities. I've been called noob, this, and that...and I'm a no body. I can only imagine what the top 100 guys go thru who play noobs by accident.
2 Jul 2014, 06:37 AM
avatar of StephennJF

Posts: 934

Yeah, its sad when this happens. I can not be bothered with people once their mind is at that point where rage deludes everything they see. They will never learn like that. Just sit back and watch them make a fool of themselves.

Keep calm and persistant is the best way to learn, not just the game in CoH2 but everything in life. If he can not recognize that he will never improve and overcome what he believes to be the OP factions/stratergies. I am an incredibly slow learner but I know I always end up coming up with solutions because I am calm, persistant and patient.

The thing is you can't even give the above advice to people like Udo, because the majority of the time it will just lead to more abuse. It is a lost cause.

The Shape did nothing wrong and did not even add fuel to the fire. I personally have no problem in naming and shaming this sort of behaviour. The severity of abuse is rare, however I do not think it is easily excused. Personally, I screenshot abusive chat logs like this and if I encounter them multiple times receive the same level abuse I'll just report them with all the evidence at once to Relic. People deserve the chance because I think everyone occasionally flicks on the rage switch. However, if I see it multiple times I do not believe they will improve their behaviour until some authority is involved.
2 Jul 2014, 06:42 AM
avatar of Player

Posts: 22

Although it probably will never happen, i'd like to see these abusive players given a warning or temporary ban for a few days or so. Will probably help!
2 Jul 2014, 07:09 AM
avatar of The Shape

Posts: 475

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