Special thanks to all our judges (Janne252, MonolithicBacon, CookiezNcreem, Kryptic, |GB| The Hooligan486) for donating their time for free.
I also want to give a shout out to the mappers that all participated. The reaction was much more than I could have ever hoped for and more than 30 maps were submitted. Each contribution was fantastic and we enjoyed judging each and every one of those.
Without further ado, here are the winners and runners-up for each visual category.
Rural Visual Category
1st - Westwall
2nd - Bryansk Forest
3rd - Halbe
Industrial Visual Category
1st - Bombarded Refinery
2nd - Rustungswerke Essen
3rd - Normandy
Urban Visual Category
1st - Caen
2nd - Market Ruins
3rd - Surzah