That one was flawed and this version improved upon it. I have learned about both and more in my minor Psychology 
Ah ok, I see, I'm not too familiair with the Myer-Brigs one, so I'll take your word for it

I agree that the Nolan system might have SOME merit in a narrow corporate setting, but it's extremely archetypical imo, and does not really hold up outside of it, hence I don't think it is of much use here.
I'm a bit rusty in this department, but (if you are interested, or maybe already familiar with) you should look up the Big Five, which is based on imperical evidence (though also subject to critique).
Though it's been argued that it only holds up within the boundries of relatively easily recognizeable personality traits.
Correct me if I'm wrong though.
I came across this stuff at some point during philosophy class, which has been quite a while ago.
What's your major if I may ask?