Very Nice update! As a vCOH player, I can really Appreciate it!
I follow this page & game from March.
But I started playing the game much later (July/August) because of work on the university.
In one week I've been playing and playing and much of us

, because this is really my game
But while playing, I have been dealing with a problem that many other players seem to have.
Sometimes when a game/match has ended (multiplayer/automatch). The total game shutsdown and gives me a bugsplash report. Afterwards is see that steam let me download the same patch of 13.2MB again.
It happens around 2/3 hours of playing. But on the internet other players seem to have it quicker or differs.
If you type in google "COH2 bugsplash" or "COH2 Patch 13.2 mb", You will see that there are many players with the same problem and no solution.
Some players even want there money back or never want to play the game again, which is a shame, cus although I'm having the same problem.. i just love the game to much and it occurs not so frequently.
But what to do about it, and will this patch also fix it?
-->Relic/other players with same problem?
greetz, love to all the COH community ;-)