Operation Charlie Fox registration period begins
To sign up, please follow these steps:
- If you don't already have one, register an account on COH2.ORG with a valid email
- Read the full Operation Charlie Fox Official Tournament Rules
- Make a post in the Operation Charlie Fox sign-ups thread
The registration period ends on Friday, September 18th, at midnight GMT.
Seeking Referees - COH2.ORG needs your help
The Operation Charlie Fox Qualification Tournament is right around the corner and once again COH2.ORG needs you! An event of this size takes quite a bit of manpower to organize, and our volunteer Referees are the heroes that make it happen. Interested? Please send an application to our Tournament Director, Romeo, and let him know you want to become a Referee. No experience is necessary, but please make sure that you can be available on Sunday, September 20th, at 13:00h GMT (start of check-in period). If you plan to play in #OCF, this is not for you.
Referees have the following duties:
- Idle in COH2.ORG Steam Group chat and answer questions
- Accept player check-in's so the brackets can be filled
- Monitor the match threads
- Update the brackets on challonge
- Help resolve disputes
And it's that simple! Send in your application now! Your service will be greatly appreciated.
Contributors Give-away Package #3 raffle on Wednesday, September 9th
The Operation Charlie Fox Total Prize Pool just hit $4,000.00 USD! To celebrate, we will immediately conduct our latest stretch goal unlock -- Give-away package #3. Cool Company of Heroes 2 keys, generously provided by Relic Entertainment and SEGA, will be raffled off to eligible #OCF Contributors on Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 at 19:00h GMT (21:00h CEST). Tune in to SundayNightFights channel on Twitch.tv for the live raffle, conducted by AmiPolizeiFunk and special guest, OCF #2 seed, Luvnest. You don't have to be present to win, you just have to be an #OCF Contributor.
Give-away Package #3 includes:
- 10x Company of Heroes 2: The British Forces
- 3x Company of Heroes 2: Ardennes Assault
- 3x Company of Heroes 2: The Western Front Armies
- 1x Company of Heroes 2: Digital Collector's Edition Upgrade
- 1x German Oldskool Commander Pack (Ostruppen, Joint Operations, Spearhead, & Storm)
How many sign-ups do you think we will get? Which prize would you like to win?