The votes are in and the ballot tallied
First we took nominations. Then the Operation Charlie Fox All-Star Ballot ran for a few weeks. The votes poured in, and we tallied them up. We are now proud to present your 2015 Operation Charlie Fox All-Stars!

War Penguins

Team Carotene


Operation Charlie Fox All-Star 4v4 Showmatch Broadcast
This is the first time we've ever done a big 4v4, Best-of-3 Showmatch. It will take place on MonolithicBacon's custom map, Hill 400. We'll pile the players into COH2.ORG Mumble, sequester the teams into separate VOIP channels, and kick off Operation Charlie Fox with a cacophonous extravaganza. Mark your calendars, you are guaranteed to witness explosions, mayhem, trickery, agony, and ecstasy.
Saturday, September 19th, 2015 at 15:00h GMT
That's 08:00h PDT in Vancouver, 16:00h BST in London, 17:00h CEST in Berlin, & 18:00h MSK in Moscow
The Opening Ceremony will be broadcasted live on:
SundayNightFights channel on Twitch
Additional player perspective by Jesulin
and luvnest
and HelpingHans
That's 08:00h PDT in Vancouver, 16:00h BST in London, 17:00h CEST in Berlin, & 18:00h MSK in Moscow
The Opening Ceremony will be broadcasted live on:
SundayNightFights channel on Twitch
Additional player perspective by Jesulin
and luvnest
and HelpingHans
Operation Charlie Fox Open Qualification Tournament Broadcasts
Sunday is Tourney Day, and we've got you covered. Fans of the game will have a plethora of options to witness the competition. You could go in-game and follow your favorite players in ObsMode, or you could kick back and let our capable shoutcast team guide you through the brackets. Various casters will be following top seeds and fan favorites as they fight their way to one of eight cherished qualification spots.
Sunday, September 20th, 2015 at 15:00h GMT
Following BartonPL: FestiveLongJohns & IcemanJoker
Following DevM: A_E & Aimstrong
Following Paul.a.D: MrSotkoGaming
Following GeneralGiap: Romeo
Following VindicareX: Computerheat
Following various (German Language cast!): Fanatic
Following Siberian: FichtenMoped & VonKluge
Following HelpingHans: Rogers & Pounder
Starting later in the evening and following Cruzzi: Ami & Luvnest
Casting for Australian time-zone on Monday and Following VonIvan: Tightrope
Following DevM: A_E & Aimstrong
Following Paul.a.D: MrSotkoGaming
Following GeneralGiap: Romeo
Following VindicareX: Computerheat
Following various (German Language cast!): Fanatic
Following Siberian: FichtenMoped & VonKluge
Following HelpingHans: Rogers & Pounder
Starting later in the evening and following Cruzzi: Ami & Luvnest
Casting for Australian time-zone on Monday and Following VonIvan: Tightrope
Brackets Poster, now with All-Stars

click for fullsize
Behind the Scenes
Captain VonIvan gazed out of his apartment window in Michigan, the Stars and Stripes draped round his shoulders, as he played for the nth time that wonderful British tune, which had celebrated his 1v1 victory, so vividly trumpeted in COH2.ORG Trending. "I don't think it was 'God save the Queen,' he mused, "but mebbe I can ask Siberian."
Captain VonIvan rang Siberian, himself also of Russian blood and a kindred spirit, in exile,in UK...
"Don't ask me, Von, about British anthems," roared George down the blower, "I only play 80s music and what's this about me being selected for a 4v4?"
Von smirked. "You mentor well, George, and I need a friend and a Winner."
"Have you tried Helping 'Where's my luck' Hans?" demanded George.
"Hey! No need for that tone", responded Von easily. He knew when George was on edge - he had often experienced the dry, cutting tones of his Russian soulmate, when George and Von frolicked in their 2v2s together. He could drive George to the edge and he knew it. It was kinda amusing.
"You're signed up then, George?" goaded Von gently.
"Of course", roared George, "But no dumbass tactics this time"
"Oh! I'm hurt, George, I really am" grinned Von, as he put down the phone and made his next call.
The ringtone rang somewhere on the British South coast. A languid figure, looking like a sleeker version of Rasputin, picked up the phone.
"What is it, Von?" demanded Helping Hans ungraciously.
"Hey, James, no need for that" purred Von, for he knew how to handle Hans, after their epic Floridian adventure together (Hans had been sick on the roller-coaster and Von had ministered unto him). "You sound upset, James."
"No" came the brusque reply, "It's just I don't like being told by my family, that my appearance is bringing down the rateable value of the neighborhood."
"Man up, Hansi - I've got a little job for you - a 4v4."
Hans' ears pricked up - success at last? He had partnered Barton, Pepsi, and No Lucky Strike in 2v2s, but with a signal lack of success. "I don't play with fools, you know that, Von" said Hans, continuing rapidly - "I've just got a sponsor and so I must choose my partners carefully."
"You mean like that little Irish guy from Tokyo?" chided Von.
A hurrumph emitted from the English side of conversation - "Tell me, who is the fourth member, Von?"
"Don't worry, James," smiled Von, "It's not Von Kluge," remembering how James had made a RQ from the last Hill 400. No change there, then! "It's going to be OMGPOP...." The phone went quiet, as James tried to decide if his hats were up to OMGPOP's uniform. "One last thing, James - what's that music on the trending background of my 1v1?"
"Oh Von! Don't ask me. I only play keyboard, at which I am pretty talented" came the proud response. "Von - 2 questions for you: have you got religion FFS? And what is the name of our team?"
"War Penguins, my friend" drawled the American. "Oh and James! - get your hair cut - and don't forget your kamikaze headband!"
The Englander's brow puckered -- 'is this a set-up?' he wondered...
In the heart of Central Europe, deep in the south of Germany, Hauptmann Luvnest adjusted his forage cap, a souvenir from his days in the Heer. He crunched another carrot, pensively. Las Vegas had cleaned him out and he needed to win the tourney, to pay for more equipment. The 4v4 was getting in his way, but Ach! Ami had asked, so who was a loyal friend to refuse? "Mind you! If I have to pronounce V and W again and again, I will not be pleased!" were Luvnest's last words to his Leader, before the imposing German captain rang Jesulin.
"Hey, Jesulin, man. I am selecting you for a 4v4 on COH2.ORG's opener," commanded the Hauptmann.
"But, you know that I dont do drunk streams, Señor," pleaded Jesulin.
"Nor do I in the afternoons. Be on time, Tennis can come later" came the Hauptmann's crisp reply, as Luvnest moved swiftly on, to ring his next officer, the redoubtable Finn.
"Cruzzi, is that you? I have a job."
"More free statistics, Luvnest? I am bored, trawling day after day through these Relic files" came the laconic response "So many errors do I find. Do you know, I was only looking through the British tanks when I found that...."
"Cut the cr@p" interjected the German impatiently. "It's a 4v4 and I have chosen you for the mission."
"But" stuttered Cruzz, "This is not my preferred option. Statistical analysis shows that when I play 4v4, my APM goes through the roof and it distorts my 1v1 gameplay to such an extent, that I have calculated my chances of winning my next 5 consecutive 1v1s, are diminished by a factor of 3."
"Don't worry. It's not a voyage to the moon. We're coming back. And I have selected a special operator to guard our backs" purred the German.
"Who could that be?" queried Cruzz, for he had recognised immediately that the top 3 AWA seeds were already present in his team, including himself of course.
"It's the cherry on the cake. The fairy on the X-mas tree. The King of the Star Crossed Castle himself. Ja! It's Promeo!" announced Luvnest proudly.
The cool Finn carefully replaced the receiver, the mouthpiece pointing South. He liked it better that way. Everything ticketyboo. The picture hanging on the wall seemed slightly out of alignment. 'It needs adjusting. Where is my slide-rule?' he pondered anxiously.
"Promeo! Is that you?" The efficient Hauptmann was gentle, but firm, as he rang the fourth member of the team.
"Yeah... I guess," slurped Promeo, as he put down his umpteenth coffee of the day.
"I've got an invite for you, pal," announced the Hauptmann, engagingly, but in a voice that brooked no dissent.
"Oh! Hold on now! I don't do Las Vegas" drawled Promeo, "Log cabins and the open air are my passion. I think you Germans call it 'Frische Luft'?"
Luvnest sighed deeply. "Another American practising German? Please don't. We're quite good at the language ourselves, you know. Anyhow, you have been selected for a 4v4."
"Wow! That's an honor," purred Promeo, "I might design myself another emote."
The German sucked his teeth. "It's not a cakewalk, you know. We've got 'Where is my luck' on the other side. Are you ready? I mean, ARK will be a fat lot of good in the middle of Hill 400 - and I intend to win. I intend to dunk Von's head in the baptismal font."
"No problems," grinned the man from Virginia, "I beat Jove once, when I blobbed him with the USF. But I was angry at the time. I'm a dab hand with the hotkeys too."
"I could care less" said the Hauptmann, abruptly. "It's all about teamwork, Promeo. Orders are orders, which will be obeyed" said the Hauptmann, through gritted teeth. "Make sure you cover my ass, or you will find a carrot where the sun does not shine"
"You're darn tootin'. But, we've got rights, you know, in the good ole US of A," beamed Promeo.
"No rights to lose, when you work under me. Klar? Oh! And wash your hair," snarled Luvnest.
"Must I?" came the languid response. "What's our team called, by the way?" inquired Promeo.
"Team Carotene is what we are.What else did you think? I'm not into Shakespeare!" muttered the Hauptmann, impatiently.
"I guess that figures," sighed Promeo."And will there be any loud gunshot noises? I'm kinda not good with firearms...."
But the phone had gone dead...
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
So the battle of the titans - with Promeo - commences.
Who will win the bouffant hairdo of the year?
Can HelpingHans break his duck on Hill 400?
Will Siberian be provoked beyond endurance?
Can OMGPOP hand Jesulin an unwelcome 4v4 lesson?
Will VonIvan overcome Luvnest?
Will Cruzz's predictions for the outcome get shot down in flames?
Will the Penguins eat the Carrots, or will they choke on them?
Will Promeo save the day?
...and what was the name of that Brit tune?